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[P5V9P3] Prepub Predictions
  • Pretty sure you'll get your wish. The victory feast should happen the next chapter. Then I'm guessing a tour of Ehrenfest while Rozemyne checks up on the temple and her personnel. Hoping there will be some kind of update about the Sovereignty. Also curious if Bonifatius stayed in the south or if he made it back to Ehrenfest during Georgine's invasion.

  • Prepub Predictions

    Last week's chapters began with Rozemyne and Matthias charging toward Grausam inside the giebe estate. After gaining the God of Darkness's blessing for their weapons and avoiding traps by flying over them in Lessy, they confront Grausam. Rozemyne enlarges Lessy to block Grausam's escape while Matthias and Grausam argue their own convictions. Grausam no longer considers Matthias his son and attacks him while physically enhanced. Rozemyne thinks about how she could best help and decides to bless Matthias. Rozemyne gradually grants Matthias the divine protections of nine gods. Grausam is angered as Matthias becomes even matched to himself and vows to kill Rozemyne. Rozemyne's mana is drained through Lessy by one of Grausam's attacks. Matthias's attacks reveals that much of Grausam's body has transformed into feystone. Grausam uses all his remaining mana to enhance his speed then charges Matthias, throwing him to the balcony. Grausam then drains the mana from the previous Giebe Gerlach's feystone. With Matthias safely out of range, Rozemyne uses her water gun to attack Grausam. As Grausam falls from the attack, he is able to touch Lessy with his prosthesis, draining Rozemyne's mana. Rozemyne panics and pours more mana into Lessy—enlarging it to ensure her safety. Rozemyne continues to flood Lessy with more mana than Grausam can drain causing his prosthetic hand to turn into gold dust. Meanwhile Ferdinand has taken over the foundation and is able to deactivate the estate's barrier. He then signals knights waiting outside and they break Grausam apart like a shattered feystone.

    After the fight Rozemyne reunites with everyone and discovers Lessy has damaged the giebe's estate when growing large. She discusses what they should do next. She decides that a feast would be held in Bindewald for the Dunkelfelger knights while she, Ferdinand, Hannelore, and their retainers would go to Ehrenfest for a day to celebrate and inspect the city. Aub Ehrenfest arrives and teleports them to the city.

    They arrive in Ehrenfest and are greeted by Charlotte and Florencia. Guest rooms and baths are prepared for them. Rozemyne lets Ferdinand stay in her library while she stays at the castle. Rozemyne meets with her retainers who stayed in Ehrenfest and they discuss what happened in the city. Both Grausam and Georgine were found to have body doubles. Sylvester confirmed that the real Georgine had been killed and the bible key was recovered. Rozemyne hears the tales of her knight's valor, Brigitte's assistance, the effectiveness of her shumil magic tools, and her Dad's contribution to the defense of the lower city.

    What new developments do you predict will happen in this week's chapters?


    Prepub Predictions

    Volume 9 began last week with a prologue following Grausam. After being delayed with dismantling traps set by Bonifatius, Grausam retrieved some traps and magic tools and made his way to Gerlach's estate. Using a magic tool that changes color, he and Georgine are able to communicate their status without sending an ordonnanz. Grausam and a devouring soldier easily dispatch the guards at the back of the estate. Grausam uses silver cloth to pass through the estate's barrier and proceeds to take the foundation. He then strengthens the barrier preventing any but him, his relatives, and the archducal family from entering the estate. He spies on the previous Giebe Gerlach, overhearing defensive plans. After the giebe is thought to be left alone, Grausam captures him and uses a potion to make him mute—allowing ordonnanzes to still reach him, but is unable to reply. Grausam dispatches all others that see him and reflects on how well his and Georgine's plans are progressing.

    In the other chapter Ferdinand, Rozemyne, Hannelore, and their knights force their way through the battle to aid Giebe Gerlach's overwhelmed forces. Rozemyne is shaken by the sights and sounds of battle. She is constantly reminded by her retainers to not hesitate and keep going while her highbeast encounters severed limbs, injured knights, and feystones. Gerlach's knights rejoice as Rozemyne grants them Heilschmerz's healing. The commander of Gerlach's knights thanks Rozemyne in person. A knight reports that they cannot get inside the estate as an object is launched from the estate into the battle. The object explodes with white powder, instantly killing or injuring many on both sides of the battle. Ferdinand casts waschen to remove the powder and commands the injured to use jureves. The commander inspects where the object was launched to find it wasn't the giebe and is killed in another explosion of white powder. Grausam is revealed to be behind the attacks. Rozemyne recognizes his voice and knows that he was responsible for her being in a jureve for two years. Cornelius and Angelica use a fused attack against Grausam which he absorbs with his hand. After defending against a counterattack, Ferdinand arrives to assist. Grausam is furious that Ferdinand is still alive and vows to eliminate him. Grausam uses something that causes blue flames to erupt around him while he remains uninjured. Hannelore's detachment attacks him, but their attacks only strengthen Grausam's flames. Rozemyne receives an ordonnanz from Ferdinand explaining that he will draw Grausam's attention while she and Matthias should sneak into the estate and use black weaponry against Grausam.

    What do you predict will happen in this week's chapters?

    Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 9 Part 1
  • Thinking about it more I'd say there was probably a word omitted. I'm thinking it was supposed to be:

    On countless occasions since Georgine had discovered that Ehrenfest’s foundation was hidden within its temple, Grausam and his accomplices had attempted to sneak inside—but by then Rozemyne had been adopted by the archduke and assigned to serve as the High Bishop.

  • Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 9 Part 1
  • Yeah that barrier doesn't seem to block attacks, only people. I've been under the assumption the giebe estates are white stone buildings which wouldn't burn down, but I'm not positive.

    Not really a plot hole, but an inconsistency I noticed in the prologue: On countless occasions since Georgine had discovered that Ehrenfest’s foundation was hidden within its temple, Grausam and his accomplices had attempted to sneak inside—but then Rozemyne had been adopted by the archduke and assigned to serve as the High Bishop.

    That seems to imply that Georgine discovered the temple foundation entrance before Rozemyne was adopted and made the High Bishop. Georgine didn't visit Ehrenfest and obtain Bezewanst's letters until almost a year after Rozemyne was adopted. That either means that Georgine knew about the temple entrance long before obtaining those letters or maybe it's a mistranslation?

  • Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 9 Part 1
  • Have to admit that Grausam's prosthetic arm is pretty cool. I feel bad for Rozemyne having to fly through severed arms, wounded knights, and feystones. That would be pretty traumatizing. A lot more nobles were killed than I expected too, but that shows that Grausam is a worthy opponent. Looking forward to see what Rozemyne and Matthias can do against him.

  • Prepub Predictions

    The volume concluded last week beginning with a chapter from Effa's point of view. Kamil relays a message from Benno to evacuate along with Rozemyne's other personnel. After packing luggage, they take a carriage to the Noble's Quarter. Here Effa gets to see for the first time where Myne and the other nobles live. She is perplexed by the notion of a library being a house for books. Her expectations of being able to meet with her daughter are dashed when she finds out Myne is leading a platoon of knights on the front lines. Concerned for Gunther's safety, Effa, Tuuli, and Kamil give their protection charms to Damuel to be given to Gunther who is defending the west gate. Effa gladly accepts Corrina's request to help in finishing Rozemyne's clothes.

    The next chapter was from Gunther's perspective. We find out that he has been demoted to a captain in preparation for his departure. He is tasked with preparing barrels of excrement to be dropped on the invading nobles. He and his fellow guardsmen are appalled that a noble concocted such a plan, not suspecting Myne was the source. After being informed of impending trouble, Gunther spreads word to be on the lookout for ships from Leisegang. The guardsmen question the new arrivals and soon receive orders to evacuate the commoners. After the evacuation Gunther meets with Damuel and receives his family's protective charms. They see silver clothed individuals and prepare for a fight. Gunther swears to protect the city and his family.

    The final chapter followed Ferdinand after being poisoned by Detlinde and left to die. He reflects on how Letizia was duped and the consequence it would bring. He also worries about his own retainers. Ferdinand regrets his inability to fulfill his promise to his father—that he would protect Ehrenfest—and resigns himself to his fate. Ferdinand later awakens to realize he is enveloped in Rozemyne's mana and is given the order to live. This reminds Ferdinand of the woman he called his mother, Lady Irmhilde, who told him he could live freely to shape his own life and dreams. Ferdinand is engulfed in a flood of water from a waschen. He believes that Detlinde or Georgine has come to finish him off with an awful tasting poison only to later find out that Rozemyne was trying to help him. Ferdinand is stunned by Rozemyne's desire to prioritize him over the entire county. Words his mother once said came back to memory: "Once you have found the things you desire, live to make them come true and protect them."

    This week begins a new volume and a return to the main story. What predictions do you have for this week's prologue and chapters?

    Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 8 Part 8
  • It was interesting to see Effa's perspective on the noble's quarter. She never really knew how much money Myne had even back in her commoner days either. Poor Gunther has a crappy job, but all to defend his home. Seems that Ferdinand was a lot angrier with Letizia than I suspected as well.

    Anyway, really looking forward to continuing the main story next week!

  • [P5V8P8] Prepub Predictions
  • I wouldn't mind having an update of what's going on in the Sovereignty. What's going on with the royal family? Have they invited Dunkelfelger to help out? What's Detlinde's group up to? Have they figured out what's been going on in Ahrensbach at all?

    A lower city perspective would be nice too. What do the Gutenbergs think about staying in the noble's quarter at Rozemyne's library? How have the lower city guards dealt with the Georgine threat?

  • Prepub Predictions

    The first side story from last week was from Brigitte's perspective. We saw how Illgner received message of an impending invasion and how they increased their defenses. Upon inspecting an anomaly in the mountainous terrain, Brigitte and the knights of Illgner discover people dressed in Ahrensbach capes using black weapons and chalices to drain the land of mana. They decide to retreat and send ordonnanzes requesting aid from the Ehrenfest knight's order. Bonifatius replies that they will teleport reinforcements to Illgner and then they arrive shortly after. They share intelligence and plan to retrieve the chalices containing their province's mana. Bonifatius topples trees onto enemy forces in a landslide preventing their retreat. The remaining enemy forces scatter and Bonifatius is forced to assist to Griebel the next day. Brigitte receives report of suspicious individuals boarding a vessel to Ehrenfest. She attempts to contact Rozemyne, Cornelius, and Angelica only to have her ordonnanz fail to take flight. She is able to send message to Damuel who informs her that the others are in Ahrensbach. Brigitte resolves to devote her all to protect her home.

