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BeautifulMind BeautifulMind ♾️

Late-diagnosed autistic, special interest-haver, dad, cyclist, software professional

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Kansas Constitution does not include a right to vote, state Supreme Court majority says
  • Yes, that was the wording then, it was the qualification to vote (male, citizen, over 21). Since the adoption of the 19th Amendment (which happened after, and supercedes this text) that standard has included women and today you just need to be a citizen and over 18. The proportionality of loss of EC votes and congressional seating (these are apportioned on the same basis, after all) was about states like South Carolina and Mississippi, whose population of enslaved people exceeded that of white citizens- if these states didn't respect the new citizenship and voting rights of most of their citizens, they'd lose more than half of their federal representation, and that in turn would cost them and their confederates influence in the resulting federal government.

    My prior comment, made in the context of a Kansas court declaring that voting is not a right according to the Kansas constitution, was intended to point out that if nobody has that right in Kansas, that may be well and fine in Kansas politics, but if Kansas conducts itself in that way it will cost them influence federally, and that sets the stage for another round of Voting Rights Acts that can be used to guarantee voting rights federally even if states don't want to do it themselves.

  • Kansas Constitution does not include a right to vote, state Supreme Court majority says
  • The US Constitution, on the other hand, does not oblige the federal government to recognize the electoral votes or congressional delegates of a state that does not enfranchise its citizens and submit to their will in the form of their votes.

    The Guarantee Clause (article 4, section 4) of the constitution requires that state governments take the form of a republic, versus that of a theocracy or monarchy or dictatorship. (All republics involve some degree of democracy). Section 2 of the 14th Amendment says that if states deny citizens the right to vote, those states shall lose their representation at the federal level- that is, if you're not a democracy that submits to the will of its voters, you can do that but in the process your electoral college votes and ability to send congressmen to DC goes away- and your state will lose its ability to influence federal law and to elect federal officials.

    Of course, the current SCOTUS is likely to find some way to assert that anything giving the GOP political advantage must be what the framers would have wanted no matter how many ways they told us unambiguously they fucking wanted government derived from the consent of the governed.

  • Kansas Constitution does not include a right to vote, state Supreme Court majority says
  • For your consideration, here is the text of section 2 of the 14th amendment:

    Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

    A literal reading of this text, apart from the anachronism by which voters must be male and 21 (which should be overridden by the 19th amendment, which enfranchises women's vote, and the fact that voting age today is 18) says that if your state doesn't let its citizens vote and abide by the result, its electoral college votes won't count either, and neither will its congressional delegation be seated.

  • Kansas Constitution does not include a right to vote, state Supreme Court majority says
  • Isn’t the requirement only that the government be “republican”? A republican government doesn’t necessarily have to be representative. It only needs to not be a monarchy.

    That's the requirement of the Guarantee Clause (article 4, section 4) of the constitution- in its time, it was about barring non-democracy states from statehood, it was a guarantee of protection of any state from foreign invasion, and protection of any state from internal coup or rebellion.

    But, if you look at section 2 of the 14th Amendment, it's a banger: if the right to vote is denied to citizens qualified to vote, the state doing it will lose its federal representation (as in, it will not just lose its electoral college votes in federal elections, its congressmen will not be seated). The purpose for this section of this amendment was to prevent confederate states from denying the formerly-enslaved the right to vote, and it should certainly apply today if Red-State legislators try to use their power to strip their citizens of their ability to meaningfully vote

  • It just doesn't make any sense!
  • I enjoy the schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but there is a frame in which this kind of confusion does actually make sense.

    It's the frame in which you acknowledge that our system of justice isn't about holding everyone equally accountable to the law, it's instead been an institution to keep the poor and marginal in their places- that is, it's about enforcing an unspoken social, class, gender, and racial hierarchy that a lot of the MAGA folks take for granted and really want to defend and uphold.

    That is the order they're talking about when they say 'Law and Order'. The order is a social, racial, gender, and class hierarchy, and the law is the means by which the hoi polloi are kept in whatever the powerful in it regard to be their 'rightful places'.

    For these people, the idea that the law might actually apply to everyone is an attack on the basis of order as they understand it. Of course they're mad.

