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Kredsmandater er måske nok lokale repræsentanter, men så vidt jeg kan se på Wikipedia, så er det ikke en "first past the post" som det er i f.eks. amerikanske eller britiske valg, men i stedet (igen) en "pøl" som alle lokale stemmer går til. Og da de fleste nok stemmer parti i stedet for person vil forholdsvist få stemmer "gå tabt" her.
Angående spærregrænsen, så vil antallet af stemmer (hvis man tæller hvert kryds som en stemme) øges, så nogen skal tage en beslutning om hvorvidt spærregrænsen skal være 2% af antal kryds eller 2% af antal borgere. Hvad der 2 vil have af konsekvenser ved jeg ikke umiddelbart.
Problemet med at indføre rangerede stemmer eller et lignende system i det danske system er, at vi hver i sær ikke stemmer på 1 lokal repræsentant, men i stedet lægger en stemme i pølen til hele Folketinget. Så spørgsmålet er, hvad er kriteriet for at min stemme bliver flyttet over til min næste favorit?
Jeg kan dog godt se, at samme problem ikke gør sig gældende for approval voting, så det kunne nok godt fungere med lidt justeringer. F.eks. skal grænsen for, hvornår er parti har for få stemmer nok ikke længere være en fast procentdel af stemmerne, men i stedet være vægtet efter hvor mange stemmer hver borger har givet på en eller anden måde.
Jeg undrer mig så over at man kan sælge sit gamle tøj dag ud og dag ind i 3 år. Jeg har desværre en lille mistanke om at nogle af disse sælgere går i genbrugsbutikker, køber noget billigt genbrugstøj, og så sælger det lidt dyrere. Det kan dog være jeg tager fejl, og folk rent faktisk har så meget af deres eget gammle tøj at sælge.
Alternatively Midsommervisen, written in 1885, with the popular melody rewritten in 1980:
Is sung on Sankt Hans Aften every year while roasting a (sculpture of a) witch on a huge bonfire.
Skipper Klements morgensang: A song from 1970 (I actually thought it was way older) about a civil war in 1534
I think you meant "powers of two" not "square numbers" near the end there
There are (at least) 3 types of attraction: Sexual, romantic and aesthetic
The main problem i have had with printing minis has been getting the supports off of the print. FDM seemingly generates more support material than resin printing, and because the figure is as small as it is, it is quite difficult to get any tools in there to get the support material out.
Yes, the article explains what Control Net is for those of us who haven't heard of it before. And the article says that Control Net was (apparently) initially meant to be used for qr codes.
Can you recommend a place to start brushing up on that?
Dejligt de i det mindste prøver det for en enkelt dag. Dog tror jeg en enkelt uge ville være et bedre experiment. Og hvilke veje er det der lukker? Er det så gyder, som alligevel ikke ser nogle biler udenfor myldretiden?
Jeg mindes ikke en Harry Potter bog der omhandlede et brændfarligt bageri, men den er måske en svensk original?
Both Railroad Ink. and Number 9 (might be called 0-9) are games which are solely component limited, meaning that if you buy 2 boxes you can play with twice the amount of players (12 and 8 respectively).
Mysterium is a co-op game for up to 7 players.
If you are into deduction and quick thinking Ricochet Robots might be for you.
If you want a chill game to have a chat while playing Concept (without the rules for points) is a fun "guess the word/phrase" game.
Since you guys are new I would like to direct your attention to the following excellent resources:
- - Has all the rules for Pathfinder 2e
- - Character creator for Pathfinder 2e. Free, but requires paying a small one-time amount to get access to Free Archetypes, Pets and Cloud Storage
- - Character creator for Pathfinder 2e. Free, but a Patreon subscription is required for more than 6 characters (I might be wrong on this part)
- - Excellent YouTube channel with videos about most rules
- - Overview of the classes and their general strengths
- - Virtual tabletop with excellent pf2e integration. One time purchase for GM + ongoing hosting cost
As someone who likes to build their characters ahead of their current level I too prefer Pathbuilder, though for new players Wanderers Guide might be a bit more hand-holdy.
I believe both of them can output a pdf of the character sheet if you prefer to play without tablets/phones, and both can handle at-table play, though for Pathbuilder specifically I would recommend a tablet/laptop over a phone, because the website is a bit more friendly for at-table play.
Foundry is the only vtt which is regularly recommended for pf2e pretty much everywhere. It had excellent integration from what I hear (though I haven't tried it myself other that a one-shot)
The immediately obvious way to make such a disease is to make it an actual disease using the affliction rules. This however would get easier to deal with as your characters level up, since the DC will stay constant but the PCs saves will go up. Another way to go about it would be to have a lost of conditions, which accumulate for each day/week. So on the first day/week you gain Clumsy 1, then also Enfeebled 1, then also Clumsy 2 and so forth. This will very quickly become VERY punishing though, unless you carefully pick conditions that don't affect your PCs very much. The entire list of conditions can be found here. I would probably use Fatigued and Flat-footed for the first few levels and then the ones listed under Lowered abilities after that, maybe even throwing in a Doomed or two along the way. But as I said, this can very quickly become VERY punishing.
I would recommend starting over at Lvl 1, because characters get quite a lot of options over the levels, so starting with only the Lvl 1 options can simplify things quite a bit. Though I know that some people have done a "You are depowered for some reason" or "You are dreaming of a time when you weren't as strong" period to somewhat quickly level up from one to where you were. If you do this, be aware that characters will end up differently than your 5e versions, and that pf2e expected certain magical items at certain levels, such as Potency and Striking runes for martials and Wands and Staves for Casters.