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Comrade_River_Otter Comrade River Otter

MLM from the Democratic People's Republic of Wisconsin

Posts 5
Comments 21
Breadtube / Leftube Comrade River Otter

Marxism-Leninism is not a real thing, we are just red fascists :(

I have been skeptical of Keffals since I heard that she once was an ML and had backtracked, but she's gone all in now it seems. No specific hate, it's just frustrating and tiresome. I watched the "No Socialism Hasn't Failed" that she references as being loony and it's fine

Teamsters Are Close to the Largest Strike in Decades

    Try to look around and see if there's any way you can help workers at your local UPS facility, please!

  • Tankie Mastodon
  • So if you have any union relation, you should be able to get it for sure. If not, I think you can still, but I'm not sure

  • Tankie Mastodon
  • I'm on and am open about being MLM and have not been banned yet. I'm not sure if let's anyone and everyone make an account or not though; I know I mentioned that the org I'm a member of does a lot of union work in my application for it

  • Roole
  • Started watching Adam Something for the urban planning. Watched one of his videos on geopolitics. Never watched him again

  • The world we could have had 😭 rule


    Responses to BadEmpanada's Uyghur video?

    Hello, Comrades! I am looking for well educated responses to evidence presented and points made in the linked video. Was it fair reporting? What is the ML, dialectical materialist, perspective of the situation in Xinjiang?

    (If there's a better or more appropriate place to ask this, please let me know!)

    a community for anti-authoritarian leftist firearms enthusiasts
  • I hadn't come across this great writing yet, thank you

  • Teamsters Vote By 97 Percent to Strike If UPS Fails to Deliver Strong Contract
  • Use to work there, they over worked the fuck out of us under the current contract

  • Snoozerule
  • The ideal male

  • それは本当です
  • Other countries reporting on America how America reports on them

  • (frogs) rule
  • Possibly true

  • Daily Discussion Thread
  • I use the FotMob app. Also, good friends you got, Heja BVB (Dortmund)

  • rule

  • Howdy, glad to be here!

  • rulelectric
  • Definitely a deal breaker if it doesn't

  • rule
  • I guess I'll have to give my air fryer to a friend. Worth the sacrifice 🫡

  • rule
