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Boeing’s crisis in Washington is about to soar to a new phase
  • Who is less popular now, Musk or Boeing?

  • Just don't do it
  • How did you get my baby photos?!

  • 40 Kilobyte Rule
  • I'm back after 3 days of going down the rabbit hole you all set before me having a much better understanding of the question and a much bigger appreciation of the NES coders.

  • 40 Kilobyte Rule
  • Can someone ELI5? I mean, I understand what is being said, but how is it a whole game is less storage than a modern image of that game?

  • Recalled lead-tainted applesauce pouches stayed on Dollar Tree shelves for weeks, FDA says
  • The lead apple doesn't fall far from the Dollar Tree.

  • 12 June 2024
  • Diamonds, Lawrence, that'll shut her up.

  • 14 June 2024
  • I think this is the same kid that was pushing on the "Pull" door.

  • Dutch tourist found dead, two Americans and two French tourists missing in Greece
  • Heat + Old(er) + Rocky Greek Island + Hiking = Death

    I think this math checks out.

  • Map of Every Chinese City
  • Has anyone been to Every Chinese before? Looks pretty quaint but I'm not sure Ring Road is to scale.

  • 15 June 2024
  • I never knew our German-Jewish ancestors invented dancing. Go figure...