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Cubes Cubes
Posts 6
Comments 140
  • The problem is that sometimes it's not your code that you're debugging

  • Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • Care to share what you use to do surveys for Amazon money? How long have you been doing it?

  • Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • It's not that my boss cares per se, but I still think people form a subconscious image of your work ethic, and I think it's always better to be seen as a "hard worker" when it comes to promotion time

  • Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?

    YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • It's a neat idea, but computer vision stuff can get quite computationally expensive when done locally and is prone to input poisoning attacks (especially if the models used are open source).

    Not saying it wouldn't be possible, but I think some of the other ideas posed here would be better starting places.

  • You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?
  • An ex gave me an old pair of her's that she used for work and I've been a fan ever since

  • Alpha Release [v0.4.0]: Video support, UI/UX improvements, and more!
  • Thank you for the work you guys put into this! Definitely my favorite client, and it's really starting to feel mature

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • You realize that a comments section can have more than 1 discussion going on in it, right? It's not a "distraction" to talk about something else or disagree with a part of someone's comment.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • The point being discussed is that this is a terrible law and an example of Mississippi being a shit hole

    This is not the comment I replied to. The comment I replied to was essentially saying that MS and therefore the US are not worth visiting, and I think that's silly.

    "This is fine"

    I didn't say this. I actually agree with you that the MS law is terrible, but trying to push back on the general sentiment of the original comment I replied to: saying the US is the "worst" because of something that Mississippi does.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • You're actually arguing that the difference between being put to death and not is a "millimeter off the floor"? That is some privileged nonsense, frankly.

    I agree that the US has problems, but hyperbolic doomerism is hardly conducive to changing any of that.

  • What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?
  • Do you personally view relationships that way? Transactional? In my experience there is a whole range of people when it comes to how much money matters to them, and seeing it as black and white is really limiting your options.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • just go fuck yourself, how’s that?

    This also seems incredibly dramatic

    I'm not trying to say that the US is perfect, but do you honestly believe that the US is the "worst" place to be any of the things you listed?

    There are plenty of places in the world you would be put to death for being gay. Try asking an immigrant from literally any of those countries if they prefer the US and get back to me.

  • What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?
  • Brother, these are super bizarre examples, and do not match my experience as a man whatsoever.

    My past partners (and current too) absolutely would drive me to the hospital, even those with whom I just had a casual and completely financially independent relationship with. I even had an experience pretty similar to this in the past.

    How does your world view account for relationships where the woman makes more money than the man?

    Seems like somebody hurt you.

  • Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom
  • the worst country

    This seems a little dramatic

    Edit: lol downvoted for mildly pushing back against the idea that the US is the worst of the ~200 other countries in the world. Never change, Lemmy.

  • at least I learned something... right?
  • You know what they say:

    If it ain't broke, fix it until it is

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • What part of Claude 3 is open source? I tried to do some googling to find something, but came up short. Got a link?

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • How does VSCodium differ from the community version?

  • who is on Lemmy (the sociology of Lemmy)
  • I'm curious, how did you find out about and start using Lemmy? Most folks on Reddit when the API fiasco was happening acted like you needed to be a tech god to even sign up, so I'm curious if you felt intimidated at all?

  • Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT
  • If you use LLMs in your professional work, you're crazy

    Eh, we use copilot at work and it can be pretty helpful. You should always check and understand any code you commit to any project, so if you just blindly paste flawed code (like with stack overflow,) that's kind of on you for not understanding what you're doing.

  • Exactly what we needed
  • does anyone need remote control of the climate system?

    I dunno about need, but being snuggled up in bed and changing the temperature from your phone is pretty great.

  • indieheads - For fans of indie and alternative music. Cubes

    Sufjan Stevens - So You Are Tired

    cross-posted from:

    > New album 'Javelin,' out October 6, 2023! Super hyped!


    Sufjan Stevens - So You Are Tired

    New album 'Javelin,' out October 6, 2023! Super hyped!


    Crossword - Calling all Cruciverbalists: Community With Daily Discussions on the NYT Crossword (Mini/Daily) & Others crossword -

    For crossword enthusiasts.

    crossword -

    I always loved checking the crossword subreddit daily for the discussions, so it would be awesome to see more activity around it on Lemmy!


    Anyone else finding the new bosses common drops kinda lackluster for how difficult they are?

    I've mostly been killing Vardorvis because I think it's fun and challenging, but in the last 5 kills I've made a total of 25k (mith javelins, lots of lava runes, etc.) and definitely burned more than that in supplies. Maybe it's a skill issue, but I am definitely in the hole quite a bit when death costs are so high and it's super easy to die at Vard.


    Can we drop the prefix characters (like @Cubes and !liftoff) from communities and users in compact mode? It really just clutters up the UI

    Really wish that the compact mode was more compact too:

    • Don't need to see "via [my instance]" on every post
    • Community instance doesn't need to be as prominent as other info
    • User's instance is rarely information I care about when scrolling through posts