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Cullen Cullen
Posts 1
Comments 30
*Permanently Deleted*
  • Half of that video is an ad, was there a better video they did on the topic?

  • Alexandria - FOSS Cross-Platform E-Book Reader
  • Idk how I didn't know this was a thing, thanks! Also subbed to releases and excited to see this grow

  • Dumbass gets upset over people having mild disagreements, responds by crying to local moderators
  • Is the entire drama just somebody making shit reports?

  • What are your favorite "ugly" games?
  • Love me some ToM!

  • Downvotes = “I disagree” or “this is bad and you should feel bad”?
  • Yeah true! I guess there's some subtle complexities to it

  • Book recc "How to Keep House While Drowning"
  • I hate to admit but I was very sold by "quick read" and "short chapters" lol, but closing tasks really sealed the deal so I've got this ordered and on the way. Thanks for the suggestion and great summary!

  • Admins added a mod to our community without checking if it was actually abandoned
  • The fact a one day old account could come and claim our community was abandoned, even though clearly it was not, and be given mod powers for hours upon hours after the mistake being reported is really scary

    Pretty concerning! Hopefully the process is addressed before it can be abused

  • Downvotes = “I disagree” or “this is bad and you should feel bad”?
  • Yep same, purely for what I want to see higher/lower in the sort

  • Dev Blog: July 12, 2023
  • Coming up on 3 years since I last played according to steam, but reading that they've been putting focus into balance and qol has me tempted to reinstall

  • Reply test
  • Memes…memes everywhere
  • Yep this is where I'm at too

  • I've creared place to share your ducks (gooses too!)
  • That is a wonderful community name for some wonderful feathered friends

  • Even mighty beasts need sleep
  • For a second I thought I was looking at a polar bear lol

  • How many accounts do you have, and how do you manage them?
  • Signed into jerboa with and liftoff with for when suddenly stops loading (hopefully less of an issue as time goes on)

  • Welcome to the official community for Voyager (formerly wefwef)!
  • It'll be a weird change, but it's a great name!

  • Any suggestions for a good city builder game?
  • Not a game recommendation, but I follow Nookrium on YouTube and he jumps through tons of games (and puts the genre in the titles), most of which are small indie builder/strategy games, so he may have some in his catalogue of videos that you'd dig

  • If doesn't defederate from Threads, Meta and all things Zuck within 24 hours, I will shut down my subs and leave.
  • This feels like a shitpost made just to get some upset reactions for content.

    ... I will shut down my subs

    They have 1 tiny sub. They seem rational enough to know they don't have any sway even if they didn't understand how the fediverse works and thought removing subs was a valid threat.

    This is probably just farming reactions for fun

  • What are some of your favorite communities/instances you’ve found so far on lemmy?
  • Every post I've scrolled across from [email protected] has had me more and more tempted to get into woodworking and I'm loving it tbh

  • Lemmy Support Cullen

    Confused about comments/posts not showing on other instances

    Am I not understanding how things are supposed to work, or are things just being weird? I made this post yesterday:

    It's about the 4th post down when sorted by New.

    • On it doesn't show at all.
    • On it shows with 1 comment made by another user.
    • On it shows with that 1 comment plus a second comment I made today.

    Is it normal for there to be these differences in the same community when viewed from different instances?
