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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • I did the same thing. The first privacy-oriented service I heard about was Proton. And, to be fair, they're quite good. But the email search issues and struggles I had with their bridge eventually turned me off.

    I left for mailbox(.)org and haven't looked back. It's great Proton has so many cool services, but the last thing I want is to get dependent on one company again, not after how hard it was to get away from Google.

  • Russia's LGBTQ+ community is turning to Telegram as the government cracks down on them
  • I kinda don't want to dip my toes in this, but here goes:

    I agree that it's occasionally a breath of fresh air. The issue I've always had with Hexbear is they've more or less replaced one version of American (and to a lesser extent European) exceptionalism with another. Where American nationalists consider America to be exceptionally great, Hexbear considers it to be exceptionally evil. They routinely attribute domestic incidents in different countries to American meddling--regardless of evidence--even when those events either achieve nothing for American geostrategic goals or actively harm them. America as the "great Satan," etc.

    Just an example because I remember it: Imran Khan lost an internal power struggle in Pakistan. He was probably the most west-friendly candidate left there, but Hexbear blamed a CIA coup

    In the same vein, they permit or even encourage Chinese aggression against the Philippines, within the Philippines' own exclusive economic zone. You can't substitute one form of imperialism for another. It's a trap I see a lot of leftists fall into.

    I think most of 'em are alright. Just growing into leftist thought still and grappling with the moshpit that is international politics. Also they're funny lol

  • What everyone gets wrong about the 2015 Ashley Madison scandal
  • So, as someone who has used the Internet since its very earliest days, what would you say about what the Internet is like today versus back then? Was it better? Worse? Any major online events that you can recall from that period?

    I grew up at the very tail end of the old forums and certainly after the decline and death of old school chat rooms. Most of them died or went inactive while I was in high school/college. The version of the internet older adults used is almost alien to me.

    Hell, today's Internet is on its way to being alien too.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • EVs are also a major issue for firefighters. Lithium ion battery fires following an accident are ridiculously hard to put out and present a significant safety hazard in confined spaces, like tunnels or narrow streets. It takes close to 6 times the water to control EV vehicle fires.

    And while it's a more minor issue, EVs are heavier than ICE vehicles in the same class, which causes more road wear and more tire wear (and more micro plastics to enter the environment).

    And, I guess, finally, there's no established break-even point for carbon emissions over ICE vehicles. The estimates provided in the literature vary wildly--from 13,000 miles to 94,000.

    I love the technology, but I hope solid state batteries become a viable option for EVs.

  • Research at the heart of a federal case against the abortion pill has been retracted
  • As someone who peer reviewed papers, and got familiar with the process, most reviewers do not take the time to seriously examine papers. I would compare my comments to other reviewers for the same paper, and holy shit they barely read it. I would spot pretty blatant omissions--bad methodology, incomplete sections that make a paper impossible to reproduce, poor quality figures, need for major revisions. The other reviewers would offer minor suggestions and leave it at that. And the chief editor will push it out the door with minor revisions that don't address any issues.

    I have seen some truly blatant shit get published. Like figures that have made up data, or that we're straight up copied from the authors' previous publication and presented as new. The for-profit publishing industry doesn't give a fuck. Those issues might get caught 10 years down the road, like in that case, but it's usually a slap on the wrist for tenured faculty unless it gets lots of attention.

    Prof in my department when I was a grad student blatantly copied work from another researcher, and the only sanctions he got were a moratorium on taking new grad students.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • Thanks. I realize this is something only a professional can help with now. It's up to her if she follows through. As far as support goes, I am going to encourage her to reach out to other trusted friends and family members, and to cut out people who have been causing her so much grief.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • Her reaction, and this is maybe me coping really hard right now, might be related to what happened last night. She attempted suicide last night and had the mindset to call my name before she did. Despite my pleas, she went to work this morning since she has no time off and doesn't want to get fired.

