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Which ones of these would make the best pets?
  • I am still not telling you where I hid Comrade Stallins Giant Spoon though

  • Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza
  • If you where able to provide evidence on this I would, however everything about the Uyghurs has been traced back to RFA with no other evidence, and This is genuinly the first time I am hereing about the kidnapping of Ukrainian Children and I would love a source so I could read more on it.

  • Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza
  • Modern day Russia is no commrade of mine, they are typical post soviet capitalist shills, so yes in that respect Russia is bad. Russia is also bad in there repression of the LGBT community, and you will not hear me or a comrade of mine disagree with this. However I am unaware of any genocide they are carrying out, if you could please point me to one I would be happy to share in my shaming of the Russian Federation and their genocide. I do want to point out the ongoing genocide Ukraine has carried out on the ethnically russians in the east, Ukrainian opression of minorities of any stripe and the LGBT community, as with political parties left of Facism.

    As with China, I do not like the Republic of China and am willing to state so publicly at any opertunity presented to me. As for the Peoples Republic of China, While I will not say they are perfect, and if I felt you where willing to engage in a good faith discussion and not just quippy quote grabs, I would be more than happy to talk to you about my thoughts on the PRC. That being said they are Communist so I am not going to yell at them for that, do not engage in opression, (before you reply to this please follow your evidence chain and make sure it does not end at Radio Free Asia or any other CIA puppet) and same for genocide, they do not engage in genocide, Before you bring up the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, an audit by majority islamic nations said that no genocide had happened, and all evidence that does say that ends with RFA or another CIA puppet. Before you bring up that China is a one party state, it is not it has 8 parties the CPC wins a super majority in free and fair elections done by the law of the PRC. I mean it is truly interesting to read about, and agian I would be more than happy to talk to you about it

  • Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza
  • Do you mind clarifying at all, I mean I can make up my mind. Capitalism=bad Genocide=bad Opression in any form=bad, shall I contenue. I really live my life by a simple idea, anyone who trembles with indignation at every injustice is a comrade of mine. What Isntreal does is an injustice, and so I am opposed to it.

    I might not be perfectly logically consistent, however atleast in this, and in thinking genocide is bad, I have been.

  • Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza
  • Do you have LITERALY any proof for this or is this baseless assumption. I can tell you the PRC through there statements and actions are being PAINFULLY middle of the road in there efforts to remain nutral in the middle east, and I am sorry but russia is no supper power, and it also, as you may or may not know has bigger things to worry about than trying to propogandize over a war over opressed people who have been subjected to a genocide striking out.

    Need I remind you the language that Isn'treal is using in relation to the Palistinians, or what they have done for the past decades. No only one side is mobilizing an astroturffed army, and it sure as hell is not the palistinan side.


  • Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza
  • This is barbaric, and no one with any sense of morality should be supporting the zionists any more.

    In very related news the United States Government still suporting Isn'treal

  • πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 41 Palestinian Solidarity Edition πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ
  • Look I know you where passionate about the jumping thing not being completly useless, but I had to put it out there that it is a really bad strategy first

  • πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 41 Palestinian Solidarity Edition πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ
  • So I was talking to someone about armadillos the other day, and the most common, the 9 banded armadillo has the strangest defence mechanism, despite being armored and protected from almost every conceivable threat everywhere but its belly, when scarred it jumps 3 feet into the air, exposing its soft underbelly. I am still trying to find out how this has any use, other than to confound the opponent.

  • Solidarity with Palestine
  • Look at afganistan before the US iligally interfered by funding the precursor to Al Quida to tare down the Communist nation. The babarity seems to happen due to the US not inspite of it.

    I also feel like I should point of, weither you ment it this way or not, your comment is racist, it is implying without the white man civilizing the arab native, they will be barbarians, this is simply and pattently untrue.

  • Solidarity with Palestine
  • The Palistinan government has given orders that all none combatants are to be left unharmed and treated with respect, that Children and the Elderly are to be aided when at all possible what are you on about.

    As for fireing rockets, yes this is a war, one they didn't start, one for independence from there opressors and occupiers, rockets will be used, and no one WANTS rockets to be used or children to die, but they are not targeting children.

    I feel I must point out that Isn'treal did a warcrime of "Collective punishment" as a responce, indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza in retaliation, this is a massive war crime that has been an open secret for quite a while.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 40
  • Playing the long game now, what next will you reply a week in advanced?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Would you mind explaining this post?

  • Season 8 Episode 10 - All The Way Down [Discussion and Spoilers]
  • I just hope this is a season finale and not a series finale because if it is the latter it would be the worst so far

  • N. Korea welcomed at athletes' village in Hangzhou
  • Oh wow only the most insightful of comentary, maybe next me will get a sneeze, cough, maybe even a snore!

  • Linux Distro Choice

    If this is in the wrong community let me know, but I have been away from linux for a little while now, and I have decided to come back to it. I am trying to figure out what Distro and Desktop environment I should use.

    I used to use Ubuntu and, Ubuntu based Distributions, though for various reasons I had bad experiences with the ones based down stream of Ubuntu, I have also heard that Ubuntu is no longer nearly as good as they where before. As for desktop Experences, I never really liked Gnome. That being said from what I can tell there has been quite a bit that has changed sense I left, and any recommendations would be much appreciated.