    The other side story was from Philine's point of view. She attends a meeting with her fellow retainers who stayed in Ehrenfest where they discuss the current state of the invasion as well as the preparations for the temple, Gutenbergs, and Rozemyne's seamstresses. Later Philine receives an ordonnanz from Damuel stating they believe Georgine's group would soon arrive at Ehrenfest's dock and that she should begin evacuation. The evacuation proceeds as they had practiced, securing the orphanage, informing the guards, and activating the shumils. After checking the blue priests and shrine maidens preparations, she closes the door the noble section. She and Roderick activate a barrier magic tool—created by Rozemyne—securing the High Bishop's chambers. Judithe sends word that people in silver cloth have been spotted. They then pray for everyone's safety.

    This week will conclude volume 8. What other characters would you like to follow in this week's short stories?

    Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 8 Part 6
  • I find it ironic that Rozemyne wasn't considered a bigger threat to Georgine's plans than Ferdinand or Bonifatius. It's possible that they believed Fraularm's rants about her being dead or at least too ill to be of consequence. They must not have found out that Rozemyne was the responsible for ruining Viscountess Dahldolf's plans either. Georgine is a cold calculator like Ferdinand and can guess what moves he'll make, but she'll never be able to foresee the actions of the chaos gremlin!

  • Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 8 Part 6
  • I've wondered about the sewer pipes as well. Perhaps these are actually the pipes that were placed for future water purification?

    “Ferdinand, what do you think?” Sylvester asked. “Could we use water-purifying magic tools on the river?”

    “In the long-term, it would use far too much mana; the magic tools would need to be redesigned to be usable. However, if the water will only be needed in the future, perhaps we could add only the pipes for now? Those alone would not be a significant burden.” - P4V4 (The Archduke Conference Approaches)

  • Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 8 Part 6
  • “Stay focused, Rozemyne,” Ferdinand said. “By stealing mana on such a large scale, Georgine has forced Ehrenfest to deploy knights here and in Illgner. Assuming her plan was to weaken the guard around the Noble’s Quarter, she must be close to the city of Ehrenfest or already within its walls.”

    Couldn't they use a similar technique that Bonifatius used when Rozemyne was in a coma and just spam ordonnanzes at Georgine to find her—perhaps taunting her all the while?

  • Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 8 Part 6
  • Guess we're getting lots of side stories in this volume.

    Rozemyne gets to see first hand how the inability to redraw duchy borders has made Werkestock's giebes incredibly desperate. Their excuses aren't likely to save them from prison though.

    The epilogue was some interesting backstory for Georgine's character. Can't help but feel a bit of sympathy for what her parents made her endure and her motivation was just trying to earn their approval instead of actually serving the duchy. When Sylvester entered the picture and Georgine decided to adopt Veronica's methods is when she really started going off the deep end. Veronica really is the cause of so many issues for so many people in this story. Also didn't expect Georgine to use the sewers to bypass security.

    I like Giebe Kirnberger. He seems like a guy that really thinks things through and has interesting insights. I imagine a lot more Ehrenfest nobles will soon share his concerns about the future of the duchy.

  • [P5V8P6] Prepub Predictions
  • Matthias... I am your father! Come to the Georgine side!

    We don't have many members anymore. Or a duchy for that matter. Also I'm a wanted criminal now—not a giebe—and I lost my hand. Damn... Why did I pick her again? My parents just kind of made me swear to either Veronica or Georgine. Meh, this sucks. Learn from my stupid mistake—don't name swear to anyone. What's that? Oh... Well I guess we're both screwed. Want to go get a drink instead? Hey does this smell like trug to you? Ehehehe, fool! You fell for the oldest trick in the book!

    Yep I can totally see that happening.

  • [P5V8P6] Prepub Predictions
  • I'm predicting Grausam has a cool robot hand that shoots silver needles or something. When Grausam finds out his son—which by all accounts should have been killed during the purge—is not only alive, but the retainer of his enemy we might see some rare noble emotions on display.

  • Prepub Predictions

    The story continued last week with Ferdinand tempting Rozemyne with promises of fish, her dream of a library city, and time with her lower-city family. This would be in exchange for Rozemyne remaining Aub Ahrensbach and building Ferdinand his dream research paradise where he would publish material for new books. Ferdinand then closes the country gate using a magic circle combined from both his and Rozemyne's Book of Mestionora. Rozemyne then closes the border gate and they return to the castle. Ferdinand prescribes a double dose of potion for Rozemyne who rests inside Lessy.

    Rozemyne wakes up to find that two days have passed and Ferdinand has left with Dunkelfelger's impatient knights to join the battle against Georgine. Rozemyne is attended to by Fairseele and after being dressed she joins Hannelore and Letizia for a meal. They discuss what Rozemyne missed while she slept and Hannelore says that she will follow Rozemyne into battle. After receiving direction via ordonnanz from Ferdinand, Rozemyne and her retainers, Hannelore's squad, and five Ahrensbach knights are teleported to Bindewald.