    We talked about what happened, and she admitted that she's felt like attempting for the past couple months, which kind of follows what I was feeling yesterday. The past 3-4 months have been more difficult than usual.

    I don't know what my next steps are. I'm feeling from it and using this forum to vent in a safe way. There's not much advice to give, I think. I'm just going to take this one step at a time.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • There's a lot to unpack now--more than even last night. But, yeah, she's acutely aware of the cycle she's putting me in, and she's desperate to not make it a habit.

    She tried to kill herself last night. And, it has me wondering if she's been hard on me lately as some way to keep me away, emotionally. I don't know if it was planned and she backed out, or if it was spur of the moment.

    She told me she's felt like potentially attempting for the past couple months, which tracks with how her behavior has changed. I said yesterday, I felt like the past 3-4 have been different--a lot harder on me than before.

    I'm processing it now. She chose to go to work since she has no vacation time. I tried to persuade her not to, but at the same time, I don't know what is or isn't appropriate to do here.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • I thought you were really insightful and I just wanted to give you an update because, if I was lost before, I'm really fucking lost now.

    Last night she attempted suicide. I am reading these from my couch while we sort out what the fuck to do.

    She went to the bedroom while I was reading on the couch around 8:30 after she took a shower. Within 5-10 minutes she called my name. I came in and she had a bottle.of her pills in one hand, and enough of them to kill a horse in the other.

    She was shaking, but pretty numb when I gently took the bottle and pills out of her hands and held her. It took probably another 15-20 minutes for her to say anything else. Then she started sobbing.

    This is the first time I've witnessed a suicide attempt, so I'm shaken up.

    Anyway, thank you for the advice. It was thought provoking and I'm going to pick my way through it while I cope.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • Thanks for the advice. I just got off work so I'm only now able to read these. I'm going to check this book out. It sounds like, if nothing else, it'll give me another perspective on what's going on.

    I expect forgiveness to be part of my relationships, I just don't know if I can forgive this. I think my ability to forgive has limits, and this incident is severe enough, in my mind, to test those limits. Forgiveness increasingly feels like a one way street for her and I. I forgive her, but she's selective with what she'll forgive and move past. It wasn't always this way. It's changed in the past 3-4 months, though.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • She grew up in a dangerous environment. In a lot of ways, she's always in fight or flight mode. Usually fight.

    It's something she is getting treated for. She's on an anxiety med and visits a therapist once a month, but between that and a very stressful job, she's worn down.

    It's a really complex situation all around and I don't know of a straightforward way to deal with it.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • I understand that. It's hard to capture the depth of relationships on some forum. I'll just say that we've both been through some difficult things, but we've supported each other. The past year or so, though, she's been going through a lot more (relatives dying, dad now in prison, etc.) , and I've stepped up to the best of my ability.

    Though she wants me to communicate more about how I'm doing, and she actually likes it when I do so, I just don't have the time or emotional energy to do that and still be present for her. It's a definite lose-lose. Because I know she's not really in a good state to have me be vulnerable on the way she likes, but by not being vulnerable, she feels like I don't trust her.

    I try to approach this (and all my relationships) with a strong understanding that people aren't perfect. We fuck up, make mistakes, and have to learn from them. Sometimes she doesn't have that same grace. She holds waayyy more grudges than I do. I essentially do a monthly ritual of forgiving her for lashing out a bit when her cycle is on or her psychiatrist doesn't give her a refill for her anxiety meds on time. But my mistakes are usually harder for her to move past. She does eventually, but nowhere near as often.

    I am looking for a therapist for myself right now, actually. I think at least ironing out how I'm feeling before I approach what happened with her is important.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship
  • Yeah, I am starting to wonder if that's the right call. We've had a great relationship for the most part, but while I forgive and move on from her minor mistakes--with the understanding that people fuck up sometimes and a sincere apology and effort to fix it going forward is sufficient--she's far less inclined to do that.

