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DJDarren DJDarren

Eternal shitposter who probably has something more important he should be doing.

Likes: Nice headphones, iPods, Apple stuff, music.

Dislikes: Nazis, Apple

He / Him


Posts 14
Comments 140
Alexandrite is a Beautiful Web Frontend for Lemmy
  • That's true dedication to shitposting.

  • Tips for safe city cycling
  • I can't really add any further tips, but to say that I always, always ride like the people in cars are trying to kill me. It's the only way to keep in the right headspace to ensure you're paying full attention to what they're doing.

  • Alexandrite is a Beautiful Web Frontend for Lemmy
  • Using this now, and yeah, it's really lovely.

    As good as wefwef/Voyager is (particularly in helping to transition from using Apollo to access Reddit), it kinda falls apart on a desktop browser because it's built around swipe gestures, and lives squarely in the middle of the screen. So Alexandrite for desktop, Voyager for mobile seems pretty sound.

  • Anyone a fan of Good Omens?
  • The second season was co-written with John Finnemore, so I think we’re safe. Finnemore has a similar vibe to Pterry.

  • King Charles to receive huge pay rise from UK taxpayers
  • Thank god for that. I was worried about the poor fella…

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • To my dying day, I won’t understand why anyone (who doesn’t benefit from it) could think that privatised utilities are a good idea. The last forty years have seen a steady decline in, well, every aspect of formerly publicly owned industries in the UK, but stans for capital still wang on about how publicly owned utilities in the 70s were crap.

    Crap, maybe, but a damn sight fucking cheaper.

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • This is a very difficult thread for me, because you’ve immediately started it from what feels like an insincere position of insisting on the polite debate of a system that has actively harmed innumerable people. And continues to do so.

    While I don’t deny that polite debate is preferable to flame wars and anger, you’ve come in here to try and debate a subject that raises passions.

    And the reason I say this from the outset is because of comments like this;

    Environmental devastation is an externality because the rules haven't been defined properly-- if the rules of capital ownership around environmental concerns were clarified (through some system of carbon emission limitations and carbon credits), then I'm sure capitalism could optimize for a good environmental outcome. A bad thing, to be sure, but not the fault of capitalism.

    The ‘rules’ in this case have been defined. Most countries have rules in place to govern the environmental impact of industry. But companies led by capitalists ignore those rules as far as they can, which is how we are where we are.

    Here in the UK, we have record breaking amounts of sewage and pollution in our rivers, because our water companies are run by capitalists to turn a profit. The fines from the government are ultimately paid by those of us who pay our water bills. The people in charge continue to pay themselves and their shareholders well.

    And this is where capitalism fails miserably, in my opinion. As noted in another comment in here: capitalism is built for profits, not for human comfort. Businesses who pollute know full well that they should reduce their emissions, clean up their waste, and be better global citizens, but left unchecked, they won’t. You admit yourself in that quoted comment, that capitalism needs a set of rules around carbon credits and such to address the problem. They know there’s a problem, but are waiting for governments to force them to clean up their act.

    That doesn’t make me feel that capitalism is the kind, loving economic system we all need. Quite the opposite.

  • What movies are worth rewatching?
  • Weekend At Bernie's.

  • What is the best type of pet to have as a buddy?
  • Rats are ace.

    As I type this, there's one scuttling about in his cage next to me. It pains me that he's alone, but his brothers have all passed away now, and we aren't planning on getting any more once Wilbur's shuffled along. He's getting old now, so it wouldn't be fair to rehome him. So he's a grumpy old bachelor boy who still loves his Cheerios and stealing my toast in the morning.

  • Ford Fiesta: production ends of UK’s all-time bestselling car
  • Very much a car built to a price point to serve a purpose. I once drove a Cross that was much the same. Kitted out to look sporty, had the pulling power of an asthmatic snail. Absolute shit.

    But cheap enough for most people to be able to use one to get to the supermarket.

  • Ford Fiesta: production ends of UK’s all-time bestselling car
  • Sadly, those glory days came to an end with the rise of internet porn and the very poor sales of the Ford XHamster.

  • When was the last time you were surprised by liking a piece of music?
  • The older I get, the less surprised I am by liking stuff that doesn’t fit the story of who I am. Because when you break it down, music is just movement of air, and how can different varieties of air speak to who you are.

    So the music I like is just the music I like, and that’s fine with me.

