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BruceLee BruceLee


Posts 13
Comments 143
Half of Britons wouldn't take a trip to the the moon, even in guaranteed safety
  • I refuse. I refuse to be Briton and I refuse you as my king.
    Did you thought I would let it pass just because you have cake day? No sir, no...

  • Half of Britons wouldn't take a trip to the the moon, even in guaranteed safety
  • What's the difference btw british and britons ?

  • Piracy
  • Don't you have university library? I did most of the recommend readings through my studies and found them all there (excepted for one). Ended up being a two reference books which prove themselves to be worth it.

  • Pigs be like...
  • Ouinque

    Pardon ?
    Non. Les cochons, porcs et autres sangliers font : grouin-grouin !

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • ok. Thank you for the explanation. Honestly, I'm not not what I'm saying myself. Like I said, I've never done torrenting but I'm curious to try.

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • I'm into older content but I've never done any torenting. If I were to start would it by harder for me because of the time of content i search, or would it be like any torrenting?

  • Healthy alternative rule
  • I wonder sometime how bad for the health it is to smoke tabacco leaves, just tabbaco nothing else.

  • Check your email for the verification code we just sent you.
  • I am french, I use cheques , I also use wire transfers and many other bank option but I hope more place would accept my cheque. Also cheque transaction are tracjed and accounted just like others.

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • Music is an art and listening to music / going to concert is hobby. It is totally fine not to have a taste for it, for any kind of it.

  • In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?
  • There is more and more budgies in big european cities. Some espace there cages, reproduced and live now among pigeons and sparrows. I was surprised to see they could live in region where the winter go bellow -5°C for weeks.

    Austrian lorrikeets and rosellas will still surprised and amazed me though.

  • The exchange.
  • I can imagine. Today was walk for me as well and I am in no rush to be monday.

  • How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • Still a few hundred years is much more than what most of today buildings can survived.

  • The exchange.
  • Fortunately this is not the case in every culture ʘ‿ʘ

  • The exchange.
  • Glad to ear it. I'm a bit tired and bored but I'm mostly fine as well.
    How is the weather where you are?

  • Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account
  • I don't give my picture to social media but in a way the fact that you have to take pictures directly from your app is the proper way to digitalised identifing someone. Back to the time where people phisically register, people will showed up to prove which face they have an match it with an non reproductible identity card. But, now I could easily inpersonnate 5 or 10 of my relative and love-ones from the picture I have from them and image of their id-card or another official document they have give me access to, or they have access from my computer once.

  • How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • Normal people houses don't survive much longer that 500-600 years bc on fire and bombing, but town hall, temple, fort, palace and other administration building can be much much older.

  • Inspirational
  • Is this a joke about deaf people listening? I'm not sure I get it.

  • Anon shares their highschool mascot
  • So what is the problem? Is anon some kind of prod racist or what?

  • A colleague sent a video of a murder at work today and I'm still seething. What rights do I have? (UK)
  • As for law I don't know but this is work harassement. Your company surely has a policy against it.
    I would advice you to go to your HR make a complain even you don't go all the way to make sure he is punished, you should make sure they is a official trace of what happened. For you, for what you went thought also for the case he keeps going and for other how might be his next victims of harassment in the futur.

  • Où trouver un restaurant exclusivement végétarien ?

    Y a-t-il une liste, un annuaire ou un autre genre d'index des restaurants dans lesquels je ne peux pas commander de viande ? Lorsque je cherche des restaurants végétarien sur Internet, je suis pollué par les restaurants à opinion végétarienne et je n'ai pas besoin d'aide pour trouver une pizza Margherita.

    Même question potentiellement avec 'es raustaurant végétalien.


    Quelque part ailleurs sur internet... Une autre grève et un autre exode

    Les utilisateurs de BetaSeries se mobilisent contre à la refonte de l'interface. Si les promesses de départ vers d'autres sites faite sur le forum se réalisent, le site va avoir des problèmes.

    Bon c'est pas la même échelle que Reddit non plus ! 😅


    Is there a tv series tracker on the fediverse ?

    I'm no longer satisfied with the one I use and since I am already using bookwyrme for my readings, I was wondering if I couldn't track my shows throught the fediverse.


    What advice to give to someone who's gonna start his first job ?

    For someone who is not antiwork but still should learn to be mindful about the wonders of worklife.

