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This is real rule.
  • As if we needed more proof that the british are a fallen civilization.

  • Based
  • How?

  • ‘I’m trying to give you a better deal’: Customer pulls gun on Burger King employee for giving him a discount
  • This is actual brain-damage behavior. You don't get this way from overconsuming rage-bait on twatter or whatever. This guy needs to be clinically studied.

  • Fascists are planning a little get-together. Anyone know where exactly?
  • How funny would it be if someone posted a fake threat to the Dachau-downsie's event, the feds show up as a result, and someone else convinces the Special-Staffel that the feds are woke and they get into some full-on Ruby Ridge type shit as a result.

  • do UAPs investigate fusion sites like they do for fission?
  • Always wondered, what other things would they investigate? Certain other kinds of research that aren't as 'flashy' as nuclear stuff? Multinational oligarchs? Systemically engineered mass murder events?

  • Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
  • What's the deal with this certainty that this is the result of people's will? I'm more inclined to beleive it is a systemic result of 'winner takes all' logic and the penetration of political and media institutions by bad actors.

  • Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
  • I'm beginning to believe that a large portion of this society doesn't actually see anything wrong with genocide, they just don't like the word and are content with telling themselves that the victims deserved it.

    Isreal and the US government know what they are doing, the killing is deliberate, it is the only viable explanation for things like the treatment of UNRWA and the clear targeting of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Claiming that these targets are somehow militants would be laughable if the consequences weren't so saturated with human blood.

    It's obvious to me that both parties would make the same choices here, party politics are only to blame here as far as they enabled themselves to be so throughly penetrated by foreign interests. Only real difference with Trumptard VS genocide Joe is that trump would be more transparent with his support for genocide.

  • US House Republicans win impeachment of Biden's top border official
  • Not Dr Breen!

    Seeing his Breencast waiting In line at TSA almost let's me pretend I just arrived in city 17, probably the most use anyone who's not a politician has ever gotten out of TSA.

  • Karl Nell on The Schumer Amendment And Controlled Disclosure
  • If they can tolerate the mask-off of the fed government happening right now because of Palestine right now (media and government knowingly enabling and covering up mass murder and manufactueing consent for it, forced relocations, criminalizing violent resistance to violent repression, the complete lack of agency the American people have had over everyhting i just mentioned and how insanely disenfranchised we all actually are), what do they even have to worry about?

    For real, even speaking just hypothetically, what could actually make a UFO/UAP cover-up worse than that?

  • ‘I Don't Believe Deepfakes Should Be Regulated,' Says Man Who Is the Reason Deepfakes Should Be Regulated
  • "Don't you know that our plans have your interest - not ours - in mind"?

    Unironically if it's a struggle to understand why regulation of AI is far more dangerous than AI than I have a pair of boots to sell you. They go on your neck, and you'll be the one who asks for them to go there. But don't worry, they'll keep you safe, and if you don't unconditionally beleive me you are somehow wrong.

  • 4 years
  • U gotta be shitting me, like honestly if you are a grown ass adult who can't tell this is AI generated or at the least heavily edited, you never had any agency over yourself and deserve to be exploited.

  • Protestors Shut Down BAE Systems Testing Center in Sterling Heights, Disrupting Profits to the War Machine
  • It isn't about expressing how I feel or "making your voice heard".

    It's about directly attacking and eliminating the agency of those in positions of power and replacing it with your own.

    Anything else is a fool's errand.

  • QLINE touts big ridership boost in '23
  • Every time I have used the Q me and the group i was with had to get out and walk because some invalid had parked on the tracks. We beat the train every time.

  • Get another job
  • Permanently Deleted

  • David Grusch calls on Americans to make UAPs an election issue | Vargas Reports
  • Timing on this couldn't have been worse, one of if not THE most heinous mass murder events of the century is currently going on with our governments implicit support.

    Basically everyone in my generation who isn't directly invested in the state of Israel sees right through all the claims of antisemitism and perceives it as an amoral parasite at best, and a blueprint for the future of opression at worst. Like seriously, there is no chance in hell that this issue is going to be able to compete with this for attention.

  • Jews in Michigan mark Hanukkah with resolve amid fears
  • Neither of them have the right to exist, I don't see the hypocrisy.

    Life, autonomy, individual agency... nobody has any obligation to sacrifice these things for any reason. These are the things you sacrifice everything else for. There is simply nothing that exists with so much as the potential be more important than them. No virtue, no God, no nation, absolutely nothing.

    Yes, the nazis did think that any individual that had certain 'undesirable' traits had an "obligation to cease existing". I don't see how that's related to my comment beyond the Nazi state being a textbook example of a power structure with that very obligation due to how depraved they were.

    I may be younger than most people on this service but I am not a child, and I'm not too young to have educated myself about the Nayirah testimony, the health of the 4th amendment, manufactured consent... ahh fuck it, you know all this, you know that none of what you said about me is true, at the end of the day I'm still the sucker for engaging in the first place.

  • Jews in Michigan mark Hanukkah with resolve amid fears
  • I would go as far as to say that any that have a sufficiently negative impact on individual human autonomy have an obligation to cease existing.

    Of course whatever methods are used, they must acknowledge the reality of the situation first and foremost.

  • Jews in Michigan mark Hanukkah with resolve amid fears
  • No state or power structure has the right to exist.

  • Does anyone else think that the TSA screens at DTW give Breencast vibes hard?

    I can't be the only one.


    Tonight, on the Moth radio hour:




    Metal Gear Obama

    Metal Gear Obama.

    • Hediwo Jima



    How would one go about getting personally involved in the study/recovery/observation of UAP/UFO's?

    Assume you were born with a medical disability that prevents you from serving in the military but doesn't typically interfere with physical fitness/ability, are in it purely for the money/connections, are in your early-mid 20's, have a practical STEM degree, and have meaningful experience in genuinely hazardous work environments.

    Where to start?


    where can I learn how to make fake AI voice clips of famous people?

    Looking for both the process and any software I may need. My day job involves teaching image-pattern recognition algorithms on industrial robots so I'm not afraid of any learning curve, I simply don't know where to get started.



    If there is a cover up of UFO/UAP capture/study, how do you suspect it may be achieved?

    For example, might it be modled on the cover up of the Manhattan project when it was ongoing? If so, would there be any unique indicators that such a cover up is ongoing now?


    Never Forgetti Spaghetti


    The Industrial revolution and its consequences.
