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Big_Farto Big_Farto
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Comments 18
This is the best picture of Oscar I've ever taken
  • Oscar is one of the cats of all time

  • Benito Mussolini has his own tomb (and it’s in good condition)
  • Booo, gonna buy tickets to Italy just to piss on this

  • Do not loose hope!
  • If only we grew exponentially :(

  • What/Who is the most obscure music(ian) you enjoy?
  • Scale the summit is pretty good if you like instrumental music focused around the guitar

  • I hear VW founder is pretty popular in Ukraine right now
  • I mean Henry Ford is no saint either

  • My old tanks VS your old tanks
  • Lmao, how old is some of the US' equipment. What a joke

  • What is something 'unmanly' that you like?
  • Ah, perhaps you are familiar with the hairy ball theorem then. Very manly

  • Rule
  • Jong

  • 2023 demographics survey results in the link!
  • Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a listen!

  • What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #21
  • I've been playing Diablo 4. Pretty fun so far, but an arpg can only innovate so much.

  • Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • I mean I don't really see myself as a tankie, I did get temporarily banned from lemmygrad for saying that ACAB means all cops, so there's that I suppose.

  • 2023 demographics survey results in the link!
  • Thank you for the write-up, that was some great insight! I am curious about the people that are Christian communists (what does that look like?) Edit: I wonder if ignorance had a significant effect on the results. For example, I was not familiar with the concept of labor aristocracy so I answered proletariat when asked what class I belonged to. Guess you have to run the survey at least one more time. Excellent work!

  • Seeing libs seethe about “too many tankies” is really funny.
  • Idk man, I got a temporary ban for saying that ACAB means all cops and some dipshit told me to read Lenin's State and Revolution lmao. Seems to me like a lot of people on here are just having dick measuring contests about how far left they are.

  • Capitalists Return to the Past in an Effort to Gorge Themselves on the Fruits of Child Labor — Hampton Institute
  • Reading this is just depressing, it's going to take some serious fucking action to change anything

  • bread rule
  • What's wrong with philosophy tube?

  • The first true philosopher
  • He's just searching for an honest man