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European Heatwave 2023
  • Then we put on skis

  • It's Bean O'Clock
  • Blood transfusion, revolution, satellites on Mars

  • Fuck Reddit u̶p̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ boost party!
  • I just gave you a Boost and a Favourite!

  • Ordinary redditors are feeling the pain as well.
  • We know we've won when we get the "broken both arms"-stories on here

  • Ordinary redditors are feeling the pain as well.
  • I've seen many toots on Mastodon where people argue it is ethical to mirror Reddit now because so many people are destroying their content, and that will make searching for answers more difficult. Sure, I get their stance but at the same time I think is being a selfish scab.

    The content that is now lost, will bounce back on some other plattform. Hopefully a better and more democratic plattform.

  • Norge - Norsk, for norske på norsk CurlyMoustache

    Bør det offentlige i Norge bruke fediverse til å kommunisere med befolkningen? Sånn for eksempel statsministerenskontor.regjeringen eller vannogavlopsetaten.oslokommune osv

    Bør det offentlige i Norge bruke fediverse til å kommunisere med befolkningen? Sånn for eksempel statsministerenskontor.regjeringen eller vannogavlopsetaten.oslokommune osv

    Jeg tenker ja. Det vil gjøre at det offentlige har full kontroll over instansene og ikke trenger å favorisere, eller være avhengig av privateide sosiale medier.


    Can someone help me with a few kbin/lemmy questions? I'm trying to understand the difference between the upvote and "boost". Also the differences between Threads, Microblog, and Magazines.
  • @symfonystation

    Ok, thanks. So if I want to Toot like on Mastodon, out into the void of Kbin, I use Microblog? And I want to discuss a specific theme, I use a magazine in the relevant topic?
