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Caitlynn Cait

I'm a Cat, meow!

Posts 2
Comments 100
  • Immer zwischen linken und Panzerchen(Tankies) unterscheiden

  • Ich🤯iel
  • Warum nicht

  • Relatability rule
  • I'd gladly give you one

  • Aint no Tolerance Paradox round here
  • Tho a bit extreme, killing them would deradicalize them /s

  • Spektrum zwischen CDU und AfD: Abgeordnete verhandeln offenbar über Parteigründung
  • Und was ist deren Gemeinsamkeit? Ausländerfeindlichkeit und Korruption?

  • the land of the f...
  • The most dangerous substance in our modern world

  • Gadze
  • Omfg

  • Gadze
  • Omg Wenn ich wieder zu Hause bin versuch ichs mal

  • Carbon Capture...
  • Ever heard about trees Mr Techbro

  • Gadze


    Whats your such opinion
  • Yes, but companies are really pushing it to its limit

  • Bahn-Karte 1835-2022: So ist Deutschlands Schienennetz geschrumpft. Mitte der 50er-Jahre war es noch 14.000 Kilometer länger als heute.
  • Eingestellt ist so ein böses Wort, eingespart klingt doch viel besser! /s

  • [Daily thread] How are you doing today? 06-12-2023
  • Terrible, the usual stuff

  • there still are too many cars in german cities
  • 400 parking spaces would never be enough for the masses at those Markets

  • I hate designer shoes. I hate designer shoes. I hate designer shoes. I hate designer shoes.
  • Hey those are my boots! Like in I literally have the exact Same ones

  • Angelika hat's erfasst: Wir sind verloren
  • Die haben auch einen lebenlangen Vorrat an Lack oder?

  • Choose 3 tanks, the other 7 are coming for you
  • Behold the mighty Sturmtiger! Any Last words before getting obliterated with your beloved Abrams by your side?

    Sturmtiger completly misses you and breaks down trying to retreat to start it's very Long reload process

  • ‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza | The Guardian
  • Imagne ai powered stealth Bomber, now imagne them going rouge and bombing their own Citizen instead of the targeted Citizen.

  • Survive the zombie apocalypse
  • My beloved crowbar didnt even make the list :(

  • ich🥞iel
  • Bitte, lass das die lases Leute klären, ich erkenne deren Urteil an

  • Which controller did you start with?
  • Yall making me feel like a little kid

  • Gadse
