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DarkGamer DarkGamer

A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

Posts 164
Comments 2.2K
Biden gives Ukraine permission to carry out limited strikes within Russia using US weapons
  • Today they have something like 7 minutes to decide whether to launch a retaliatory strike if missiles are en route if recall correctly, 12 hours seems like a luxury.

  • Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon?
  • Yes, and there's precedent that he can still run even if he's imprisoned.

    Debs ran for president in the 1920 election while imprisoned in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary.

  • The bizarre link between rising sea levels and complications in pregnancy
  • Interesting read.

    Even without the saltwater problem, drinking from the end of the Ganges sounds pretty bad considering how polluted that river is.

    I have a hard time understanding the mentality of people having kids while complaining, there's not enough fresh water.

    I suppose it's good that most of the local water supply here in ca comes from mountain snowpack melts.

  • Should I permanently leave Israel?
  • That's entirely subjective and up to you, however, I feel like I should point out we're dealing with our own erosion of democracy issues in the United States as well.

  • When America was ‘great,’ according to data - Age, more than anything, determines when you think the nation peaked.
  • Well now it all makes sense, they think making America great is reverting to the mentality of children.

  • Instead Of Banning Books, Idaho Library Decides To Ban Kids In Response To New Law On ‘Inappropriate Books’
  • I guess they'll just have to do research on the internet now, good thing there's no pornography on the internet

  • Google criticized as AI Overview makes obvious errors, such as saying former President Obama is Muslim
  • Garbage in, garbage out. These agents clearly need to be trained on credible, quality information and not social media shitposts by morons.

  • Gaming PCs and components look set to jump in price in the US as import tariff exclusions come to an end
  • The ccp stranglehold on electronics? Yeah I'm glad they're ruining that. At the end of the day, we might have a viable semiconductor business in the United States or in an allied country, which will leave us far better off.

  • .ml user roots for the peace-loving Republican Party
  • Trump is undoubtedly bad for the US, like a brexit that only lasts 4 years, (hopefully.) He destroys our international credibility and will leave an indelible scar on our international relationships.

    However, this statement doesn't make sense:

    I like Trump, Biden's gonna support Israel and all sorts of other enemies to us and so fuck him, we like Trump.

    Trump will give Israel a blank check, and he'll probably want to push the missile launch buttons himself if given the opportunity. He even recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • Are you really suggesting that every asymmetrical war that is conducted successfully is genocide? O.o

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • Oct 7 literally is an act of genocide, see my post above. You're saying they don't have credibility because you don't understand what genocide is. This designation has nothing to do with body count.

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • Oh, I forgor, the United Nations is Hamas now.

    Oh no don't forgor. They're not Hamas but they do exhibit significant anti-Israel bias.

    Three countries were on said commission of inquiry:

    Navi Pillay (South Africa), serves as chair, Miloon Kothari (India) and Chris Sidoti (Australia) serve as members of the commission

    Many more opposed their methods and conclusions:

    June 2023, United States and Israel joined 25 countries in condemning the open-ended nature of the UN investigation and "the long-standing disproportionate attention given to Israel in the council."

    But that's the UN for you, lots of scrutiny and condemnation of Israel, not a peep when Jews are ethnically cleansed from neighboring countries.

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • Sorry to invade your echo chamber with dissent. It must pain you to be reminded that not everyone agrees with you, that must be so hard for you.

    an occupying nation like Israel can not claim self defense when attacked

    Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. A blockade is not an occupation.

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • If someone punches you to death, declaring they weren’t trying to kill you doesn’t make them any less guilty of murder.

    Actually, in the US it could. Intent is the difference between murder and manslaughter.

  • At least eight Israeli strikes on aid groups, says new report
  • That doesn't make sense. I regularly interact with people who disagree with me.

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • It's almost as if words mean things and have specific definitions, especially legal ones. Feel free to criticize such behaviors with different accurate words for things you don't like.

  • Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • If you're going to define your movement as anti-genocidal you should really have a firm grasp on what genocide is and who is committing it:

    Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:
    ... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    • (a) Killing members of the group;
    • (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    • (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    • (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    • (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Hamas, what Israel has been clear they intend to destroy, is not a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. However, Jews/Israel/Israelis, what Hamas has been clear they intend to destroy, are. Therefore, legally Oct 7 was an act of genocide, and Israel's war on Hamas is not. Such a designation has nothing to do with body count.

    I support Israel because I oppose the genocidal. Binding their hands and preventing them from retaliating in self-defense only serves to support genocidal Hamas by keeping them in power.

  • Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. No One Will Admit It

    All available evidence shows that Israel has followed the laws of war, legal obligations, best practices in civilian harm mitigation and still found a way to reduce civilian casualties.

    Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. No One Will Admit It
    25 Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. Religious Groups

    Three in 10 Americans, but 67% of Mormons, attend church regularly. Most religious groups show declines in attendance over the past two decades.

    Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. Religious Groups

    Gazan doing an unboxing and taste-test of American aid

    Had to buy it because his fellow Palestinians sold the free food to him, he talks shit about the taste and quality of standard MREs the whole time. This does not seem like a starving person, or even a hungry person.


    'Son of Hamas' Tackles University Antisemitism, Exposes Hamas 'Holy War' to Wipe Out Jews

    The son of a co-founder of Hamas is speaking out against the Palestinian terrorist group once again, this time to a pro-Israel, anti-disinformation group on the campus of the University of Michigan

    LeopardsAteMyFace DarkGamer

    Trump Media co-founders sue company, alleging a scheme to dilute shares

    Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss first met Trump as contestants on his reality show “The Apprentice.”


    Jon Stewart on Israel - Palestine | The Daily Show

    Jon Stewart weighs in on the war in Gaza and offers up a solution for ending the conflict.

    14 Billionaire Koch brothers-backed network stops Nikki Haley spending

    The decision by Americans for Prosperity Action is another setback for Ms Haley after another Trump victory.

    6 Opinion | As New York’s mayor, I watched Trump evade consequences for years — until now

    Judge Engoron just handed Trump 355 million reminders that he is not, in fact, above our great city's laws.

    Opinion | As New York’s mayor, I watched Trump evade consequences for years — until now

    Judge Engoron just handed Trump 355 million reminders that he is not, in fact, above our great city's laws.

    15 Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000

    Conventional wisdom would have us believe the journey to a long and healthy life begins with 10,000 steps.

    Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000
    Los Angeles DarkGamer These L.A. residents got $1,000 a month. What happened after the cash stopped?

    In 2022, 3,200 people received monthly payments through the city of Los Angeles' basic income program. Here is what's happened a year after the program ended.

    These L.A. residents got $1,000 a month. What happened after the cash stopped?
    Los Angeles DarkGamer I Ate 100 Iconic LA Sandwiches In 2023. Here’s What I Learned

    From tortas to tuna melts, all sandwiches tell a unique story as they celebrate Los Angeles' diverse tapestry of flavors with each bite.

    I Ate 100 Iconic LA Sandwiches In 2023. Here’s What I Learned

    Freed hostage Mia Schem: ‘I experienced hell. There are no innocent civilians in Gaza’

    French-Israeli says she was instructed on what to say in videos; was held by a family that played mind games, withheld food, taunted her; man who operated on her arm told her ‘You’re not going home alive’


    An analysis of civilian casualties in Gaza by Dean of Perdue, Martin Pritikin

    In which he shows that civilian casualties are actually quite low when put in context compared to other conflicts, and Israel is being held to a different standard than other nations.


    Many decry the number of casualties, particularly women and children, reported by the Hamas-run Gazan health ministry--over 20,000.

    Set aside the unreliability of figures provided by Hamas--a terrorist organization that falsely accused Israel of killing 500 civilians with a rocket that was actually fired by Gazan militants. Even taken at face value, it is worth putting Hamas' figures in "context" (a favorite word of Israel's critics).

    1. It's been reported that 67% of Gazans killed have been women and children. But according to a 2022 UN report, in a typical war, 90% of casualties are civilians. Israel is actually causing fewer civilian deaths than in the typical conflict, notwithstanding the dense urban environment.