    Upon arrival in Bindewald, they are met by the screeching voice of Fraularm and three of her relatives. Fraularm and her cronies incessantly complain about the sudden arrival of Ehrenfest nobles. Hannelore and her knights restrain them with bands of light before sending Ahrensbach's knights to restrain the others in the summer estate. Fraularm finally recognizes Rozemyne and complains that she should have been dead. Hartmut implicates Fraularm's involvement in the previous bible poisoning plot. The wife of the former Count Bindewald attempts to out Rozemyne as a commoner. Her words are dismissed as the ramblings of a madwoman. Fraularm refuses to believe that Rozemyne is Aub Ahrensbach and insists that everyone is being deceived. Cornelius gets violent with Fraularm when she continues her tirade and she is gagged after Ferdinand arrives. Ferdinand explains they caught Werkestock giebes stealing mana from Ehrenfest using black weapons. Rozemyne teleports the captured giebes and Bindewald nobles to be held in Ahrensbach castle. They then fly by highbeast to Gerlach where they find embattled knights and giebes draining the earth of mana.

    With Rozemyne, Ferdinand, and Dunkelfelger joining the fray in Ehrenfest, what do you predict will happen during this week's story?

    [P5V8P5] Prepub Predictions
  • Honestly Rozemyne may be the first ever under age aub so there's probably never been a precedent for needing to adopt as underaged. If she's not allowed to adopt anyone then she'd have a very small archducal family until she comes of age. Her plus possibly Cornelius and Eckhart? Anyway, I still think the topic of adoption will come up.

  • [P5V8P5] Prepub Predictions
  • I feel like the story has been nonstop adrenaline for a good number of chapters now and we might be getting a respite and planning session this week. Mana needs to recover and supplies restocked. Maybe a meal and a quick nap too. The Ahrensbach citizenry should probably be informed of the aub change and the circumstances behind it. Correspondence with Ehrenfest and the Sovereignty will be necessary to update everyone on the current situation.

    I'm predicting that Rozemyne will discuss adopting Letizia. I think it makes sense for Letizia to become the aub when she's able to fulfill the required duties. Then Rozemyne can retire and become a librarian after building her dream library.

  • Prepub Predictions

    Our story continued last week with Rozemyne and Ferdinand setting out to stop the Lanzenave ships and rescue the captured nobles. They first attack a ship that is still at the port and is under assault by Ahrensbach commoners. Rozemyne heals the injured commoners and provides the surrounding citizens the aub's protection. Dunkelfelger knights then blind and sweep the Lanzenavians into the sea with magic tools and a large scale waschen. Hannelore and two squads of knights remain to rescue hostages and retrieve feystones while everyone else continues to the next ship.

    The next ship they reach is subjugated by infiltrating Dunkelfelgerians. Two more squads are sent to assist with the hostages and feystones. The rest head toward the remaining two ships which are approaching the country gate. One ship prepares to teleport by changing its silver tiles to black. At that moment Rozemyne gives the aub's protection to those onboard. Then Ahrensbach and Dunkelfelger knights unleash a coordinated mana attack and destroy the ship. The protected Ahrensbach citizens are then rescued. The remaining ship launches a volley attack and remains covered in silver. Unable to use mana against it, Rozemyne and Ferdinand discuss how to deal with it. It is decided that Ferdinand will modify the magic circle used for summoning spring to instead summon winter and Rozemyne's retainers will use Ewigeliebe's sword to freeze the ship.

    Rozemyne uses five feystones to activate the magic circle summoning winter surrounding the ship. Cornelius, Matthias, Laurenz, and Hartmut wield Ewigeliebe's sword—summoning at least seventy winter subordinates that freeze the ship and water surrounding it. Four Dunkelfelger knights summon Leidenschaft's spear and attack the frozen ship. The heat of Leidenschaft's spear causes the silver metal to contract causing a breach in the ship's defenses. Rozemyne is then able to provide the aub's protection to the captured nobles onboard. Eckhart makes an opening in the bow of the ship allowing Dunkelfelger's knights to infiltrate. Letizia is rescued and Rozemyne decides to treat her with forgiveness and generosity.

    Letizia is tasked with preparing somewhere for everyone to rest while Rozemyne and Ferdinand go to close the country gate. Ferdinand proposes four different options for Rozemyne's future. Rozemyne decides she does not want a nightmarish marriage to Sigiswald or to rule Yurgenschmidt. Since Rozemyne feels she can not return to live in Ehrenfest, she determines it would be best to give the magic tool Grutrissheit to the royal family and remain as Aub Ahrensbach.

    It's been a long day for everyone and it's not over yet. What do you predict will happen in this week's chapters?

    Do you guys ocassionally visit bookworm sub reddit?
  • I used to participate on the honzuki subreddit, but closed my account when they decided to kill 3rd party API access. I haven't been on the discord channel at all, but I've occasionally participated on the j-novel club forums. Lately I've been here almost exclusively.

  • Prepub Predictions

    Last week continued with Rozemyne's rescue efforts. She used potions to heal Ferdinand, but Ferdinand assumed he was being poisoned by his signature ultra-nasty rejuvenation potion and attacked Rozemyne on reflex. A confounded Ferdinand questions the joyous Rozemyne's decision to rescue him. Rozemyne reminds Ferdinand of her vow that she would defy even greater duchies, the Sovereignty, the royal family, and the gods to save him.

