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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 4
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Fact-Checkers Are Gaslighting You on the Feds’ Vehicle ‘Kill...
  • How is the car going to know if I'm drunk or not? Anyway, I'm not concerned, because if I can be confident of anything it is that someone will quickly figure out how to disable, trick or overcome any government mandated safety equipment installed.

  • Gun group to defend Trump right to carry
  • Now this don't make a damn lick of sense. If we need guns to protect ourselves from gubmint tyranny, and y'all plan to put that feller back in the gubment, then what the hell does he need a gun for?

  • IDF rescues hostages Noa Argamani, Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv, and Almog Meir in daring Gaza op
  • How many? Do you have a number?

    Since you mention it I wonder how many Israeli hostages the IDF killed with their indiscriminate bombing.

    One of the hostages released in December said "We were in tunnels, terrified that it would not be Hamas, but Israel, that would kill us, and then they would say Hamas killed you,"-this was Ina report from Ynet.

    Another released hostage: "The reality is that I was in a hideout that was bombed, and we became wounded refugees. This doesn't even include the helicopter that fired at us on our way to Gaza"

    So it seems pretty sure IDF killed at least a few of their own while bombing the shit out of Gaza.

  • Donald Trump loves this pastor who just said LGBTQ+ people are "demonic"
  • I don't 100% know if this is what mockingmoniker is getting at, but I want to give a word of possible explanation from my own perspective: Christians make a distinction between "sin" and "sinner" - or are at least supposed to. It's my understanding from being sent to Christian school that people are decieved or led astray or get tempted or whatever, but it's the actions that are "sinful" or "evil" or "demonic," not the persons. This is the meaning of "hate the sin but love the sinner" - which is not actually in the bible btw. There are some verses that address this, for example Romans 5:8 or Ezekiel 33:11 in which God says he isn't happy about the death of wicked people but would rather they turn from their ways and live. Look up that one- it literally says "turn back from your evil ways, for why do you die, Oh house of Israel?" Still relevant. But I'm going off topic.

    Of course, Christians are people too, and are generally pretty poor at following their own code of conduct. Also there are plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing that use theological language for their own worldly goals, and it can be difficult to know which is which. Generally people in worldly positions of power that use theological language are the latter.

  • BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol
  • "... we were able to back the prosecutors into a corner ...Forcing the prosecutors to drop the hate crime is a huge victory for Cassidy and for religious freedom"

    It's funny how taking a plea bargain equates to "forcing the prosecutors" and then claiming it is a victory for religious freedom.

  • Former Home Depot CEO warns Biden's economy created a 'wrecking ball' for the next president
  • I think he's probably right, or he could be right.

    It's no wonder that ecology is often used as a metaphor for economy. They are both very complex systems with many subsystems that interact in multiple ways. An event or input can have short term results, but also long term consequences that manifest after years and last for years.

    If we accept that as true, then we must also accept that some of the economic difficulties we are facing today can't be laid entirely at Biden's feet, but were in fact caused by the short term thinking and mismanagement of the previous president.

    Clear-thinking observers will go further: one of the members here likes to repeat "life under Trump was good" but it stands to reason that much of the ecconomic success during Trump -or perhaps more properly despite him- were actually due to Obama.

    Obama was a disappointing president in many ways, but his administration did a somewhat ok job of digging america out of a financial crisis. That financial crisis he inherited -due to republican deregulation.

    In conclusion, the real issue here is capitalism, and the ongoing problem caused by commodifying things that should never have become market commodities. It doesn't matter who tries to operate this shitty ill-designed system, whether it is republicans or democrat collaborators. The results are the same.

  • Gov. Gavin Newsom proposes painful cuts to close California's growing budget deficit
  • So far, Newsom has not gutted some of his splashiest policy advancements, including free kindergarten for all 4-year-olds

    Is kindergarten not already state sponsored in California? How is this a "splashy" policy? Was the age lowered? Is that what makes it "splashy"?

