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Tax time
  • Exactly. The IRS has TONS of information on every individual and business. There may be some unreported items, but that’s the exception to the rule.

    The IRS has a “transcript” with all of the many reported transactions associated with each person/entity. And you can request this transcript, which many people with complicated tax situations do so they can verify that everything is reported correctly and their records match the IRS data.

  • Good job pedestrianing
  • The difference is still there for many drivers when at a complete standstill.

    I’ve been in the same situation. Amazing how different pedestrian right of way can be, even in cities less than 100 miles apart. But countries are another story. Sweden vs Vietnam is an interesting transition, although Vietnam is still relatively pedestrian friendly in the sense that they’ll try to avoid you and don’t get angry because you exist. In some parts of Mexico, it literally feels like the drivers want to run you over, even if you blatantly have the right of way.

  • Good job pedestrianing
  • Same. It’s a half “nice of you” and half “I’m going now and I’m making that clear” mostly so I don’t get run over.

    So weird though. Two humans walking at the same intersection will usually both try to find a suitable way around one another. Of course there are exceptions, but generally, pretty even and respectful encounter.

    Throw one of those humans behind the wheel of a car and a TON of them behave completely different. As if the people walking don’t deserve the space in the world. Or that they don’t have the right to be “in the way.”

    I try very hard to be a courteous driver and pedestrian, but just can’t believe how many greedy, selfish drivers there are. Eye opening if you walk around a lot.

  • What keeps you going every day?
  • Getting your first job after getting your degree is arguably the hardest time in your career. Just remember that it only takes one. Keep applying. Get help with your resume. Practicing interviewing and always have an appropriate outfit ready to go. You can do it.

    I’m not saying it’s easy nor that you should be overly selective. Your struggles are valid and job seeking blows. But just keep trying. If others have been able to get a job in the industry, that’s a good sign. I know it can be hard to see and compre yourself against, but it does not mean you won’t follow.

    Earning a degree is a major accomplishment and one you should be proud of. Loans can seem overbearing and stressful, but if they’re federal student loans, you can get on an income-based repayment plan to alleviate a lot of pressure. If you’re not generating income, the payment is usually $0. Very normal for new graduates and some people stay on them for a much longer time. Do not neglect these payments. Make sure to apply for this well before your first payment’s due date (probably now if your due date is January).

    Just keep on trucking on. One day at a time. Your family cares enough to help you out and you’re in a tough spot. Keep trying to improve and it’s likely to happen. Lean on all of your contacts, friends, and personal drive.

  • How the GOP became the party of tax cheats
  • This article is well worth the read. Archived version:

    In sum, some of America’s most prosperous times were when top marginal rates were extremely high (70%-92%). And now the GOP only serves the excessively rich and large corporations to put wealth and power above all else, gutting tax revenue and nearly every public program possible so those that already have money can have a little more.

  • Solar power expected to dominate electricity generation by 2050—even without more ambitious climate policies
  • Thanks for sharing that info. Definitely sounds like it might have been a good idea in the past but now overdo for a change. Sad that the current PM wants to continue destruction to get votes.

    Seems like a good example of how policies need to be implemented with a forward-thinking mentality. Can’t rely on future changes.

  • Solar power expected to dominate electricity generation by 2050—even without more ambitious climate policies
  • The cost of solar and wind is becoming so attractive, it’s hard to see why anyone would do otherwise.

    The elephant in the room (at least for the US; I’m not as familiar with UK policies) are the subsidies. It sparks new investments because many of the incentives are specifically related to new projects. Other ones mess with the valuation of the equipment, making long term tax burden much lower. It’s not the only energy industry to receive subsidies. But it’s pretty asinine to continue to support the one that’s destroying our world.

    “In one case, it’s going to profit, amplifying the incumbent status of the oil and gas industry. In another, under more aggressive decarbonization policy and low oil and gas prices, it’s actively working against the climate goal by spurring additional production.”

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • 2021: 2,590 deaths from the typical definition of children (18 and under). It is the leading cause of death in this age group.

    179 gun deaths among children ages 6 to 11 and 184 among those 5 and under in 2021.

    Plenty more details here:

    And despite the high US population, these are still astronomically higher than peer countries.

    “On a per capita basis, the firearm death rate among children and teens (ages 1-19) in the U.S. is over 9.5 times the firearm death rate of Canadian children and teens (ages 1-19). Canada is the country with the second-highest child and teen firearm death rate among similarly large and wealthy nations.”

    It’s an avoidable and unique problem that only happens in the US. If you’re not convinced that this is unacceptable, you simply don’t value human life. Advanced nations take steps to address problems, prevent death, and protect citizens from unnecessary harm. The inaction from the US leaders in this specific area is a serious sign of dysfunction, especially when the vast majority of its voters are in favor of increased gun control.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Shockingly, it is accurate as long as you consider age 3 and under a toddler. I also don’t think they’re literally tracking it by day but rather just more than 52/year. No matter the pedantic concerns, the deaths from guns in the US is sickening.

    The evidence for this article was even investigated by Snopes and found to be true. They framed it as “more toddlers kill in the US than foreign terrorists.” This was all from 2015/2016. And it’s only gotten worse since then.

    Gun deaths in the US are astronomical. In 2021, 184 deaths by guns from children 5 and under. More than 3 per week. From kids under 5 alone. This is a good read about gun violence in US children overall:

    Damn near 50,000 US gun deaths overall in 2021. That is more than 130 people PER DAY. Just utterly depressing. And leaders still fail to bring about any significant change.