    Rozemyne finds out that her tablet form of the Book of Mestionora is perhaps less convenient than the traditional form. She does however astound Ferdinand with her copy-and-paste ability which she uses to remove Ferdinand's schtappe sealing bracelets. They discuss Ehrenfest's preparations against Georgine, what Rozemyne's Geduldh is, as well as her future plans to join the royal family and marry Prince Sigiswald. Rozemyne then returns Ferdinand's name stone.

    Rozemyne attempts to quell the rage of the awakened Lord of Evil's desire for revenge against Ahrensbach and Lanzenave. Rozemyne informs Ferdinand that she has taken Ahrensbach's foundation thus becoming Aub Ahrensbach and that attacking Ahrensbach could violate his magic contract forbidding him from opposing her. Rozemyne asks for Ferdinand's help to resolve the issues with Detlinde, Georgine, and Letizia. Ferdinand agrees and asks Rozemyne about her future intentions as she cannot hold both Ahrensbach's and Yurgenschmidt's foundation simultaneously. Rozemyne mentions either relinquishing Ahrensbach to obtain Yurgenschmidt or to give the Grutrissheit to the royal family. We then get a history lesson on the Book of Mestionora, the wars of succession, the Grutrissheit, as well as how the royal family and Royal Academy came to be. Ferdinand concludes that even if Rozemyne were to marry Prince Sigiswald, mix mana, and then transfer the Grutrissheit by schtappe, he would not be able to read it and Rozemyne would end up too busy to read books. Ferdinand resolves to find a way to prevent Rozemyne's adoption, deal with Ahrensbach's issues, and send her back to Ehrenfest. Rozemyne conveys her concerns that remaining in Ehrenfest would have serious consequences for many people.

    Rozemyne gives Ferdinand a registration feystone so he can leave the Mana Replenishment hall. They are given reports on the current situation by Eckhart and Justus. As Ferdinand prepares for battle, Rozemyne meets with Hannelore and finds out that Dunkelfelger is struggling to conquer Lanzenave's ships. After healing the injured knights, Rozemyne learns that her charm from Prince Sigiswald is actually a courtship charm. Ferdinand then arrives and is shocked to see that Dunkelfelger is assisting Rozemyne. His rival, Heisshitze, attempts to give back his cape, but Ferdinand refuses. Ferdinand persuades Dunkelfelger's knights to join him in battle to close the border gate, capture the remaining Lanzenavians, and then defend Ehrenfest's foundation. He also sends Hartmut and Clarissa to brainwash the nobles of Ahrensbach with tales of Rozemyne's sainthood so that she will be accepted by them as Aub Ahrensbach. Ferdinand informs Strahl that he and Rozemyne are headed to close the country gate.

    With the Lord of Evil now joining the fray, what vicious schemes will be unleashed to crush their foes? Will Letizia and the captured noble daughters be rescued? What predictions do you have for this week's story?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week began with Rozemyne departing for her rescue mission after waking from a nap. Using rediscovered knowledge from the book of Mestionora, Rozemyne, her retainers, Justus, and Eckhart were able to teleport from the Knight's Order training grounds to Kirnberger with Sylvester's assistance. She then forms her Grutrissheit—much to the surprise of those present—and activates the teleportation room within the country gate. Rozemyne receives a necklace charm given to Sylvester from Prince Sigiswald—proof that Rozemyne is acting with the royal family's permission. She then activates the teleportation circle. Destination: Dunkelfelger's country gate.

    Rozemyne meets with the Dunkelfelger archducal family, including Hannelore who will join the fight to clear her disgrace from the bride-taking ditter match. After discussing their invasion plan, Rozemyne joins Dunkelfeger in performing their prefight ritual. They then teleport to Ahrensbach's country gate.

    Despite anticipating resistance to their invasion, the Ahrensbach knight's order is nowhere to be seen. Rozemyne's group goes to the temple while Dunkelfelger provides distraction near the castle. Hartmut, Justus, Laurenz, and Matthias enter the temple to subdue the priests, secure permission from the High Bishop to enter the book room, and to check for traps. Meanwhile the rest of the group encounters three Lanzenavians—out on their feystone hunt—which are easily defeated. Once deemed safe, Rozemyne enters the temple's book room and uses the bible key in the Mestionora statue revealing the path to the foundation.

    Rozemyne nearly triggers a trap while entering the foundation room. She cautiously proceeds to the foundation and drains some of its mana with feystones. Aided by rejuvenation potions, she then proceeds to overcome the remaining mana and dye the foundation. Their group then frees the priests and meets with Dunkelfelger who have secured the castle. An Ahrensbach noble attempts to persuade Rozemyne to go close the border gate before Lanzenave can flee and save his captured daughter. Rozemyne empathizes with the noble, but ultimately rejects his plea for the moment to instead save Ferdinand. Justus informs Rozemyne the order to administer potions to Ferdinand since he cannot enter the replenishment hall himself. At Hartmut's suggestion, Rozemyne uses waschen to purify the replenishment hall to remove any remaining poison or powder residue. She then takes the box of potions and enters the replenishment hall.

    How do you predict the reunion with Ferdinand will go? What do you predict will happen with Letizia and the Lanzenavians? What other story predictions do you have for this week?


    Prepub Predictions

    We started part 5 volume 8 with a prologue following Justus. We saw his perspective as Letizia returned his name swearing stone and was told to go. We saw how Justus and Eckhart were able to escape Ahrensbach and make it to Ehrenfest's tea party room at the Royal Academy. There we witnessed Eckhart and Justus's loss of hope and their conviction to follow their lord in death after exacting revenge on the Ahrensbach archducal family. However after meeting with Sylvester and learning of Rozemyne's plan to rescue Ferdinand, their hope is restored. They promise to save Ferdinand no matter what.

