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I suppose I'm a left-of-center liberal who flirts w/ anarchism & libertarianism. Thr's a lot of alt, electronic, exp'tal, & "world" music I like. I'm working on fan-fix-tion for The Handmaid's Tale and Star Trek.

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"I'm Not Antisemitic” Roger Waters vs Piers Morgan On Israel-Palestine & More [01:10:35 | JUL 02 24 | Piers Morgan Uncensored]
  • 48:18 - “Are you antisemitic?”

    What a fucking cop-out.

    wp:Roger Waters#Politics

    According to the documentary, in a 2010 email to his crew, Waters described his idea for the inflatable pig to be floated above his gigs, which would have the words "dirty kyke", "follow the money" and "Scum" written on it.[167] In response, Waters said that the "offensive words I referenced... were my brainstorming ideas on how to make the evils and horrors of fascism and extremism apparent", and "not the manifestation of any underlying bigotry as the film suggests".[167]


    Waters responded to Morgan's question regarding Kfir Bibas, the youngest hostage who was 9 months old when kidnapped with his family, by calling it "nonsense".[176][178]

    wp:Kidnapping of the Bibas family

    name me a better Roger waters song of the past 35 years better than this. 😁🙂

    Laibach Yisra’el


  • Calling Roger Waters "crazy" is foolish. He knew exactly what he was talking about, as you will see in this clip from the Joe Rogan podcast on October 5th, 2022. Please share far and wide!!
  • I might see it later, but let me guess:

    according to Waters, Putin was concerned about NATO expansion, and the supposed coup in 2014, and Putin only wanted a buffer zone where ethnic Russians could be protected.

    He ignores that much of East Europe isn't so fond of the Kremlin, that speaking Russian doesn't make one an ethnic Russian—Zelenskyy is a Russian-speaker—and in his interview with Tucker, it didn't seem to be about NATO but of Russians like Putin not respecting Ukraine as an actual nation.

    Perhaps too I'm biased against Waters: this rich arrogant know-it-all who AFAIK hasn't released a decent song in over 35 years—David Gilmour seemed the more talented one—also Waters's Wikipedia page seems to indicate a streak of antisemitism—no offense to the British, but they haven't faced an existenttial threat in 100s of years and might have killed more Arabs since 1948 than have Israelis.

    What is his solution for European Jews—stay in Europe so they could be slaughtered more?

    Fucking arrogant asshole, that Roger Waters.

    wp:Max Blumenthal

    During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Blumenthal falsely claimed the Mariupol theatre airstrike was the responsibility of Ukraine's Azov Regiment rather than Russian forces.[120][121][122]

    rw:The Grayzone

    The Grayzone is a webshite founded by Max Blumenthal (1977–), who was formerly a journalist for mainstream news publications but later became an RT contributor. The website purports itself to be "a news and politics website dedicated to original investigative journalism on war and empire",[3] but it mostly promotes Assadist, Russian, Venezuelan, and Chinese propaganda. Especially after Blumenthal's trip to Moscow.[4][5] The Grayzone is known for using ad hominem attacks by calling critics neocon shills[6] or McCarthyites.[7] The website was formerly carried by Alternet, a liberal website that sometimes promotes pseudoscience about GMOs. In February 2018, The Grayzone became an "independent" news source.[note 1]

  • File:Comic Con Germany 2018 by-RaBoe 268.jpg


    Candace Owens describes science as "pagan faith"
  • She continued: "And I said to him: 'Listen. I'm not a flat-earther. I'm not a round-earther.' Actually, what I am is, I am somebody who has left the cult of science. I have left the megachurch of science because what I have now realized is that science—what it is actually, if you think about it—is a pagan faith."

    interesting points about Israel, though.

  • Mildred
  • barefoot women music DMBFFF

    Veronica Calati (Pizzica di Aradeo - Salentorkestra)

    In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • They certainly seem less concerned about it, but they seem to oppose the Gazan genocide better than Biden or Trump.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • Americans have no choice but the 2-party state: it is futile to even try to change things.

  • NSFW
    Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
  • Some folks seem to not be able to handle the sight of a nekkid lady.

