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CisopSixpence Cisop Sixpence

"The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves, and the rest of humanity."

I am these things and so much more: #Humanist, #Vegetarian, #Atheist, #Progressive, #ProChoice, #Introverted, #Human, #Voter, #Real, #Verified, #Secular, etc.

Posts 0
Comments 6
After 25 years, Netflix will be shutting down its DVD rental service this September
  • Good thing I finally returned those 3 DVDs I had checked out. I had moved back in 2014 and had misplaced the DVDs, was using the streaming service instead of the DVDs, so I hadn't really bothered to search for them, and then I just happened to spot them while going through some stuff and slipped them into the mail.

  • Do you think DuckDuckGo is a good choice for people who are concerned about their privacy?
  • It may be good for privacy, however, in the past month or so, I have noticed it is incredibly slow to display the search results.

  • Everyone Watches TV with Subtitles Now. How’d That Happen?
  • I've started turning on the Subtitles, as it seems as if newer shows and movies are harder to understand. At first, I thought my hearing is going, but not only can I hear the music in the shows just fine, I can watch old shows and movies from over 10 years ago and understand them just fine. In my opinion, it is as if they are putting less volume on the vocal tracks, or maybe using microphones or recording techniques that are not ideal for the spoken language.

  • Do you use adblock? Why? Why not?
  • I use various ad blocks, some of which come with my browser. My purpose in using them is to block pop-up ads, block questionable ads, and hopefully eliminate some tracking. However, when I see a site that has notified me that they have detected adblocking, and I actually think that I can trust the site, I will disable the AdBlock for that site. Of course, If the site doesn't seem like one I could trust, or I have no intention of returning, I will leave AdBlock in place and never venture to that website again. I am for supporting the websites I visit on a regular basis either by allowing them to show me ads, or on rare occasions (infrequent) subscribing to their content.

  • Who even uses Celsius
  • I live in the United States and although I grew up here using Fahrenheit, I switched to Celsius almost 10 years ago. Part of my reason for switching was the rest of the world was using Celsius and every time they would mention the temperature, I had no clue if that was very hot, or just right and kept having to convert, so since there were not that many countries that used Fahrenheit, I switched. I still know what the comfortable range is in Fahrenheit, but now I also know in Celsius as I use it every day. Also, I no longer appear to be an old curmudgeon that is resistant to using a system the rest of the world already uses.

  • NSFW instances and federation
  • While I am not seeking NSFW content, I'm not offended by it. Nice to know I can adjust my own settings accordingly. ツ