  • 'No choice' but to impeach Biden over delayed Israel aid, GOP senator says
  • WOAH WOAH WOAH did Biden cut off bombs to Israel because they wouldn't dig up dirt on Barron? Then yes, I don't see any other course of action possible.

    Edit: I am told it may be because members of the democratic constituency are demanding an end to the indiscriminate bombing of unarmed noncombatant civilian baby-children.

    If there was no favor or quid pro quo demanded in return for these bombs, but instead the move is actually a half-assed attempt to reduce civilian casualties then it's not the same thing at all.

  • Israelis critical of the government
  • Ok, I will admit to some hyperbole.

    But what about this: I have read here and there that Netanyahu has for years supported hamas. There were accusations of leaked secret military plans and suitcases of cash being delivered to hamas. Of efforts to curb the activities of the palestine authority but no such effort to disrupt hamas. Of course I don't know if any of these accusations are true or not. This is the kind of stuff one reads in Haaretz, which admittedly, as all media, has a bias.

    Still, could these allegations be true? And, if so, how striking that when Netanyahu was in both political and legal trouble, the pogrom of Oct 7 preserved his position. The suspicious and conspiratorial minded among us might try to make something there, however I don't want to make any suggestions like that.

  • Conservative Bongo_Stryker

    Israelis critical of the government Political Unrest Swells in Israel as Netanyahu Dismisses Election Calls - The Media Line

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed on Saturday […]

    Political Unrest Swells in Israel as Netanyahu Dismisses Election Calls - The Media Line

    >"...there came a point, a few weeks ago, when I realized, the government isn’t going to end the war, isn’t bringing the hostages back, and isn’t helping the evacuees.”

    >" Increasingly, Netanyahu’s many opponents are questioning his handling of the war. Others are questioning the prime minister’s motives, suggesting his political interest lies in the continuation of the fighting, which inevitably delays his political demise. Netanyahu is currently under trial on various charges of corruption."

    Conservative Bongo_Stryker House GOP backs impeachment ‘inquiry.’ What does that mean?

    GOP leaders say the vote was needed to counter White House stonewalling of requests for information. But even some Republicans say there’s no evidence so far of presidential wrongdoing.

    House GOP backs impeachment ‘inquiry.’ What does that mean?

    Corruption? I wouldn't be very much surprised, simply because rich people in positions of power are like that.

    The part about the informant reminded me of another informant that swore up and down that Saddam Hussein had huge stockpiles of "weapons of mass destruction" -remember that? There weren't any.

    By a trick of memory, I am also reminded of the previous Gulf war, and the harrowing testimony before Congress of a 15 year old girl about witnessing Iraqi soldiers emptying and taking incubators from a Kuwaiti hospital and leaving Kuwaiti babies to die on the cold hard floor. This also turned out to be a completely fictional story, told by (it was later revealed) the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, that had been coached by a public relations firm called Hill & Knowlton, that was at the time contracted by the Kuwaiti government.

    So I guess you can't always trust informants or evidence produced by republican activity.

    Conservative Bongo_Stryker Fierce DeSantis-Newsom rivalry heads to prime-time showdown with 'Hannity' debate

    Govs. Gavin Newsom of California and Ron DeSantis of Florida - who's running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination - debatee Thursday on Fox News' 'Hannity'

    Fierce DeSantis-Newsom rivalry heads to prime-time showdown with 'Hannity' debate

    What can we expect? A lot of empty bullshit from both of them. Make your predictions here.

    Conservative Bongo_Stryker ‘I’m more worried today than I was on January 6’: top conservative’s warning to America

    Retired judge Michael Luttig is battling to stop a Trump victory – which he says would be ‘catastrophic for America’s democracy’

    ‘I’m more worried today than I was on January 6’: top conservative’s warning to America

    If I'm reading this right, Jan 6 is not the issue.Telling Pence not to follow constitutional procedure is the issue.