  • When was the last time you were surprised by liking a piece of music?
  • People shit on Dancing Queen because of its ubiquity, but that track is an absolute masterclass in how to write a beloved three minute pop song. Benny & Bjorn know their shit.

  • What to know about Threads
  • Because there's low trust, and then there's looking at everything Meta/Facebook have done over the past 15 years and thinking "yep, they'll be alright".

  • Could Ben and Jerry’s go down like Bud light, or is their ice cream too darn delicious?
  • While Ben and Jerry were still running the joint, they had a policy that the highest paid employee would never earn more than five times that of the lowest. B&J have always been based as fuck.

    I mean, just read their Wiki article; a 50% of it is about how socially conscious they are/were as a company.

  • Could Ben and Jerry’s go down like Bud light, or is their ice cream too darn delicious?
  • “what machine did you think they were raging against?”

    The one that George Soros uses to print all those cheques, obviously.

  • 1966 Ford Mustang Wagon Design Proposal
  • Oh man, that's pretty!


    This is one of the best songs ever. Discuss.

    What are your top 5 favorite BAD movies of all time?
  • I guess I don't really watch too many 'bad' movies because I don't have many in my head, but the first thing that springs to mind is Velocipastor.

    But is Velocipastor really a bad movie if it did exactly what it set out to do?

  • What are your top 5 favorite BAD movies of all time?
  • Bubbahotep

    Bubba Ho-Tep is a fucking masterpiece and you'll sit in the corner and watch it as many times as you need to to change your way of thinking.

  • Guns n' Roses - Live In Tokyo (1992)

    As far as I'm concerned, this is GnR's imperial period.


    Getting things done with ADHD

    Howdy, fellow ADHDers. How the bloody hell do you get ANYTHING done at work?

    My career history has been pretty varied, but I currently find myself as a quality and training manager at a firm that values neither. Because of this lack of defined interest from management above, much of my workload is self-led, and self motivated.

    Which, of course, means that I do basically nothing.

    I've been seeing a work coach for the past few months, who is helping to steer my mindset in the right direction, and ultimately it boils down to how easily distracted I am by things I deem more interesting than what I'm paid to do. Which is everything.

    The one tool that works for me is a website blocker called Cold Turkey, which literally just forces me to not be able to access whichever websites I specify. It works brilliantly, because there's almost no way to override it, not easily anyway. However, the automated actions are part of the paid for app, which I can't currently afford, so I have to manually push the button that cuts me off from all those beautiful distractions on the internet.

    The anxiety this spikes in me is way more than is healthy...

    So what tools do you use to try and get shit done?


    Basic noob question: How do you begin to learn how to build an iOS app for Lemmy?

    I know there are a couple of apps already in development, but I kinda want to have a go to learn how to build an app in Swift. So what are some good resources to learn?


    Weird, low budget movies appreciation thread.

    What are the weird, low budget movies you've been enjoying lately?


    The Foo Fighters new album is pretty decent. But Here We Are by Foo Fighters

    Listen to "But Here We Are" by Foo Fighters on any music platform - Free smart music links by Songwhip

    But Here We Are by Foo Fighters

    Which is something I'm quite surprised I'm saying, because for how perfect the first two records are, every release since has felt less relevant to me than the previous.

    Unsurprisingly, But Here We Are is an emotional ride, and perhaps it's because I'm kinda tired and emotional today, but the closing track, 'Rest' has got me sitting at work, just wanting to have a little cry under my desk.


    What's your favourite live performance?

    I've never known energy as much as TV On The Radio throw into every second of this performance of Wolf Like Me for Letterman. To the point that the album version leaves me cold.


    #AudioMo 2023 - Is anyone else here getting involved? The Mended Drum

    This is the Mended Drum, Discworlds best known disreputable tavern.

    The Mended Drum

    For those who are unaware, #AudioMo is an annual event, where every June, people try to publish a piece of audio every day. The audio could be some bird song they enjoyed hearing, or an hour long conversation with someone else about a topic that's important to them. It doesn't really matter.

    What's nice is filtering the hashtag, then scrolling down through, listening to voices from all walks of life, talking about a vast range of subjects that you might never have given any thought to.


    What are we listening to today?

    Thought I'd see who's about and whether we could get a thread going on music recommendations from what we're jamming today.

    I started off with The Presidents - Dune Buggy as an ear worm, which was very much agreeable.
