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Bleach7297 BringMeTheDiscoKing

Dead or alive

Posts 22
Comments 352
Children unintentionally shot and killed at least 157 people last year, Everytown says
  • Make sure your kids are carrying so they can protect themselves incase some kid is carrying. 🤡

  • Trump has been unable to get bond for $464 million judgment, his lawyers say
  • Now even our Gloriously Orange Saviour's lawyers are spouting FAKE NEWS! Bunch of LINOs!

    There's no bond! There's no judgement! Some very smart folks are saying there may not even be a legal system! Have you ever actually SEEN a judge?

    Fear not, our Incredibly Patriotic and Stable Genius is still running the show from Truthy Social.

    Ok, hopefully that's everyone inoculated.

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • I don't normally reply like this but i'm not wasting time on composition.

    I think you are forgetting that correlation does not imply causation.

    Really? Then I think you didn't read or understand my previous reply.

    or is it dangerous, misleading, and unscientific to say things that can’t be proven as if it’s fact?

    What is dangerous, misleading and unscientific about alerting parents as soon as possible that screen time has been linked to atypical sensory processing, the most popularly known examples by a country mile being ADHD and autism? Have other studies shown screen time to be beneficial to young children? Who are you shilling for, Sesame Street? lol

    I would argue that it's unethical not to inform parents using terminology that they are familiar with, even if it is not going to be accurate in each case.

    As someone who has worked and continues to work with several doctors in a medical research environment

    I was wondering when the appeal to authority would come. Your assurance, as an internet rando, is meaningless. You oughta know that already.

    “Reading between the lines” in research has led to countless people being injured and killed

    Except pop-sci magazines aren't research.

    And finally, you're statements about research bias and the crap about Wakefield, Kennedy and troglodyte Rogan is false equivalence and obvious baiting. See sentence above. Unlike the situation you describe, you haven't called into question this research, only the article.

    I guess we'll know eventually if we should've been warning people away from screen time for young kids a lot more forcefully.

  • Peak technology
  • The point in shitting on HP is to shit on HP. Not sure what other point you're looking for. Are you concerned that people are going to start feeling sympathetic?

  • Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing
  • "Brain melting" and "Without parents knowing" are the only two inherently scary things in that headline.

  • TikTok Rule
  • They're not protecting you from Tiktok. They are protecting their interests from China.

  • Peak technology
  • I have a brother multifunction laser printer scanner thing. It is a cheap piece of crap with flaky wireless.

    Unlike the HP printers I've had or worked with, with the Brother I feel like I at least get what I pay for... but it's a pretty low bar.

  • Peak technology
  • I will happily upvote anything that rags on HP printers, I don't care how low effort it is. In fact, I would hate to think someone spent actual effort on anything HP related.

    HP printers have been kicking puppies and insulting your mother for well over 20 years. Wait, they haven't? Well, after a certain point a company has burned so much good will by making marginal printers, less-than marginal drivers and artificially differentiating inks and toners to such a degree it's hard to see it as anything other than profiteering... pant pant ...that nobody cares if it's unfair or inaccurate.

    Don't buy HP. Think of the puppies. Think of your mother, for God's sake!

  • Peak technology
  • Yep and there are also fairly cheap strictly photo printers (cheap compared to getting film developed, at least)

  • In Cringe Video, OpenAI CTO Says She Doesn’t Know Where Sora’s Training Data Came From
  • Did they intentionally chose a picture where she looks like she's morphing into Elon?

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • I mean, if you think that they aren't talking about ADHD and autism there, after reading the article and the study, well okay then.

    The paper comes as close to saying 'direct link' as these papers ever do. It's quite difficult to prove a direct link and there are consequences for using that language inaccurately, when you're publishing in a respected journal (at least there is supposed to be)

    Pop-sci articles are usually going to try to hook readers with their headlines. Not being beholden to the same standards, they are free to read between the lines, as it were. One could say that because it's not held to the same standard, it's BS but there's a lot of substance there to refute. It not an op-ed piece.

    Its an important article that shouldn't be ignored (there are other sources if you don't like that author,) and if people want more details, they can get to the JAMA investigation from the link provided at the end.

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • What does the paragraph above the one you posted say? The paragraph under the header "Findings"

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • I'm sorry, was that a refutation?

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • This study found a link between screen time and autism by looking at TV exposure among very young children, nevermind phones and tablets.

    It makes sense in a way. How we process the world might be a bit messed up with we were exposed to lots of bright shapes and loud sounds doing impossible things before our senses were fully developed.

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • Belief in god or astrology is not anti-scientific, it is unscientific.

    Anti-scientific is evangelizing that the belief in god or astrology is a replacement for science.

  • The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood
  • Environmental factors (screen time) while a child's sensory apparatus is not fully developed has been linked to development of ADHD and Autism.

  • is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia?
  • The thing that keeps us from living lives of abundance is not a lack of technology.

  • Google misses the mark again

    Maybe not as bad as some of their other recent missteps, but still! Google can't tell the difference between a Strat and a dead log? ;) ducks


    The Paradox of Prosperity: Canada's Oil Sands Undermine Climate Pledges

    "Indigenous communities in the region have been reporting poor living conditions and a wide range of health issues, that they believe to be related to oil sands production, for several decades. However, they have been repeatedly told that emissions from oil activities are within safe limits. Now, the results of this study may suggest otherwise."

    Letting these companies self report is and always has been negligent.

