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Recently cracked transfem

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CW: Harry Potter. What's your stance on JK Rowling and Hogwarts Legacy
  • I expect my post will be controversial. I bought it and played it. I don't regret getting it.

    I accepted myself as trans and came out to my wife a couple months ago. Before coming out I was really deep in denial and didn't let myself play as girls in games even though deep down I really wanted to.

    Hogwarts Legacy was the first game I played as a female character by choice in a long time. The game was okay, it's been a really long time since I played that genre. Role playing as a girl was really freeing. Sure, I could have chosen countless other games, but it was new enough and unique enough that I actually wanted to play it. I'm pretty picky about games I play now; I have two young kids and a pretty demanding job.

    There's trans representation in it. It's very explicit, the barkeep at Hog's Head mentions that most of her former-classmates don't recognize her since she's now a witch instead of a wizard.

    It sucks that it supports JK Rowling a tiny bit. I definitely did not want to support her. But I was in a pretty bad mental state when I was playing it and it was a welcomed distraction. It even helped me come to terms with my trans-ness a little bit.

  • Here's why Speaker Mike Johnson's attendance at a "Purity Ball" is so damn disturbing
  • That is possibly my favorite description of Christianity that I have ever read! And very accurate!

  • What common grocery item(s) is it absolutely fine to buy the cheap/unbranded version of?
  • I'm not a doctor or a pharmacist. But just because it has the same ingredients doesn't mean it is the same. The way the medication is packaged, what fillers it has, etc. may have an impact on the way it works. Anecdotally I've heard of people having a different reaction to namebrand and generic because of some of these factors.