  • Rachel Maddow Warns That SCOTUS Trump Immunity Decision Is ‘a Death Squad Ruling’ | Video
  • from a forum I used to be on: (a bit nsfw)

    According to the Supreme Court who ruled that presidents can do whatever they want and be immune if it’s technically official business, Biden can just blow up Mar-a-lago now and be done with it. No need to waste taxpayer money with elections and all that malarkey.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • 505 not 501 stars: thanks for the correction.

    Runoffs can be done without stars.

    Runoffs would improve either form of counting.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • Let's say 101 voters each give Trump 5 stars.

    Let's say 100 voters each give RFK JR 3 stars, Biden 2 stars, and Stein 1 star.

    Let's say 100 voters each give Biden 3 stars.

    301 voters

    200 gave Biden stars

    101 gave Trump stars


    Trump gets 501 stars

    Biden gets 500 stars

    RFK Jr gets 300 stars

    Stein gets 100 stars

    1401 stars, and with 501 Trump wins.

    I'm not totally opposed to the idea, but it seems to have some weakness.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud

    Trump endorsed the campaigns of Cornel West and Jill Stein over the weekend, saying they're spoilers who will help him win in the fall by chipping way at Biden's support.

    In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
    Historian who predicted 9 of the last 10 election results says Democrats shouldn't drop Joe Biden
  • Before the debate, I wasn't sure who'd win: Biden or Trump.

    Even Allen Lichtman was unsure.

    After the debate, I figure Biden will lose.

    I'm not saying it's an absolute certainty—we have 4 months and many things could happen. If someone offered to bet me their $500 that Trump will win to my $100 on Biden winning, I'd take it.

    If Biden is replaced, I think he'd be more likely to lose.

    If he was elected, Biden needn't serve all 4 years: he could resign a few months later, make Harris President, and AOC, Sanders, Newsom, whatever, as VP.

    As I think Biden will lose, one might want to vote their hearts.

    Keep in mind, it might be dependent on states.

    wp:2020 United States presidential election#Results by state

    If 2.5 million Californians who voted for Biden instead voted for RJK Jr, Stein, and West in 2024, Biden (or his replacement) would still probably win all 55 Electoral College votes of that state.

    If the 5 million Texans who voted for Biden, also, instead voted RJK Jr, Stein, and West in 2024, Biden would lose no more Electoral College votes.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • Libertarians are a good example where the small group wants to get rid of drivers licenses for instance, but the general population is absolutely against it.


  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • If that’s so, then why would most of those “Libertarians” vote for Republicans over Democrats who better align with those goals?

    They aren't really Libertarians. They might vote GOP because they read the Libertarian Party platform and didn't like it.

    Therefore, we favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as gambling, the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes, and consensual transactions involving sexual services.


    We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.


    We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.

    They want wealthy business owners to be their rulers.

    Many want no rulers.

    The problem with government isn’t that it exists. It’s that it’s been captured by wealthy business owners. Why do we have so much military around the world? To protect the interest of wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many tariffs in place? To protect the interest of wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many restrictions on immigration in place? To protect the work Supply and low wage Workforce for wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many drugs made illegal. Because it suits the wealthy and powerful.

    and with less government, arguably, they'd have less of a tool to promote their interests.

  • Historian who predicted 9 of the last 10 election results says Democrats shouldn't drop Joe Biden
  • How likely is Biden, or his possible replacement, to be elected?

  • Historian who predicted 9 of the last 10 election results says Democrats shouldn't drop Joe Biden
  • Every President in US history has been a man and all but 1 was white.

  • Historian who predicted 9 of the last 10 election results says Democrats shouldn't drop Joe Biden
  • I don't think it means fuck-all. IIUC to win the necessary Electoral College votes, one has to win at least 37% of the popular vote in a 2-way (or mostly 2-way) race.

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    Officina Zoè - Pizzicarella (1997) [folk/pizzica]

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    Officina Zoè - Pizzicarella [folk/pizzica] unofficial, dance by Stella Michou

    0 Ford government closing Ontario Science Centre today after report found roof in danger of collapsing

    Friday is the last day of operations for the once-popular tourist attraction that successive Progressive Conservative and Liberal governments have allowed to deteriorate for years.

    Ford government closing Ontario Science Centre today after report found roof in danger of collapsing
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    Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Fiya Wata (Fire and Water) Live @ Bonnaroo 2013
