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Ciel Ciel

She/Her Your cute internet commie, scp nerd, trans girl, programmer and minecraft addict from east germany!

Posts 6
Comments 35
Gnome is amazing sometimes
  • It's just fine afaik

  • Are you sucker?
  • Is there a problem with that?

  • Call my boy Winchester the way he's dropping game 💎🤲
  • Things women actually like:

    • woman
  • UFO expert displays supposed ‘non-human’ alien corpses in Mexico’s Congress
  • Yeah, those are just cool. Th real good stuff is the evidence for liquid oceans and the hope that there may be dimethyl sulfide, but that hasn't been confirmed yet. But it would prove life with very high certainty.

  • UFO expert displays supposed ‘non-human’ alien corpses in Mexico’s Congress
  • I hate the fact that this is getting wayyy more attention that JWST's recent discovery of CO2 and Methane in K2-18 b's atmosphere. Like that is actual evidence for alien life for fucks sake. We might actual have found the first extra solar life, and instead focus on some grifter.

  • Based Castro
  • Starts laughing even harder

  • First chapter of my currently unnamed writing project
  • The mention of the boss is kinda unnecessary anyways as he is completely irrelevant. As for Flames name, i think it doesn't really matter when her name is introduced. It makes the text a bit easier to read, so i choose to give the name early.

    Edit: changed my mind. decided to not mention flames name until they introduce each other, thanks for the suggestion

  • Creative Writing Ciel

    First chapter of my currently unnamed writing project

    Critique and advice are welcome. ~1.2k words.

    Chapter 1 - Freedom

    "Hey! What are you doing here?", yelled one of the guards at the woman approaching the villa, home to his boss, who ran the local crime ring. "Stop right there!", exclaimed the other guard before grabbing his radio to inform his superior of what was going on. However, before his hand even reached it, and before he could perceive that the women suddenly stood right before him, he was already dead. The second guard tried to scream, but Flame killed him long before any noise escaped his throat.

    She felt a little sorry for the two guards, they had roughly been in the age where they would have had children, maybe seven or eight years old. She hoped they didn't, but nothing would stop her on this mission. She had a hard time feeling sorry for people working for a human trafficking group, even when they didn't really have a choice. This to some extent had been the reason she was selected for this job, she only cared about her people's code of honour, and that made her prioritise stopping the crimes these people where committing over the harm she did to their families and friends. It was a bit cruel, but many things in this world where. The way many people treated her kind was far more cruel than this.

    And so she continued her work, dispatching the remaining guards outside, and made her way inside. "Heh, you still think you can kill me?" she jokingly asked the squad of guards that was blocking the hallway. The guards shivered in fear at the view of Flame, a person standing at well over two meters tall, with the ears of a wolf, fuzzy long grey hair that became white towards the tips, carrying a long sword stained with fresh blood, and wearing a uniform splattered with blood stains, some new, some old. She was a truly fearful presence, striking her enemies with fear just as much as she did with her blade. "Open fire!", yelled the oldest of the guards, a man that feared little in this world, but now he knew that these were his last moments. The few bullets that were fired failed to harm, simply unable to penetrate her skin, if they hit her to begin with. In the very same second she slashed her sword through the group of enemies, killing them all. As their corpses fell to the ground, they revealed a girl, maybe 19, that had been standing behind them for a just a few seconds. She had many similarities with Flame, she too had the ears of a wolf and she too had a wolfs tail, she too had long fuzzy hair, though hers was black. Her eyes too where a bit odd, the colour different from the colours humans had.

    "Kill her!", commanded a man standing at the end of the corridor, and the girl attempted what she had been ordered to do. As she started to run towards Flame, she took up her sword, readying to strike. Flame took up her sword, this time in a defensive position. Her sword was a beautifully crafted blade, reflecting and scattering the light shining on through a window above it. The girls sword was far less impressive, it was a rusty, half broken dagger. She knew her sword would probably shatter when it hit Flames sword, but she took her chance.

    She didn't really know why she did it, she had never wanted to work for these people. They had picked her up on the streets of the nearby city, where her parents had abandoned her. They didn't want to raise a child that wasn't quite human by their standards. A common fate for those like her, Flame herself suffered a similar fate in her youth. Serving these people was an insult to her honour, an insult to her self and to all of her people. She hated herself for this, but she didn't think she could stop either. If she didn't kill her, the other guards would kill the woman, and than probably her as well. She knew it was the right and honourable thing to do, yet she was to afraid to do it. She was scared of the future, and her past, the woman in front of her, the man behind her and her own wrongdoing. Yet she raced to wards the woman, aiming her sword as well as she could, and a mere second later she struck her opponents sword. Her weapon shattered into a cloud of metal fragments, one hitting her face, leaving a deep wound over her left eye, almost taking her eyesight. She fell on her back, hitting her head on the ground causing her fall unconscious for a couple of seconds. "You better lay there until i come back to get you." said Flame, visibly not impressed by the girls decision. She then walked around the girl, and then dealt with the remaining guards and their boss. A task that took her just as little time as getting to this point in the first place, and only a few minutes later she returned.