    It has gradually resulted in an imbalanced relationship, where she does stuff like this and I don't. I've supported her through some tough stuff, yah know? And I feel like all that sacrifice got discarded because of a 10 second run in with some HVAC guy.

  • I think the HVAC maintenance guy just destroyed my relationship

    Edit: Last night she attempted suicide. I was in the living room while she was showering. She got out of the shower, went to the bedroom, and about 10 minutes later I heard her call my name. She was holding a large handful of her medicine in one hand, and the bottle in the other. She told me she almost took it, but decided to get help instead. Suffice to say, both of us are dealing with a lot right now. She asked me not to tell anyone, but I am trying to persuade her to get mental healthcare.

    So yesterday morning, while my girlfriend and I were sleeping in our new apartment, we heard some rustling at the door. This was around 8 AM or so. I heard him call out "maintenance" very faintly from the other side of the door.

    I was partially awake and called out to the guy after glancing my gf's way in a "is this guy for real?" look.

    Guy apologized and left the apartment after he heard me. At the time, she said she was "glad I was there".

    I spoke to him later and he apologized profusely and said he wasn't aware someone had moved in already. I figured that would be the end of it. No harm, no foul.

    Last night, my girlfriend informed me that I didn't handle that correctly. She said her dad would've been up and ready to fight the guy, and that by glancing her way I must've been asking her to protect me.

    Despite us discussing a proposal now that we're 2 years in, she let me know she doesn't think I should "this year, but that she may change her mind".

    I'm honestly baffled. Was I supposed to shoot the maintenance man or something?

    It has me reconsidering the relationship. One perceived mistake--that I honestly think I handled fine--and she's putting our plans on ice.

    She's been mean leading up to this. She blames her cycle (and apologizes each time), but it's a pretty extreme mood shift for a few days each month. So part of me wonders if these 2 things are related, and she'll regret saying that to me. Another part wonders if I should forgive her in the first place.

    What do y'all think? How big of a mess am I in?

    Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll
  • By virtue of having a disproportionately beneficial EU membership agreement, they actually caused friction with later EU members that received the standard agreements later on.

    It's hard to overstate how catastrophic the UK fucked up by leaving the EU. They joined on the bottom floor, had the leverage to negotiate a deal that gave them more benefits, let them keep their currency instead of promising to one day adopt the Euro, and had access to all the immigration controls they needed to deal with the 'problem' Tories perceived.

    It's incredible, really. Part of me still can't believe they tossed all of that away. It's got to be one of the biggest peacetime geopolitical fuckups ever.

  • Rhode Island men charged in connection with fatal brawl at Gillette Stadium
  • This one is odd, I guess? So they had the autopsy stating the cause of death was homicide and a bunch of video evidence in September, and per the article, didn't believe there was enough to charge these guys?

    I wonder what changed.

  • Should I leave my credit union over account interest rates?
  • Yeah, I'm basically where you are now with my mindset.

    This CU helped me out during the pandemic, when I was on the struggle bus, but their rates are virtually unchanged since then. It's pretty much just that and inertia that's kept me with them so far.

    Time to finally move on to somewhere that actually tries to keep up with the market.

  • Personal Finance Blu

    Should I leave my credit union over account interest rates?

    TL;DR: Credit union account rates low, I moved, and even though the app and co-op network are great, not sure if I should leave.

    So, I've been with a certain credit union for years. But, to be honest, compared to some other credit unions out there (or even banks), it has pretty lackluster rates across the board.

    I moved recently and that's given me cause to think about closing it, despite the great app and co-op network basically working regardless of where I am.

    0.2% on checking, 0.45% on savings, and about 0.9% on a money market account with a $1000 minimum.

    It's got great customer service. I'm on a first name basis with the people there, but I feel like, even with just checking and emergency savings, I'm leaving money on the table.

    Is it worth leaving for some of those advertised 4 and 5% checking and savings accounts other places offer?
