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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 13
  • Just like so many users do when they go in that community to ask a “gotcha” question that has been addressed thousands of times before and then cry “see? Authoritarian tankies!!” When they get banned for it.

    hahaha this one is for real tho lol

    "DAE commermism 100 million people? omg!"

  • The Supreme Court seems eager to curb First Amendment protections for porn
  • it's adorable how you think Joe Biden isn't right-wing lol

    Democrats are just reasonable conservatives, Republicans are just fascist conservatives. All conservatives, still all dogshit, still all love genocide and imperialism.

  • President Biden warns of 'oligarchy' as he bids farewell to five decades in politics
  • Without Biden, Trump and Co. had a pretty fucking decent shot at losing. Sorry, but between his breathtaking hubris for running again, and his inflexibility on Israel, I will never, ever forgive that man. He had one fucking job, and he fucking blew it. Same-sex marriage will be "state by state" by the end of the year, and I will be an old man before my LGBT and female friends and family have their rights restored - and that's if they have their rights restored.

    That is a cost of decades upon the ones I love. I cannot and will not forgive that because he has a "D" next to his name when he did more than any single person to ensure that theocratic fascist cretinous scum with an "R" next to their names got locked into power.

  • Proton CEO goes full MAGA
  • Do you consider Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos "Democrats"? They'll go wherever the wind blows, which right now, is with Republicans. They're billionaires. They have no loyalty to anyone or anything beyond their mountains of gold.