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CthuluVoIP CthuluVoIP
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what do you get after screenshot rule
  • Alarming.

  • Nodachi decided to take me to the beach today and…. (OC)(F).
  • Did the front fare better? 😳

  • yanks lose at their own sport, lol
  • Literally why the phrase, “Any given Sunday” exists. This is a feature of the sport.

  • MAGA candidate loses bid to replace Mitt Romney
  • My favorite part about modern republicans is that they made me look back fondly on former republican leaders who I used to despise. “Ahhhhh… binders of women. Those were the days.”

  • John Cena: ‘I know my WWE journey is coming to an end’
  • It’d be pretty tough to have a Make a Wish record like his and have it turn out to be an act. He’s business savvy and knows his likability is a big part of his staying power, sure, but the man’s made very few mistakes, and that seems to imply it’s genuine.

  • Adobe Says It Won’t Train AI Using Artists’ Work. Creatives Aren’t Convinced
  • In fairness, it’s Wired who called them creatives, while Adobe called them artists.

  • Rule 34 of boating
  • If you can think of two boats meeting in open water, there’s porn of it on the internet.

  • Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him
  • Influencers are paid product shills. Most have no scruples or real positions. They produce whatever content will attract followers so that they can maximize their sponsorship dollars. These aren’t serious opinions anyone should pay much mind to.

  • Heads I win, Tails you lose
  • Whether or not you win additional concessions depends on what information or knowledge you have about an organization that could prove damaging in some respect, and whether or not you can afford legal representation. But it is negotiable.

  • Fauci Testimony Turns Chaotic: 'Most Insane Hearing I've Attended'
  • She, in particular, does seem to be earning more rebuke from her Republican peers of late. Some of them have recognized that the antics on display by Greene and her ilk are beginning to wear on constituents more and more by the day, and are attempting to distance themselves in acts of self preservation.

    While I hope that it doesn’t work and that these folks also lose their voice and seat, it does seem to bode well that at least a minor course correction is happening in the GOP, if not far too late. I’m not completely optimistic, though, because the constituency hasn’t suddenly become less divided - we’ve just seemingly found the bounds of the caricature the right wing of this country is comfortable with being publicly represented by.

  • Name this band
  • GG Allin’s Fingerpaints

  • They made one-of-a-kind quilts that captured the public's imagination. Then Target came along
  • Target’s difficulty in Canada had more to do with logistics and existing trucking routes than anything else. They assumed they could push Canadian governments to allow for the creation of new carrier contracts, but they were wrong, and as a result their supply chain was immediately hamstrung.

    The stores in Canada had a harder time getting goods, which caused the company to raise prices accordingly. Images of the stores show many empty shelves, which doesn’t encourage shopping. Canadian consumers weren’t without other options locally, and those shoppers on the US border found it easier and more advantaged to cross over and shop at Target stores in the US should they have a need.

  • Star Wars should learn from Andor and stop making Disney Plus shows that are so obsessed with the Jedi
  • As a longtime (read: older) Star Wars fan, I feel like completely eschewing Jedi is a mistake. What I’d love to see is more exploration of the world from the perspective of people who aren’t Jedi and aren’t directly involved in the mystic struggle, but are present to bear witness to what happens when literal gods play politics around them.

    The Jedi should always be a central theme to Star Wars. They’re what make the universe what it is. Without them, it’s just another space opera, and sci fi needs its MacGuffin. But it would be super interesting to see stories told from outside of that central narrative, reacting to, interacting with, and otherwise existing around the Jedi.

    I know this has been explored to some extent with Mandalorian and Andor, but the latter - while a great show - still felt like it would be improved with more direct involvement of the central theme of the universe.

  • Heads I win, Tails you lose
  • Often, yes. Outside of more senior level white collar careers, severance is often not guaranteed upon separation here. In many states, “Right to Work” labor laws enable an employer to terminate an employee for nearly any reason. To make matters worse, our health insurance is provided as a benefit by our employers, so losing your job not only means you lose your source of income, but also your means of keeping yourself healthy and getting care should you need it.

    And in many cases, even if you do receive severance, the company determines what your separation package includes, and the calculations used to determine the value is kept behind closed doors and obscured from the employee. The packages are presented as non-negotiable, even though they aren’t, and employees being let go are often pressured to sign the agreement in a very short window or risk having the offer of severance rescinded. Often what is offered is a pittance, but generally Americans don’t push back against it. It’s a “better than nothing, I guess” situation.

    So yeah - being laid off is a tremendously stressful and life altering experience here for the vast majority of the working and middle class.

  • Apple dismisses Microsoft monopoly comparisons
  • I don’t disagree. I’m pointing out that under current conditions, I think the likelihood of this suit being successful in changing Apple’s operating model is low. What is doesn’t represent what should.

  • Apple dismisses Microsoft monopoly comparisons
  • It’s hard to see how a court could rule against Apple given the facts. You can argue that the App Store rules are anticompetitive to software vendors, but to claim Apple holds anything resembling a monopoly on smartphones is asinine, and trying to reclassify it to “performance smartphones” is even worse.

    The market for internal combustion engine production cars with over 600 horsepower is dominated by a handful of Italian car manufacturers. Do we then sue Lamborghini because my Toyota can’t use their proprietary wiper blades?

  • Reconstruction of the Roman Emperor Caracalla, son of the African-born Emperor Septimius Severus
  • He also may not have existed, but he most definitely was not white.

  • New Eminem Album Confirmed and Here Are the Details
  • It’s been four years and the beard’s more weird

  • Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion unless they go hybrid
  • Not true. If terminated for performance concerns, most companies would consider that “for cause” meaning that you would be ineligible for severance. The only costs are the OpEx of the manager and HR team member’s time in addition to the “lost productivity” that your underperformance caused.

  • More People Should Enjoy the Epic of Leon (How is Leon After The Molt?)

    Just a chill video in a series by the creator, Brady Brandwood, about a lobster he bought from a grocery store and rehabilitated into a pet. I appreciate the vibe that Brady puts into these videos and his clear admiration and care for Leon. Thought others might enjoy discovering them, too.


    Mastodon's Founder & CEO Gives His Thoughts on Meta's Threads What to know about Threads

    There’s been a lot of speculation around what Threads will be and what it means for Mastodon. We’ve put together some of the most common questions and our responses based on what was launched today.

    Found this post super informative as it relates to Mastodon, and thought Lemmy might also benefit from this perspective. I'm not sure I share his optimism, but his points seem sound to dampen some of the alarm bells over Meta joining the Fediverse.