    0 Air pollution from Canada’s tar sands is much worse than we thought

    Oil operations release vast quantities of damaging particles and noxious compounds.

    Air pollution from Canada’s tar sands is much worse than we thought

    Not "a little worse than we thought." Has Premier Smith commented on this yet?

    3 Critics call for review of Alberta Energy Regulator over withheld liability study

    Critics are calling for a public inquiry into the actions of the Alberta Energy Regulator, after documents surfaced suggesting the agency downplayed the industry's environmental liabilities and withheld information on those costs.

    Critics call for review of Alberta Energy Regulator over withheld liability study

    Well this ain't good. Who is going to want to invest in a province that knowingly deceives investors? (nevermind the electorate, we don't matter)

    3 Netanyahu says Gaza war on Hamas will go on for 'many more months,' thanks U.S. for new weapons sales

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza will continue for “many more months,” pushing back against persistent international cease-fire calls after mounting civilian deaths, hunger and mass displacement in the besieged enclave.

    Netanyahu says Gaza war on Hamas will go on for 'many more months,' thanks U.S. for new weapons sales
    32 The Biden administration once more bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel

    For the second time this month the Biden administration is bypassing Congress to approve an emergency weapons sale to Israel as Israel continues to prosecute its war against Hamas in Gaza under increasing international criticism.

    The Biden administration once more bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel

    My buddy last summer

    Here she is, my not-so-little industrious Cross Orb Weaver buddy doing maintenance on her web after a heavy rainfall. I got to watch her get this big and bigger -- it was a real treat and education. She's gone now but I hope one of her babies takes up residence next summer.


    Province Announces Initiative to Celebrate Confederation Province Announces Numerous Initiatives to Mark 75th Anniversary of Confederation

    The provincial government has announced numerous initiatives to celebrate its 75th anniversary of Confederatio...

    Province Announces Numerous Initiatives to Mark 75th Anniversary of Confederation

    Jesus guys, don't spend my tax dollars on this shit. The province is poor enough without celebrating those that made us poor (that being Canada and the Canadian provincial government of NL)


    US police agencies took intelligence directly from IDF, leaked files show US police agencies took intelligence directly from IDF, leaked files show | US policing | The Guardian

    Analysis of BlueLeaks trove also shows police received training on domestic ‘Muslim extremists’ from pro-Israel groups

    Analysis of BlueLeaks trove also shows police received training on domestic ‘Muslim extremists’ from pro-Israel groups


    Biden administration uses emergency authority to sell tank shells to Israel Biden administration uses emergency authority to sell tank shells to Israel | Biden administration | The Guardian

    The state department used an emergency declaration to sell $106.5m worth of ammo for Israel’s Merkava tanks


    My nurse practitioner appointment today.

    Semi-related to the post. Yes, today is Saturday. No, the collaborative team clinic is not open today. So why the hell did the lady book me in for today? Doors are locked. So I walked into the walk-in clinic next door and they look in their system and say there is NO appointment for me, at all! So I imagined it? Was I talking to a ghost? Maybe I mistakenly took some peyote without realizing it and hallucinated the whole thing?

    Hell, who needs statins anyway? If my next post makes even less sense then usual, I may have had a stroke.

    And to be clear, I am not laying an ounce of blame at the feet of the nurses, who remain in an untenable position. The whole staff is underfunded and overworked, and the linked article is a perfect example of the attitude that leads to this sort of situation.


    Government Offer Declined by Ukrainian Mother Who is Leaving NL Due to Lack of Affordable Housing | VOCM Government Offer Declined by Ukrainian Mother Who is Leaving NL Due to Lack of Affordable Housing

    The minister responsible for for immigration says government has reached out and offered supports to a single ...

    Government Offer Declined by Ukrainian Mother Who is Leaving NL Due to Lack of Affordable Housing

    What an embarrassment guys. So nice that you can line up three bedroom apartments for this lady, it must be nice to be able to call up a bunch of property owning developers and real estate moguls (aka St. John's city council) when someone gets on VOCM or CBC. These are the same people the feds recently called out for a lack of ambition on housing, right?


    Hydro mulls building new diesel turbine

    I thought Muskrat was supposed to help us shut down the Diesel plant. I'm appalled but not in the least bit surprised.



    The most Northern (civilian) vending machine in the western hemisphere (possibly)

    At the hotel in Grise Fiord


    Community Ice Rink - Grise Fiord, NU


    Grise Fiord, NU

    I am not ᓄᓇᕗᒻᒥᐅᖅ (someone from Nunavut) but I have worked in most of the hamlets over a few years.

    I'm subscribed to this community and I saw someone mention they wanted pictures. I don't have much to contribute but pictures, so I'll post some of the good ones.


    Muskrat Falls transmission fix requires 9,000 new pieces of equipment

    I promise my next post won't be about Muskrat.

    Unless something else goes wrong with it before I can find something better to post about.

    Okay, my next post might be about Muskrat.


    Health Canada pest control adviser steps down, says regulation ‘obsolete' Health Canada pest control adviser steps down, says regulation ‘obsolete - National |

    The committee gives Health Canada independent scientific advice on the health and environmental risks of pesticides, and does evaluations for new products and reviews.

    Anyone remember another time Canada ignored a preponderance of evidence about health affects of a product they said was safe?


    Muskrat Falls generating unit must be fully dismantled, says report

    Ya didn't think it was over, did you???


    Muskrat Falls generating unit must be fully dismantled, says report

    Ya didn't think it was over, did you???