  • 3,700 Detroit casino workers join strikes: "a fight with greedy corporations with the livelihood of the middle class at stake"
  • Pathetic that it’s necessary to strike. Pathetic that the leaders can’t understand worker value. Pathetic that investors are prioritized over workers.

    Strikes and collective bargaining are amazing tools to fight greed. It’s pathetic that they’re needed in the amounts they’re needed right now because of the enormous increase in greed and poor worker treatment. It’s a breakdown of moral behavior.

  • Autoworkers reach a deal with Ford, a breakthrough toward ending strikes against Detroit automakers
  • Ford started this negotiation with 9% raise and eventually went up to 30%. Collective bargaining and strikes work.

    And don’t ever listen to someone who says otherwise. They’re either a mindless bootlicker or have something to gain from a splintered workforce. Unions aren’t immune to problems, but it’s the best way to effectively rebalance the distribution of profits.

  • 3,700 Detroit casino workers join strikes: "a fight with greedy corporations with the livelihood of the middle class at stake"
  • It’s pathetic that these are needed, but corporate leaders have treated the workforce like shit for far too long. The entirely lackluster wage growth in the face of skyrocketing profits and corporate success must come to an end, and collective bargaining with strikes is by far the strongest tool workers have.

    As the numbers in this localized strike grow across industries, so does their chance of success. It’s still a fraction of the pushback we should be showing, but it’s an incredibly commendable action from those involved.

    Lower and middle class workers need to unite for their fair share. We must set aside our differences and fight the one battle that is more impactful than all the others: class war.

  • Health care workers report increase in burnout, harassment since the COVID pandemic: CDC
  • The healthcare industry has had horrendous work conditions for a very long time. It’s deeply ingrained into the US system. That’s a bad starting point.

    Then adding in all the emboldened anti-science and anti-healthcare mentality must be beyond frustrating to deal with as a professional. I can’t stand seeing the comments on social media that minimize the literal millions of COVID deaths, the supposed effectiveness of bullshit treatments, and the utter lack of respect for the people who have dedicated their lives to advancing medicine.

    Getting that shit thrown in your face as you’re literally trying to help them has to feel like a giant punch in the gut.

    And that’s all on top of the abundant societal issues that these workers have to deal with. From insurance fuckery to the growing numbers of people without homes and those battling addiction.

    Living that day in and day out would make anyone miserable.

  • Cruise Self-Driving License Revoked After It Withheld Pedestrian Injury Footage, DMV Says
  • For sure. The US was once a leader with its public infrastructure and programs, from education to the highway system. Paying BIG money to provide these incredible public services.

    Now it seems like a lot of people in the US want to live in a place with zero public projects, crumbling roads, and unregulated utilities. Even wealthy people who waste money on the dumbest stuff don’t want to pay for top-notch public services. I truly don’t understand how you’d want to be so wealthy but live in a place that’s not well cared for. Drive your insanely expensive car on a road filled with potholes. But selfishness and greed are definitely part of the picture.

  • Cruise Self-Driving License Revoked After It Withheld Pedestrian Injury Footage, DMV Says
  • Creating new public infrastructure in the US can be extremely expensive, but it’s definitely still worth pursuing.

    Nearly every in-depth study shows that for every $1 invested, the economic return is somewhere around $4-$5. And on top of that, failing to have adequate public infrastructure can cause serious economic consequences, which are compounded in areas with a lack of affordable housing.

    Even though this article is a little old and sponsored by a party with a vested interest on the topic, I think it’s worth a read:

    In my opinion, the problem for the US is convincing people/businesses that it’s worth it. Shifting away from cars and increasing investments in public infrastructure are two fairly unpopular measures right now, despite the actual economic evidence being overwhelming positive.

    To me, it’s a solid example of where great leaders are needed to do something temporarily unpopular for the long term benefit of the constituents.

  • Supreme Court blocks restrictions on Biden administration efforts to get platforms to remove social media posts
  • So far, yes. They’re allowing things to continue as they did before this case was brought.

    But much more importantly, they’ve agreed to rule on the merits of the case. While this order might make you think they’re in favor of the administration, they could easily flip against when the issue the actual ruling. Then it’s a more permanent action.

    I see this as a very important issue of our time. Social media platforms have speed up the exchange of opinions and information tremendously. But they’re terrible at preventing the spread of misinformation. That’s shouldn’t always result in government intervention, but sometimes it should. There are many restrictions on the first amendment that are justified.

    During a global emergency about a serious health hazard, it seems entirely justified to place more restrictions on first amendment rights and allow government intervention when the private companies fail to act.

  • Have you ever had a bad gut feeling about a (generally well-liked) person that ended up being totally justified? If so, what happened?
  • Of course. I’ll just speak generally instead of specific stories.

    Judging people based on their charisma alone is a terrible approach. Many likable people are great, but others just say what they know other people want to hear. People pleasers that will always choose the popular option, not the “right” one… And some people can be very talented at using manipulative tactics to gain support even though they spread a lot of pain. The classic popular bully.

    The reverse can also be true. Some extremely uncharismatic/unpopular people are amazing at heart. And can be trusted to do what’s right even if it’s unpopular.

    That’s why it’s best to not make knee-jerk or immediate judgements. Listen to your gut, pay attention to details, and try not to let the opinion of others influence your opinions or decisions too much.