    "Get up and follow me.", said Flame, the young girl only answered in silence. She had broken the code of honour, she had let other people use her power for bad, she had not taken her chances to flee, she had even attacked someone who was freeing her. She didn't have honour or pride, she didn't really have a name, as her parents never bothered to give her one, and those that enslaved her where content in using slurs to refer to her. And without her honour. She knew that what she did was not irredeemable, and that she could clear her self, that she could regain her honour, friends and find a mentor to teach her. But she didn't think she ever would. It was possible, but would anyone let her? Could she do even do it? She didn't know, the only thing she could do was follow the woman who had freed her. After a while of walking she started talking: "Whats your name?" "Flame." "That's a really nice name." "What's yours?" The young girl paused for a minute: "I don't have one."

    The wound above her eye was still bleeding. "We'll need to do something about that...", said Flame with a rather concerned tone in her voice. "Helena should be with the extraction team, she'll fix you up a little." She was sincerely worried about the young girls health, being blind on one eye really wasn't a problem she needed on top of all the ones she already had.

    They soon after reached the extraction point, Helena and the rest of the team already waiting for them. "Who's that girl?", asked Helena. "I met her in the villa, she's one of my kind, so i will take her with me." "What's her name than?", Flame didn't answer for a second, and then replied: "Doesn't have one. Can you fix her eye?" "Of course!" Helena grabbed her first aid kit, got up and started to do her work: "This might hurt a little... You eye should be fine, but that will leave a scar."

    What would you say to a Ukrainian?
  • I'll be honest i don't care which side someone supports. I don't need too. The chance that i will ever know enough about the situation to determine which side is better is rather close to zero. And it just doesn't matter. The far more important things is what caused the war, and how to prevent them in the future. This war was caused by capitalism, there is no way around it. And if we ever want long term peace and prosperity for everyone we need to end it. Anti capitalism is more important than pointless factionalism over which capitalist country is slightly better than the others.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 34
  • water shortages

    Have you read the article you cited? IT NEEDS 320 TONES PER HOUR OF WATER. OVER. THREE. HUNDRED. TONES. PER. HOUR. And because of the horrible thermal efficiency of this thing (~17%) the heated coolant water will be some ~20K hotter after the cooling cycle, so you can't reuse it that much, and will lose it to evaporation.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 34
  • It's a nuclear reactor on wheels. That is kinda doomed to cause problems. I also do have questions about how it would be economically viable when compared to other available means of mobile power generation. It takes some really well trained people to safely operate this thing, and a natural gas/diesel generator can be used with barley any training and is both safer and cheaper, and on top of this has more capacity. That's not to say that this was a bad thing, the fact that they managed to build this thing, and at least according to the source i found it was also very stable and reliable, it was simply always doomed to not be very useful. But well, nuclear reactors use a lot of water, and well, mobile reactors on ships make a lot more sense, both because of this and because putting shielding on those is a lot easier. Ship based mobile reactors also can handle far higher capacities then land based ones. The only places where something like this might be useful is after natural disasters that destroy large amounts of infrastructure. That is mostly A) Earthquakes B) Tsunamis. Both of which also damage the streets that this thing would drive on, and well, after quakes and further flood waves would block practical operation for both of these. And well, there is diesel. It might not be as eco friendly as a reactor, but that just doesn't really matter here. You can carry a small diesel generator and anyone can use them. They are also a lot cheaper to make. And those are just things seen from the perspective of back then. Today we have mobile solar and wind generators, better batteries, and if you really want that mobile multi-megawatt power plant, use natural gas or hydrogen generators. Mobile nuclear reactors are just to expensive to make sense on a scale you can fit on a car. On a ship? sure. that works, that's why swimming nuclear plants exist. On land? no. It will always loose to other methods of power generation, both because you certainly can't make that thing very efficient power wise, and it will be pretty expensive as well.
    There is also the problem that this thing probably, i can't find any non-Russian sources on this and don't speak Russian, this thing needs a lot of water for cooling. At least all other reactors do, and i don't see a way they could have gotten around that. This makes this thing useless in a lot of environments.

    You can also simply consider this: The soviets agreed with me, they gave up on it.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 34
  • That is a horrible idea but i love it so much

  • I am leaving Win10 for Garuda
  • Garuda is great

  • CPU and GPU performance over time
  • Over the last decade we have started to approach the size limits of silicon semiconductors. So simply making transistors smaller and adding more of them became more and more difficult and expensive. We have also reached the practicall limits for cpu frequency in silicon.

    Then there is architecture limitations, x86 is a rather bad architecture for a modern cpu, and while arm is better it also somewhat suffers from the fact it was made in the 90s. RISC-V hives hopes of improvement on this front tho.

    So to get back to the growth speed of the second half of the 20th century we will have to develop new materials for semiconductors or alternative methods for computer construction.

  • Proposal for the city metro
  • It's more of an asthetik thing anyways. It's just really cool to have a metro.

  • Proposal for the city metro
  • Those thing shouldn't be a problem, the beach mine will be below it anyways and going thru it isn't a problem either. The machine room will be moved a bit, but there is not much in there yet so it will be a small amount of work to move it.

  • Proposal for the city metro


    The current tram system takes up a lot of surface space, that would be more well used for other things. Also metros are cool


    Simple build a couple of metro stations and connect them with tunnels. We can also move some water elevators to the metro stations which will make the surface (especially blair mountain str) look much nicer.


    i can do most of the world


    here is a layout of my suggestion for a metro system

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Me be loving satan

  • The way addiction can RULE your life...
  • The LoL "community" is also just a huge cess pit. There is a reason i mostly play single player games and Minecraft survival building servers.

  • first version of the first lemmycraft 5 week plan

    please leave critiques and suggestions