    In the following chapter we see Rozemyne gathering her retainers to inform them of her impending invasion of Ahrensbach to steal their foundation. She directs various tasks for her retainers to complete and decides who will join her and who will stay in support of Ehrenfest. Rozemyne's own preparations include copying and pasting maps and magic circles from her Grutrissheit. A reunion with Justus and Eckhart occurs upon their arrival after sixth bell.

    Hartmut is happy to extol the miracles of Rozemyne's growth to an inquisitive Justus as Rozemyne and Eckhart eat dinner and exchange information. Justus mentions that Ferdinand had a message for Rozemyne: "I entrust Eckhart, Justus, and Lasfam to you. Stay in Ehrenfest and do nothing at all. Upon my death, everything I own will become yours. And as promised, both Ehrenfest and Yurgenschmidt will be saved." Rozemyne refuses Ferdinand's proposition and vows to rescue him regardless. Justus convinces Rozemyne to accept Ferdinand's name to envelop him with her mana thus granting more time before he is completely drained. With Justus's assistance Rozemyne creates a name-stone-enveloping box, puts Quinta's name stone inside, turns it into a cocoon with her mana, and gives Ferdinand the order to live.

    The book's cover art has some plot spoilers, but there are still lots of predictions to make. Will Rozemyne's retainers learn the truth about her obtaining the wisdom of Mestionora? What role will Hannelore play? How will the Ahrensbach nobility react to the invasion? What will happen to the Lanzenave envoys? Will Rozemyne encounter resistance or will Dunkelfelger provide enough of a distraction? What will the magic circles she copied from the Grutrissheit do? How will Ferdinand react to being reunited with Rozemyne?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week's conclusion of part 5 volume 7 began with a side story following Charlotte when she learns of Rozemyne's disappearance after the Dedication Ritual. We see how Charlotte deals with an excitable Hartmut, an impatient Hirschur, Prince Sigiswald, the Ehrenfest dormitory, and the eventual return of Rozemyne.

    The concluding short story is from Leonzio's point of view after the epilogue takes place. We learn of his future plans for Letizia, his relative inexperience with magic, his desire to end the farcical relationship with Detlinde, his desire for power, plans to hunt the nobles siding with Letizia, the three main houses of Lanzenave and their princesses, future plans for Alstede, Blasius, and their daughter, the teleporter between the Lanzenave Estate and the old Adalgisa villa—now remodeled as Rozemyne's future villa, and the relationship between Lanzenave's King Gervasio and Raublut.

    This week begins a new volume and a return to the main story. Who do you predict we will follow in the prologue? Do you think Rozemyne's ploy to rescue Ferdinand will go as planned or will there be complications? How will Ahrensbach react to an invasion force from Dunkelfelger?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week began with the epilogue from Letizia's point of view. We learn that Lanzenave has arrived a season earlier than usual in Ahrensbach and Ferdinand has been busy with Spring Prayer. After Letizia's retainer Roswitha mysteriously disappears, she seeks Ferdinand's help to find her. On her way to meet Ferdinand, Letizia is given strange tasting sweets and a silver tube—which Leonzio suggests she use when consulting with Ferdinand. Ferdinand tells Letizia that Roswitha is missing as part of a an obvious trap and to give up on finding her. Letizia has blurred thoughts of using the silver tube to convince Ferdinand to save her. The silver tube burst with a cloud of white powder that poisons Ferdinand. Ferdinand gives Letizia name-swearing stones to give to Justus and tells them to go. Leonzio and Detlinde later show up to falsely accuse Letizia of murder. Leonzio uses another silver tube to eliminate the guards protecting Letizia. Detlinde details her plans to send Letizia to Lanzenave along with the feystone of her murdered retainer Roswitha.

    The other chapter was from Prince Sigiswald's point of view and takes place when Rozemyne disappears after providing mana to the statue of Mestionora in the library. Sigiswald meets with Rozemyne's retainers to discuss her disappearance. They decide to keep her disappearance a secret and use the excuse that she has been bedridden. As time goes on without Rozemyne's return, the royal family discusses alternatives to obtaining the Grutrissheit including having Eglantine visit the shrines now that she completed giving birth and nursing her baby. After yet more time has passed another meeting with Rozemyne's retainers takes place. Hartmut explains his ability to feel Rozemyne's mana growing stronger as a name-sworn and assures Sigiswald that Rozemyne is well. We learn that Fraularm was unanimously decided to be relieved of her teaching role after insisting that Ehrenfest was lying and Rozemyne had ascended to the distant heights. One night Sigiswald receives word that Rozemyne has contacted her retainers and needs to be let out of the Farthest Halls. Sigiwald realizes that Rozemyne has received the blessing of the gods when he sees her changed form. He agrees to Rozemyne's request to discuss the details of her absence during the Archduke conference.

    This week will be the conclusion of part five volume seven with more side stories. Who's point of view would you like to follow this week?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week began with Rozemyne performing the spring baptism ceremony for the lower city's new seven year olds, including her brother Kamil. Rozemyne has a chance to see her lower city family and Lutz after the ceremony has completed.