    2. Upwards of 5,500 Gazan casualties--nearly 1/3 the total--are reported to be children. What is not reported is how many of those "children" are boys 17 and under carrying automatic rifles, and thus legitimate enemy combatants. Plus, over 1/2 Gaza's population is under 18. So fewer minors are dying than one would expect if Israel were indiscriminately killing civilians.

    3. What civilians typically do to survive a war is...leave. In Ukraine, within a month of Russia's invasion, nearly 1/2 of the population had left their homes and 1/4 had left the country--some 14 million people. But neighboring Arab states have refused to accept Palestinian refugees. They claim if they do, Israel might make Gazans' displacement permanent--a curious concern, given that Israel voluntarily left Gaza in 2005 and even forcibly evicted 9,000 Jewish residents. One would think a theoretical risk of displacement is better than a real risk of dying. Since Gazans can't or won't flee, the civilian death toll necessarily climbs, and Israel--not Hamas--continues to be blamed.

    4. Responses to unprovoked attacks often cause more deaths than the attacks themselves. That doesn't make the response illegitimate. The 9/11 attacks killed 3,000 American civilians. In the Afghan war that followed, between 46,000 and 360,000 civilians died.

    The hatred of Israel is what's disproportionate, not Israel's response. No other nation would respond differently. Yet no other nation is as hated. Antisemitism, not body count, makes the difference.


    Originally posted here.


    Michigan Supreme Court rejects ‘insurrectionist ban’ case and keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot Michigan Supreme Court rejects ‘insurrectionist ban’ case and keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot | CNN Politics

    The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot based on the US Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban.”

    Michigan Supreme Court rejects ‘insurrectionist ban’ case and keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot | CNN Politics

    Congressional Testimony: Pro-Palestinian student groups funded by Hamas Congressional Testimony: Pro-Palestinian student groups funded by Hamas - Politics -

    Jonathan Schanzer informs the House Ways and means Committee about how Hamas funds student groups and charities in the United States.

    Congressional Testimony: Pro-Palestinian student groups funded by Hamas - Politics -

    Congressional Testimony: Pro-Palestinian student groups funded by Hamas

    Jonathan Schanzer informs the House Ways and means Committee about how Hamas funds student groups and charities in the United States.


    Biden responsible for American resurgence of unions: Biden’s NLRB Brings Workers’ Rights Back From the Dead Biden’s NLRB Brings Workers’ Rights Back From the Dead

    A decision last Friday makes union organizing possible again.

    Biden’s NLRB Brings Workers’ Rights Back From the Dead

    The National Labor Relations Board released its most important ruling in many decades. In a party-line decision in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC, the Board ruled that when a majority of a company’s employees file union affiliation cards, the employer can either voluntarily recognize their union or, if not, ask the Board to run a union recognition election. If, in the run-up to or during that election, the employer commits an unfair labor practice, such as illegally firing pro-union workers (which has become routine in nearly every such election over the past 40 years, as the penalties have been negligible), the Board will order the employer to recognize the union and enter forthwith into bargaining.

    The Cemex decision was preceded by another, one day earlier, in which the Board, also along party lines, set out rules for representation elections which required them to be held promptly after the Board had been asked to conduct them, curtailing employers’ ability to delay them, often indefinitely.

    Taken together, this one-two punch effectively makes union organizing possible again, after decades in which unpunished employer illegality was the most decisive factor in reducing the nation’s rate of private-sector unionization from roughly 35 percent to the bare 6 percent at which it stands today.


    Trump to install loyalists to reshape U.S. foreign policy on China, NATO and Ukraine

    Donald Trump in a second term would likely install loyalists in key positions in the Pentagon, State Department and CIA whose primary allegiance would be to him, allowing him more freedom than in his first presidency to enact isolationist policies and whims.


    The Biggest Hamas Tunnel Ever Exposed

    3 Atheists are nicer to Christians than Christians are to atheists

    Atheists behave 'impartially toward ingroup and outgroup partners,' while Christians demonstrate 'an ingroup bias'

    Atheists are nicer to Christians than Christians are to atheists

    Atheists behave 'impartially toward ingroup and outgroup partners,' while Christians demonstrate 'an ingroup bias'
