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  • All the people saying just change instances, I would and will but this being the biggest instance and calling itself the front-page of Lemmy. This sets a precedent for banning things capitalism doesn't support with out even talking to your user base. And I disapprove.

  • Why were we able to stamp out Nazism but not the Taliban?
  • By we, I'm assuming you mean the american military complex. Too echo others they didn't stamp out the Nazis they hired them as "scientists" and higher ups in the intelligence agencies. And the ideology lives on around the world and is on the rise. The Taliban and Isis were essentially created by the CIA, u can read about it on Wikipedia. America isnt in western asia to stop the Taliban, America is there to extract resources. But even if America was in western Asia to stop the Taliban america did little to stop Nazi Germany they didn't enter the war till close to the end and Soviet union had annexed the capital 3 days before the US military was there

  • Some people's brain function still affected by Long COVID years after infection
  • Getting post covid has little to do with whether or not your are vaccinated, i got covid before it was even announced. and i have gotten all the vaccines and masked with n95s i still do, i still have post covid and it hasn't gotten any better.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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