    Rozemyne is summoned to an archducal family meeting to discuss Ehrenfest's defenses. She is not assigned a particular defensive duty due to the necessity of her leaving for the Sovereignty in the near future.

    During the meeting Rozemyne has a vision of Ferdinand being poisoned and paralyzed at Ahrensbach's Mana Replenishment hall in a plot of Georgine's design. The rainbow feystone charm that Rozemyne gave Ferdinand is helping to protect him, but Detlinde puts schtappe sealing bracelets on him and forces his mana to drain into the foundation.

    Rozemyne is adamant about saving Ferdinand before all his mana is drained and convinces Sylvester to provide his support. They use the magic tool given to Aubs to have an emergency meeting with Aub Dunkelfelger. Rozemyne explains the situation to Aub Dunkelfelger and convinces him to join in her plan to take Ahrensbach's foundation to save Ferdinand and also to help defend the Sovereignty from Detlinde's plan to take the throne with Lanzenave's support.

    Aub Dunkelfelger and Rozemyne discuss the necessary preparations for their battle and decide to meet at midnight at Dunkelfelger's country gate. After the meeting Sylvester receives word that Eckhart and Justus have escaped Ahrensbach and are in Ehrenfest's tea party room at the Royal Academy. Sylvester agrees to contact the Royal Family and other duchies as well as to go meet with Eckhart and Justus. Rozemyne leaves to prepare with her retainers for the coming battle.

    This week should see the end of the main story for this volume. What do you predict will still happen? Who's point of view would you like to follow in the epilogue?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week began with Rozemyne being measured for new clothes. The seamstresses present who knew her—Tuuli included—were shocked to see how much she had changed. She pledges to protect Tuuli no matter what happens.

    Rozemyne meets with Sylvester and explains that their bible key was swapped for Ahrensbach's. They consider their options for protecting Ehrenfest and formulate strategies to that end.

    At Hartmut's suggestion, Rozemyne decides to involve the archducal retainers for preparation of rejuvenation potions and magic tools. While in her hidden room, Rozemyne discovers the name stone of Quinta. With the assistance of Hartmut, Clarissa, and Lieseleta, Rozemyne creates three new combat ready shumils using Adrett—a library shumil created by Hirschur and Ferdinand during the last term—as a reference.

    What new developments do you predict will occur this week?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week began with Rozemyne arranging for her retainers to come get her from the Farthest Hall. She postponed discussing her absence with the royal family until the Archduke Conference. Rozemyne discovered that she had missed the rest of the school year and the feast celebrating spring had just taken place.

    Upon returning to Ehrenfest, Rozemyne meets with Sylvester to inform him how Georgine could take Ehrenfest's foundation using the temple's bible key. Sylvester believes that Georgine will make her move during Spring Prayer.

    Rozemyne returns to the temple to investigate her bible's key. While there she sends Damuel and Angelica to gather information and inform the lower city guard. Matthias and Bonifatius are also sent to check for signs of activity in Gerlach. Rozemyne determines that the key to her bible is in fact Ahrensbach's bible key and was swapped when Viscountess Dahldolf invaded the temple. Rozemyne plans to immediately report her findings to Sylvester.

    Will Rozemyne's retainers discover that Georgine and her allies are near by? What plans will Sylvester make to defend Ehrenfest's foundation? What else do you predict will happen this week?


    Prepub Predictions

    Last week started with the dedication ritual for archnobles and archduke candidates. Gentiane and Rozemyne decided the joint research would focus on revival of old religious ceremonies. During the ritual light arose from the statues of the gods. Rozemyne received permission from the Zent to use some of the gatered mana for the library. On the way to the library she notices the magic circle in the sky is now shining. After providing mana to the library's foundation, Schwartz and Weiss urge Rozemyne to provide mana to the statue of Mestionora. While supplying mana to the statue, a magic circle appears in her mind after which she finds herself in darkness.

    Upon lighting the room with her mana, Rozemyne finds herself in an illusion of her greatest desire: being surrounded by books. She meets a golden shumil who leads her to the Garden of Beginnings where she meets 'Gramps'. Gramps mistakes her for someone else and believes her to be cursed due to her small vessel size. Anwachs—the God of Growth—assists Gramps with expanding Rozemyne's vessel, causing her to physically mature rapidly. At Gramps' behest Rozemyne forms her schtappe, speaks the words given to her in the shrines, and prays to receive the wisdom of Mestionora.

    As Rozemyne absorbs the unorganized knowledge of Mestionora, she realizes that Gramps is Erwaermen, a former subordinate to the God of Life. She also realizes that Georgine could somehow steal Ehrenfest's foundation, but is unable to dwell on the issue while absorbing all the information. The knowledge of Mestionora is found to contain the memories of previous Zents and aubs which are added upon their deaths. Rozemyne is disappointed to discover missing gaps in thirty to forty percent of the knowledge she received. After discussing this with Erwaermen, it is determined that Rozemyne is marked by Ewigeliebe and has very similar mana to Ferdinand due to him dyeing Rozemyne's mana when viewing her past memories in her shrine maiden days. It is learned that Rozemyne was mistaken for Ferdinand by Erwaermen who can only see mana, that Ferdinand had received the thirty to forty percent of Mestionora's wisdom Rozemyne is missing, and that his true name is Quinta. Rozemyne rejects Erwaermen's suggestion that she kill Ferdinand to obtain the missing knowledge from his feystone. Rozemyne then leaves the Garden of Beginnings.