  • 'Dox the Jurors': Trump fans on a mission to make those who convicted him 'miserable'
  • At what point does this sort of thing stop being politics and start being organized crime? So now I halfway-hope the vigilantes that try to do this will end up facing criminal charges for it

    But, I also halfway-expect cops and prosecutors to look the other way if the victims of this kind of crime ends up being the kind of people they'd be disproportionately policing and convicting anyhow

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • OK, so now I halfway-hope the vigilantes that try to do this will end up facing criminal charges for it

    But, I also halfway-expect cops and prosecutors to look the other way if the victims of this kind of crime ends up being the kind of people they'd be disproportionately policing and convicting anyhow

  • Clowncore is an actual style 😭
  • Wow. Conflicting feels. On the one hand, it's a pretty good look

    On the other hand, that looks like a lot of work

  • New York governor to launch bill banning smartphones in schools
  • While on the one hand I can agree there's a place and time to be present and participate appropriately, on the other hand it's so goddamned tiring to see politics that in situations of nuance zoom in on 'control them' as a thing everyone can rally to as if the solution of phone control was really going to be simple and accomplish its objectives.

    I mean, criminalizing drugs seemed on its face to be a simple-enough thing to do, and a good idea- who could object to that, right? Who favors addiction, right? What could go wrong? Fundamentally, the ask for enough power to ban anything isn't a trivial ask, and it shouldn't be undertaken lightly.

  • "but- But- inflation go brrrr 🥺👉👈"
  • Its consistently worse than home cooking. But not everyone has the luxury of a functional kitchen or a stocked fridge or the time to prepare the meal.

    You're not wrong here. It's not good food, but it's easy and touches the makes-me-crave-it neurons, it's often available in food deserts (where it's legitimately difficult to really stock a kitchen) and sometimes it's only cheap in the context of whether or not you have that home infra and time to use it or not.

    I just use my privilege (I have a pretty functional kitchen and the ability to stock it mightily) to not fund a business model that looks to me like it's hostile to labor (yeah you, McDonalds and most of the rest), tends to give money to politics I can't abide (looking at you, chick-fil-a), and I really prefer to patronize businesses whose employees don't have the energy of beaten animals. I get that it's my privilege to do that, but being someone with that to work with, using it appropriately seems the right thing to do.

  • "but- But- inflation go brrrr 🥺👉👈"
  • If inflation isn’t based on most prices increasing… What is it based on?

    It's the devaluation of currency that happens when too much of it chases too few goods in the marketplace. It's purely a monetary thing, you get that when the supply of money grows more quickly than the value of real goods in the economy does.

    Ideally, we print money (and take it out of circulation) at a pace that keeps the money supply more or less balanced to the value of available goods and services in the economy. If we were to print too much money, or not take enough out of circulation (note: paying taxes does this; when you pay taxes the money doesn't go into some account somewhere, it's used to zero out the bonds issued to create it), the amount of money in circulation would become greater than the amount of real valuable goods in the economy. When that happens, the resulting bidding contest to secure those goods (after all, money doesn't have intrinsic value, it's only good for buying things that do) drives up the price of those goods in monetary terms.

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • ...thus showing that the "Law and Order" party was never about law, they just want a particular kind of order- that is, a hierarchy wherein people below them on the status-ladder know not to try to hold them accountable to anything, including the law or even plain decency.

    To them, the law is the cudgel to keep the poors and plebes in their place- low in the order- never to be applied to them.

  • "but- But- inflation go brrrr 🥺👉👈"
  • It's been maddening to watch people call price-gouging "inflation", honestly.

    That's not fucking inflation when someone in the supply chain made things more expensive and pocketed the difference as a wider profit margin; it's the symptom of non-enforcement of antitrust laws.

    I mean, most foodstuffs markets (in the supply chain between farm and grocer or farm -> restaurant) are controlled by very few people or corporations; when the farmers get less for their products but the grocer must pay more for them, that's not inflation. It's price-gouging, the symptom of the kinds of market failures that follow regulatory failures to prevent corporate mergers that would reduce competition in those markets.

    When you look at food, fuel, housing, the enshittification of basically everything, the acquisition of yesterday's hot-fresh-streaming services and re-packaging them to be just as predatory as the cable was when you cut the cord and went to streaming- it's all what we get when private equity owns a piece of everything and they're running it all to squeeze more out of everyone they can, and they also ensure regulators don't do a damned thing about it.

    There was once a time when regulators had the will to block corporate mergers, and they had the will to tax windfall profits at 100%.

  • The Raiding of Red Lobster

    The bankrupt casual restaurant chain didn’t fail because of Endless Shrimp. Its problems date back to monopolist seafood conglomerates and a private equity play.

