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Charliechonch Charliechonch
Posts 6
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Australia and Arizona rock layers
  • thank you for taking the time to answer

  • What can a person replace tv shows, movies, and other zombie-brain entertainment with? How can attention span be improved?
  • Another vote for audiobooks. I usually pop one on and do all of my chores so they suck slightly less

  • Australia and Arizona rock layers

    Does Arizona and Australia share the same rock formation layers? I was watching a TV show and a lot of the Australian landscaped looked very red and similar to Sedona Arizona. Do they share the same layers?

    Progressive cognitive decline. [Neuroradiology] [MR]
  • It's also rumored to be the source of the folklore about wendigos. People turn to cannibalism in the north countries during winter time if food ran out and it was a warning story about cannibalizing others

  • India deals blow to online gaming industry with 28% tax
  • To be fair I would say worse things about prosperity gospel preachers

  • India deals blow to online gaming industry with 28% tax
  • But where else are they supposed to spend all that hard-earned money from scamming senior citizens

  • What It Takes to Convert a Multi-Million Dollar Office Into Housing
  • Yeah but could you imagine having residential on the top floor and then shopping and possibly daycare on the bottom floor? You could have targets and grocery stores and all sorts of other shit in there and it would probably pay for itself in a very short amount of time

  • What It Takes to Convert a Multi-Million Dollar Office Into Housing
  • That was really interesting. I was always wondering why we didn't just convert old abandoned shopping malls into residential / shopping districts

  • "I pickd dis"
  • I know it has nothing to do with your adorable pup, but I just wanted to say that I love your yard and the fact that it's Clover instead of just regular grass. Go bees!

  • Just a quick note here for keeping track! 7/9/2023 - 329 days.
  • Congratulations man, keep going!

  • People of Lemmy, what’s your horror story?
  • After a heavy night of drinking one weekend in high school I was spending the night at my friend's house. The place wasn't the cleanest, because, high schoolers. There was a bird that was kept in the bedroom and birds are pretty messy and throw food all over the place when they eat. There were clothes all over the floor so you couldn't see the floor at all. When we walked in the room, the floor moved.

    They left a blacklight on as a nightlight, turned on Ginuwine "My Pony" on loop and passed the fuck out. The room was kinda spinning from the amount that I had drank so if I closed my eyes I would get the spins. As I was looking up at the ceiling debating my life choices I saw something crawl across the wall. It.was.fucking.roaches.

    I sat up in a bit of a panic and really started looking around the room and saw that roaches were crawling up the walls, over the bed and pillow, and my friend that was sleeping. I spent the night cross legged in an office chair with a can of roach spray that was in the corner of the room spraying a puddle of it around the chair as a barrier.

    Found out later that because of them feeding the cats and just leaving wet cat food cans out around the house, sewer roaches would crawl up the bathtub drain in the middle of the night and pour out around the house.

    Needless to say, my house is fucking CLEAN. And I might have slight ptsd with that fucking song and the feel of a bug crawling on me.

  • Help me thank my dad*
  • My dad sounds a lot like your dad, but I guarantee you that he will secretly save it and cherish it. When I was helping him clean the other day I found something I made for him back when I was in preschool

  • Help me thank my dad*
  • Who cares if you're being sappy or not. It's not like you guys are going to be face to face when he's reading it so he can go hide on the porch away from everybody else and cry a little bit and nobody can say anything

  • Help me thank my dad*
  • Why don't you send him a thank you greeting card with all of the things that you said here and all of the things that you do want to say to him. This way, you don't have to be in front of his face, and he can read the card in private and then keep it forever because it will be his favorite thing

  • With great rules, come great expectations
  • I never knew there was a show! I loved reading the books and seeing all of the characters doing their jobs

  • Man’s failed attempt to rob nail salon in Atlanta 07/03/2023
  • He looks so defeated when he walks out

  • gentle looking
  • I'm just here to appreciate his sandals

  • The very best boy. I miss him so much

    Lost him to a clotting disorder that caused a pleural effusion. Vets never caught it in 11 years

    A quick hello from the UK
  • Welcome to your new home

  • If you see this, say Hello
  • Have you checked out !phoenix?

  • Multiple Sclerosis Charliechonch

    Just checking in

    Saying hi since I left reddit. Hope everyone is doing well. I am hating life at the moment with the 116 degree heat and in the crap gap for my infusion in 2 weeks. It can't come fast enough.


    Local discount farmers market Home | Desert Farms2Table

    The purpose of Desert Farms2Table is to help supplement meals in Arizona communities addressing the need of accessibility to nutritious rescued produce while reducing food waste. Farms2Table partners with nonprofit organization to distribute produce to farmers markets locations.

    Every Saturday this organization hosts a small farmers market. For a $15 donation you walk away with about 40 lb of food. If you register with them they send you an email with what type of fruits and vegetables they are bringing. There's usually a bunch of other vendors set up around them as well


    sunset last night

    Walked outside and fell in love with the colors


    coyotes active during the day?

    I've basically turned my coop into Fort knox, but I figured that my ladies would be safe enough running around the backyard during the day and full light. Apparently I was wrong. One of my girls got snatched by a coyote right in front of my face after it scaled 7 ft privacy fence. Is anybody else having problems with coyotes during the day or is it just me
