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CEO_of_Dolphins CEOofDolphins

Aspiring programmer, Frutiger Aero Enthusiast.

Also on @[email protected]

Posts 11
Comments 31
*Permanently Deleted*
  • This sounds like something out of The Onion, its gotta be fake

  • Papyrus what happened? 😰

    Kendrick Tribute
  • Reminds me of the reddit rap on r/Teenagers

  • Interesting detail on the Undertale book

    Reddit API fee protests push into third week
  • Third week? Damn, i sweared i joined only two weeks ago

  • My friend's cat

    My son's handmade Sans costume
  • Wow, it looks amazing! Loved that hand Gaster-Blaster

  • Unlimited power!
  • I'm sorry if this isn't the right place, but can someone explain to me how Linux gives more liberty than Windows and why Linux is objectively better than Windows? I want to switch to Linux but i didn't find any good reason or incentive to abandon Windows

    I've tried to use Linux Mint and i liked the experience, but since i'm more of a casual user, i came back to Windows 10, mainly because i just use my pc for browsing, watching YouTube and gaming, using Vegas and Visual Studio Code occasionally.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The whole fediverse thing is what really takes me back to my first days on the internet, because after some years, the way the internet works in general became common knowledge, so nothing felt new, or the things that were really new, were actually just stupid concepts (Take for example NFTs that rised in popularity last year, people said it would change the future and the way the internet works, but it actually was just a dumb pyramid scheme and it led to nothing, even to this day i have no idea how it works.)

    But the federation is a genuinely interesting system that is different from everything i've seen in the past years. The concept of anyone hosting conglomerates of communities in their own house or even in a dedicated server, while all those instances communicate with eachother is mind boggling for me, and the fact that none of this is owned by a company truly reinforces the feeling of community. The fediverse feels like a part of the internet that is yet to be explored, and while i don't understand it completely, there's still much to learn and discover. Browsing through Lemmy doesn't feel just like a daily dopamine rush activity just like Reddit, it genuinely feels like i'm interacting, contributing and being part of it, something i haven't felt for a long time tbh.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think this is the thing that made me stay on Lemmy and don't look back on Reddit. I'd imagine that the federation is not a totally new concept, but since i discovered it i'm feeling just like when i discovered the internet when i was 5 years old, i posted more here in the last 5 days than what i used to post on reddit in a year.

  • The cons of being too small

    Immersive games?
  • The Dark Souls series, Halo and especially Destiny. Bungie has an incredible ability to create immersive skyboxes imo.

  • You can give a PowerPoint presentation about any topic to a big crowd, what will you about?
  • "Yeah but the thing is the Orks actually power everything with their imagination, but in reality none of their equipment they use actually works, and its actually just a bunch of metal and parts put together, but everyone believes that it works, and so it works, and they also have big campaigns of war they call "Waagh!" where they..."

    I sometimes fantasize about explaining the entire 40k lore in a presentation to my classroom lol

  • You can give a PowerPoint presentation about any topic to a big crowd, what will you about?
  • Y'know i'd actually listen to this. Especially how sometimes media uses horror in a really smart way that even gives the viewer a psychological pressure and a genuine feeling of fear, it really seems like an intersting topic

  • You can give a PowerPoint presentation about any topic to a big crowd, what will you about?

    Flesh and bone are weak and mutable
  • From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.

    Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal…

    ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.

  • What's your favorite soundtrack in the game?
  • My favorite is Red Sun, everytime i listen i immediately quote Sundowner lol


  • Do you come from a land down under?
  • Where women glow and men plunder?

  • Most memorable Undertale/Deltarune momment?


    Got this urge to start ralseiposting as soon as i joined


    Anyone hyped for Fable?

    I finished the Anniversary edition back in 2017 and to this day i still think its a very enjoyable game despite being old, so seeing a new Fable after years with next gen graphics is really awesome


    Fabuloso Rule


    Lemmy is very good, but something bothers me

    Don't get me wrong, for the last 12 hours i've been using Lemmy its been awesome. However idk if i'm the only one who thinks this, but when things at reddit subsides (wich will take very long), Lemmy's fame of being "the reddit alternative" won't be very good in the long run, since it prevents Lemmy from being its own thing

    But maybe i'm just overthinking lol


    Welcome to Lemmy!

    Test post-

    So far Lemmy is pretty good! Well, at least it has a much more friendly atmosphere than i imagined. Tho i didn't find an Undertale community here at first so hey, why not be the first?