    Visible mending BruceLee

    [Visible mending] - How to smooth the edge of a broken cup handle ?

    publication croisée depuis :

    > I have a ceramic cup with broken handle. I want to sand it down or do something to make the broken part look pretty and less sharp. It is not so sharp to begin with but still. > > Do you have experience with such a material ? > > #VisibleMending #cup


    [Visible mending] - Is there a active community out there ? - Broken cup handle

    Is there a active visible mending community on the fediverse ?

    I'm have a ceramic cup with broken handle. I want to sand it down or do something to make the broken part look pretty and less sharp? It is not so sharp to begin with but still.

    Do you have experience with such a material ?

    #VisibleMending #cup


    [travaux d'aiguille] - Bouillotte en noyaux de cerise

    J'ai collecté les noyaux de cerises mais aussi de prunes et de quelques autres fruits ces derniers temps et j'ai pour projet d'en faire une petite bouillotte. Quelque chose de petit de la taille d'une chaufferette ou un peu plus grand. Mais le principe peut se décliner pour de plus grande bouillotte.

    Il me faut :

    • du tissu résistant à un passage au microonde pour faire une petite poche. Du coton devrait faire l'affaire.
    • Un morceau de laine tricotée ou crochetée cousu en une poche légèrement plus grande pour servir de housse.
    • Assez de noyaux pour remplir la poche interne de ma chaufferette.

    Les étapes :

    • Coudre la poche interne sur trois côtés.
    • La remplir avec les noyaux et coudre le dernier côté
    • Ajouter éventuellement une sorte d'anse à la poche pour la déplacer plus facilement une fois chaude.
    • Coudre trois côté d'une poche à partir de mon ouvrage de laine. Cette poche externe doit être un peu plus grande que la poche interne, de sorte à ce que celle-ci rentre facilement dans sa housse
    • Ajouter un système de fermeture sur le quatrième côté comme un ou deux boutons. Il faut prendre les mesures avec la poche de noyaux à l'intérieur pour s'assurer de pouvoir fermer la housse une fois pleine.

    Et voilà, on microonde quelques instants la poche interne, on la glisse dans notre housse qu'on faire et notre chaufferette est prête.

    Un projet qui ne coûte pas cher et qui ne demande pas de grandes compétences techniques parfaits pour les longues soirées d'hiver.

    Un exemple de tuto avec des mesures exactes pour une bouillotte de la taille d'un petit coussin sur le site de Marie Claire


    Semolina pasta

    Most of pasta recipe online are flour pasta while the most commonly sold pasta are of semolina. I have tried to make pasta out of different size of semolina and hot water but this taste more like gnocchi. Probably because of the thick shape. I'll try again using my pasta machine to make thin ones.

    What about you ? Do you make pasta dough ? Out of flour, semolina or a mix of them ? Which form likes you the best ?


    Quelles associations d'herbes ou d'épices faites vous avec le chocolat ? - What dried herbs or spices do you pair chocolate with ?

    Il y a les associations classiques avec

    • la vanille,
    • la cannelle,
    • la menthe,
    • le gingembre et toutes sortes d'épices à pain d'épices

    Et aussi l'association avec

    • le piment qu'on retrouve régulièrement.

    Mais quels autres mélanges faites vous ?

    publication croisée depuis :

    > There is the traditional pairs : > - choco-vanilla > - choco-cinnamon > - choco-minth > - choco-ginger and whatever winter spice mix > And the not so exotic > - choco-chili > But what other combinaisons can you make ?


    What dried herbs or spices do you pair chocolate with ?

    There is the traditional pairs :

    • choco-vanilla
    • choco-cinnamon
    • choco-minth
    • choco-ginger and whatever winter spice mix And the not so exotic
    • choco-chili But what other combinaisons can you make ?

    How to reuse shoe lace ?

    Collecting laces from worn shoes help personalised new ones without buying new laces. But at one point they will be more laces than need. What else can you do with shoe laces ?


    Low or zero waste school supplies

    We going back to school in a little bit and I was looking for idea to reduce my waste on that part. There is so many one use items there, usually sell wrapped in a lot of paper and plastic.

    One question I have is about fountain pen : Is it better than ball pen given the plastic ink reservoirs that are discarded. I'm open to any suggestion on the back-to-school topic.

    Here are mine :

    • Always check what is not use or not finish for the past year before starting your shopping list
    • Trade with family, friend and neighbour what your didn't need last year for something they didn't use
    • Buy single unwrapped pen, felt pen and alike in stationery store. Bonus, buying the one or two felt pens or highlighters color you saves a lot
    • Use a small white/black-board instade of a draftbook.