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DaGeek247 DaGeek247

DaGeek247 of

Posts 13
Comments 141
Pixie and Brutus
  • That about sums up my experience on mobile too.

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • Nah. Metric should have just been base twelve.

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • That's actually a fun read

  • Pull over
  • Have you, truly, ever stepped outside and seen a womens figure? Are they just horny bait to you?

    That sounds about right.

  • Pull over
  • Woah, hey, easy there. You're starting to take this personally. Dial it back a little.

    I genuinely cannot believe that people still care about this in the year 2024.

    Nobody cares that it's a horny image. This is the internet in 2024. The artist just managed to hit that sweet spot of genuine effort + not quite skilled enough = unintentionally hilarious. It's bad movie night, but for comics.

    We're all laughing at the stripper cop who the artist genuinely expected us to take seriously, not complaining that there's clutches pearls big titty cheetah cops!

    Imagine if some of the more "notorious" disney films came out today, people would lose their minds.

    You mean like zootopia?

  • Pull over
  • To me its clear there was no intention for this image to be sexual at all.

    You've missed the point; it doesn't matter if the author intended to draw a horny photo. I already agreed on that point in my above comment. The point is that the situation makes no sense for a horny image, but it still looks like one anyways.

    You can't really compare real life people's proportions to a cartoon of an anthropomorphic animal.

    I can when the animal has bigger tittys than most strippers do.

  • Pull over
  • wouldn't any clothes do that at 90 mph?

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe, but it still managed to not look right despite that. It feels more like a failure to communicate speed with the art rather than intending horny anyways. That's part of the problem though. The image looks horny first, and speedy second, or really even third.

  • Pull over
  • Nah, it's pretty obvious the cheetah is wearing skin tight clothes for asthetic reasons. It might have been habit rather than design, but the artist definitely chose to draw titty-shaped torso rather than cop-shaped torso.

    It's not even fucking close either. They drew more titty shape than literal fetish wear shows, much less an actual cop.

  • The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites
  • I've been using noscript for years.

    Yeah, it took me about that long to get my regular websites working right too. And then i had to reinstall for unrelated reasons and all that customisation was gone.

  • [help] What is the best way to screenshare a single window with audio?
  • I love the idea of that feature, but it is not at all reliable in my experience.

  • Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • Last I heard was that the steam deck wasn't getting a version 2 update until there was next gen hardware to match it. Gaben isn't a big fan of regular sub five percent hardware refreshes that other companies are happy with.

    Might be a name thing though. They did the OLED update, but it's not called the steam deck 2.

  • Anyone using OSMC
  • Your best bet is the nvidia sheild. Osmc does not do well with DRMed streaming services at all. I struggled to make youtube work on it.

  • 15 June 2024
  • Cyanise and happiness being weirdly positive today

  • Fully Virtualized Gaming Server?
  • Craft computing has been chasing this for several years now. His most recent attempt being the most successful one.

  • TorrentGalaxy Goes Offline With Mysterious Message to Users
  • They've changed their error message. Now they're just fucking with us.

  • I knew it!
  • That's an art choice. They wen from gritty DC realism to cute chibi art to emphasize the disparity between what they're pretending to be and what they're actually doing.

  • The surprisingly not so doomed effort to force US drivers to stop speeding
  • I usually go slightly faster or slower than most everyone else. It ensures i dont do my entire drive stuck in one of the packs that everyone seems to get caught up in. I'd much rather have half a mile of space between me and the next car than go the same speed as everybody else.

    This doesn't work in cities, or other states, but i spend my longest drive times going between cities in texas anyways.

  • The abs that shook the pillars of civilization
  • I thought it was just regular old sexism; woman getting stronk has the men with fragile egos feeling scared.

  • Boring Werewolves
  • His friend, the sleeping wolf, obvs.

  • title
  • I don't see how this is a pro-church sort of vibe. Nobody in the churches i grew up in would talk so openly about this sort of thing, and especially not in such a sarcastic manner.

    Doubly so since it's a dude wearing it; if being trans is a sin, then joking about it sarcastically is definitely taboo.

    I thought the joke was making fun of pat robertson's wild quote "the feminist agenda encourages women to kill their children, practice witchcraft, and become lesbians."

    I read the shirt as "sorry missed church /s, i was too busy fucking around with things that are horrible for church-people to bother with it lmao".