    After such a pivotal part last week, the story has many different directions it could lead. Where do you predict the story will take us this week?




    Prepub Predictions

    Last week started with the advancement ceremony and the fellowship gatherings. Hildebrand is once again overseeing the academy this year. We are introduced to Lady Gentiane, a new first year archduke candidate from Klassenberg. Murrenreue of Immerdink confronts Rozemyne on rumors of her joining the Sovereign Temple, but is rebuffed. The Dedication Ritual is decided to take place on Earthdays starting with the archnobles and archduke candidates.

    Classes begin at the Royal Academy and once again Ehrenfest does well with their written lessons. The first year students are registered at the library where it is learned that Hortensia is ill and will not be returning anytime soon. Rozemyne is concerned when a music professor requires her to give a blessing during her recital. In professor Hirshur's class, Rozemyne is embarrassed to learn the primary use of synchronization potions not previously explained by Ferdinand. She commits a social faux pas in regards to her previous experience with mana resistance. Rozemyne meets with Eglantine after class. She expresses concern that something unexpected might occur during the Dedication Ritual. They also discuss Ehrenfest's position on the forced joint research with Klassenberg.

    Rozemyne seems convinced something will occur during the Dedication Ritual. Do you agree? If so, what do you predict will happen? Any other predictions for this week's story?


    Prepub predictions

    Last week was the start of Part 5 Volume 7. The prologue was from Ferdinand's perspective. Many details of Ahrensbach's current situation were revealed. Ferdinand had lunch with Letizia serving meals and sweets sent by Rozemyne. In their discussion Ferdinand learns more of the ongoings of the Lanzenave Estate and that Lanzenave has a non magical explosive similar to gunpowder.

    Following the prologue is a chapter about the baptism and debut of Dirk and Bertram. We witness a side of Gretia's character previously unseen. It is also revealed that the Royal Academy's dedication ritual will be held at the start of the term. An anomaly occurs during Dirk's mana registration where his mana colors were faint with Wind being the most prominent. Bertram gives Aub Ehrenfest the greatest display of gratitude possible while receiving his noble ring.

    We then get an update on the status of the winter playroom. Charlotte receives her crest engraved pendant from Rozemyne after which Melchior and Wilfried design their own to be ordered from Johann. Students then depart for the Royal Academy. The second year and higher students make a trip to the gathering spot to collect materials. While riding her highbeast, Rozemyne sees the beams of light that were revealed to her during the Archduke Conference. Flying high in the air allows Rozemyne to see that it forms an enormous selection magic circle. Rozemyne contemplates how to activate the magic circle by prayer and Judithe proposes the shrine in the Farthest Hall. Bertilde becomes Rozemyne's archattendant and Melchior's apprentice retainers will serve Rozemyne during the term.

    With the Royal Academy Dedication Ritual, advancement ceremony, and fellowship gatherings on the horizon what developments do you predict will occur?


    Prepub predictions

    Last week began with a chapter from Lieseleta's point of view. We learn how Lord Thorston is attempting to exploit Lieseleta using their engagement and his higher status to obtain leniency for his captured family. Lieseleta and Elvira discuss a way for Lieseleta to join Rozemyne in the Sovereignty while canceling her undesired engagement to Lord Thorston and making sure her house has a successor to replace her. Lieseleta accepts Rozemyne's request and will become her head attendant.

    The book concludes with a chapter from Sylvester's point of view after the Ahrensbach funeral. We learn that the Sovereign knights subdued during the funeral were all originally from Ehrenfest and sent to the Sovereignty before Sylvester's time as Aub. The knights were executed by Detlinde's request before they could be interrogated. Sylvester suspects Georgine's involvement and postulates her desire to keep Sylvester from meeting the knights during winter socializing and that a confrontation between he and Georgine is inevitably fast approaching.

    Once again, Ewigliebe the God of Life has hidden away Geduldh the Goddess of Earth. And we know what that means: Baptism and debut of new nobles, the gifting ceremony, winter socializing, winter playroom, and the Royal Academy.

    As Rozemyne soon enters her 4th year at the Royal Academy what predictions do you have for this year? Will Rozemyne's impending royal adoption be kept secret? What legends will born? What rampages will be had? What dangers await?

    (As of this writing P5V7 is not on the j-novel club calendar. Hopefully we are still getting part 1 this week)


    Prepub predictions

    Last week started off with the epilogue following Lutz's perspective after meeting with Rozemyne in the temple. We learn that Lutz and Tuuli are now engaged. Lutz also obtains permission from his parents to move away from Ehrenfest.

    The other chapter was from Detlinde's point of view and takes place before Aub Ahrensbach's funeral. We are introduced to the king of Lanzenave's grandson, Leonzio, whom pleads with Detlinde over the Zent's refusal to accept a Lanzenave princess. Detlinde is swayed by his words and vows to aid him. She is unable to convince Ferdinand to join in her plight to persuade the Zent and considers Ferdinand to be heartless. Detlinde returns to Leonzio where he expresses his desire to have Detlinde take the throne and for them to be wed.

    This week will conclude Part 5 Volume 6. Who else would you like to see a point of view chapter for?
