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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 34
Männer sind eine Gefahr für Frauen [Kolumne, Z+]
  • Die Ironie, dass hier genau das Verhalten als Reaktion auf den Artikel gezeigt wird, das im Artikel wiederum berechtigterweise als schädlich bezeichnet wird...

    Ich muss gestehen, ich hatte tatsächlich auch mehr erwartet. Aber das Problem betrifft halt nur knapp 50% der Weltbevölkerung. Was soll's ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • ich.iel
  • Was auch alle eint: sie nehmen eine Regierung durch Nazis billigend in Kauf. Sie haben mit deren Agenda kein (großes) Problem. Wie viel Unterstützung für Nazis dich selbst zum Nazi macht ist in meinen Augen eine eher sinnlose Diskussion. Man kann aber unbestritten sagen, dass kein AfD Wähler ein Problem mit Nazis oder gar was gegen Nazis hat.

    Allein mit dieser Grauzone habe ich wiederum bereits ein Problem.

  • Gold Lego piece with popcorn smell, regional food during OpenStreetMap club meeting, told to get Dasani instead of Smart Water, Personal Storytelling Practice idea
  • Interesting idea so looking at the getting better part, some feedback:

    • Your sentences were quite long and hard to understand in one read. The last part was easiest to follow. Try simpler/shorter sentences and way less commas
    • 1 and 2 sound very neutral. This makes it less engaging for the reader, there was nothing much to relate to. The "this is communism" at the end of the Subway part was a good start. Share your thoughts and feelings more and reduce the objective descriptions.
    • Section one feels unfinished. What happened after? How did others react to your ideas? Why did you choose these requirements.

    Last but not least: the headline made me feel like I'm in aneurysm posting. The headline doesn't have to give away everything, try to find a common denominator and again: less commas. If you need more that 2, your sentence starts to get complicated.

    Looking forward to read more about your days and give me a ping when you start mapping Germany, I can recommend a few dishes:D

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I guess the down votes come from people who don't agree with the point that Germany is too stable at the moment for Nazis to regain power. And I agree. It's naive to think like that.

    The political climate is very tense and some people like to play with fire as long as they feel like they could personally benefit from this. E.g. conservative and right wing politicians imported the culture war from US as good as they could and thus additionally supported partys like AfD and BSW by validating and inflating their nonsense talking points.

  • Wehrhafte Demokratie ComfortableRaspberry

    Gegendemo AfD Parteitag Ulm

    Die Messehalle der Stadt Ulm öffnet ihre Tore für den Parteitag der AfD... Kommt mit auf die Straße und zeigt, dass wir die Laute Mehrheit sind!

    Looking to Adopt - Advice Pls :)
  • We once had a rescue like Willow. He decided to live behind a bunch of boxes and only came out when he thought he was alone. Even with the other cats he was like "nah". Until one day someone dropped a toy made of fake fur and feathers close to his hideout. 180 personality change. He completely lost it and was so focused on this stupid thing that socializing suddenly was no issue at all if he was allowed to bring his toy. Bonus points and cuddles if you engaged in his play. It was fascinating.

  • 2meirl4meirl


    Alarms are scary
