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Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge
  • The last 4 weeks have passed so slowly. I think it has to do with the amount of games I've played recently. I'm not complaining, it's just that I haven't felt time slow down in so long. It's refreshing

  • Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge
  • trans rights

    about two months ago I saw "TOYSRUS" spraypainted on a wall somewhere, and since then I've been seeing it everywhere. Did I miss some meme where kids wrote TOYSRUS on every wall? Like it's so common. at some point I want to take a two-hour walk through the city and take a picture of every one to see how many I can find.

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • I updated my phone and now the home screen zooms out a little every time I open it

    this displeases me

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • aw, how nice of you to feed them!

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • it's crazy how some lyrics are burnt into my brain even if I haven't heard a song in years. I just remembered Mr Blue Sky exists after like 7 years, and after some humming I got most of the lyrics right.

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • I want to try some weird japanese KitKat flavors

    does anyone have any specific recommendations, otherwise I might just grab what's available online

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • why is there cat skin around my spaghetti sauce? 😡

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • I should continue with my Kingdom Hearts journey. My goal is to eventually get all achievements in all games, which will probably take another year if I start again now. My current progress is:

    • KH1: beaten on Proud and within 15 hours, nothing else done besides the main story, still need to do a run without changing equipment.

    • Chain of Memories: gave up on Floor 13 when they introduced enemies that are immune to magic. I firaga'd/blizzaga'd my way through the game so I will probably have to start over and account for that from the beginning.

    • KH2: beated on Critical, haven't done any post-game stuff

    • BBS: fucking hated this game for some reason. I could barely bring myself to finish each character on normal, I will have to push through Proud somehow

    • everything else: I've yet to start.

    I was thinking about maybe playing Melody of Memory as I go along with the games, could be a fun little distraction. But yeah, I still have a loooong way to go for sure

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • I bought and ate a carton of frozen chicken cheese nuggets. Last time I bought them I ate the whole pack in one sitting and I almost threw up. This time, I ate the whole pack and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. what the hell

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • I deleted my reddit account so that's not an option anymore

    the discord has channels and threads for almost anything I ever talk about

    except for the most random and general stuff, which will probably wind up here. #general doesn't really have that SGL vibe imo, it feels exactly like a #general discord channel lmao

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • empty thread, easy first trans rights

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • Starfield releases on July 68th, we were so close 😔