    The Raiding of Red Lobster
    Code interviews for a PHP developer roles
  • It's not so bad once you've got your teeth into the problem

    assuming you can code, that is

  • As bans spread, fluoride in drinking water divides communities across the US
  • Fun fact: spreading conspiracy theories about the evils of fluoride in the water (it's mind control! pollutes our precious bodily fluids!) was one of the talking points that crypto-fascists threw against the wall to see if it would stick- if you recall the line about your "precious bodily fluids" in Dr. Strangelove, that was a nod to that particular vein of conspiracy theory that was making the rounds in the far-loony fringes of what was then the Republican party

  • Russian State TV Wants Moscow to Conquer Three US States
  • Sorry- I didn't know that part off the top of my head But since you asked, Russia's presence in Hawaii was sort of like its presence in Alaska and California: early 1800s outposts established by agents acting on behalf of the, which the Russian Crown had granted a monopoly on operations in North America and the Pacific but was unable to back or support such claims.

  • Russian State TV Wants Moscow to Conquer Three US States
  • You mean something like a third Reich?

    Well, yeah. In very real ways WWII was about upending the post-WW1 order (which was punitive of Germany generally). It's really interesting to understand how crazy the flows of money were, and how badly the US in particular bungled its role as the issuer of the world's de facto reserve currency at the time- in the aftermath of WWI, Germany and its allies were made to pay reparations, France occupied the industrial territory on their border, and any money France or Belgium or Holland received in reparations promptly went to American banks, to repay war bonds borrowed to finance the fighting (which had, in turn, been spent in American factories on war materiel, weapons, munitions, etc). (sorry this is paywalled now, it was a really good read when it was available so I'll summarize briefly)

    By the end of the first world war, all of the belligerent nations' economies were in tatters, their leadership were forced to inflate their currencies to make payments- but the US declined to inflate its own currency to make it workable for them- and when the US didn't think about its new role in maintaining a viable world order, it put everyone that owed it anything in the position of paying their debts not in their own inflated currencies, but in US dollars. This essentially collapsed the German economy and its currency, and it was just unnecessary.

  • Israeli settlers storm West Bank village, setting cars and homes ablaze
  • I wonder why we can't just decode the term 'settler' for what it is:

    "terrorist", but with state aegis and pliant media cooking up anodyne narrative cover

  • Don’t sneer at white rural voters — or delude yourself about their politics
  • Grew up in a rural red state. I've spent a lot of time trying to really understand their politics, and as best I can summarize, here it is:

    • They are angry about how life has gotten worse for them, economically and culturally.

    • They have very good reason to be angry about that, because it has.

    • They are misinformed about what changed since the 50s and 60s, and too many of them seem to think more racism and sexism will restore their prosperity and dignity

    • They have decided the only thing to do about it any more is to burn everything down until they get the respect they feel entitled to

    • They are sincerely sad and angry it hasn't worked yet

    The shorter story here, of course, is that the establishment GOP of the late 70s underestimated the willingness of its fascist wing to not die and completely didn't do the necessary things to prevent the party from being almost completely taken over by fascists

  • Reforms are difficult as our nation has too much of democracy, says multi-billionaire CEO
  • Translation: "We can't have it how I want it because you fucking people don't want that"

  • Did Google, Facebook, and Amazon Endorse Jim Crow?

    At the Supreme Court this week, big tech said most economic regulation for platforms are unconstitutional. And they used same logic as Robert Bork in attacking the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Did Google, Facebook, and Amazon Endorse Jim Crow?
    1 Moose, Maple Syrup and Monopolies: Is Canada Finally Taking on Its Oligarchs?

    The anti-monopoly movement has hit Canada, where a political economy revolution has changed the nation's antitrust laws from among the weakest in the world. As goes Canada, so goes the world?

    Moose, Maple Syrup and Monopolies: Is Canada Finally Taking on Its Oligarchs?
    3 Time for Biden to Break With Netanyahu

    Today on TAP: The plan to depopulate Gaza of Palestinians is one excess too many.

    Time for Biden to Break With Netanyahu
    5 When Alabama Police Kill, Surviving Family Can Fight Years to See Bodycam Footage. There’s No Guarantee They Will.

    Alabama is among the most restrictive states for disclosing body-camera footage when police kill loved ones. Surviving family members often must go to court to get access to the video, and even if successful, they usually can’t share it publicly.

    When Alabama Police Kill, Surviving Family Can Fight Years to See Bodycam Footage. There’s No Guarantee They Will.
    0 South Africa's genocide case against Israel sets up a high-stakes legal battle at the UN's top court

    South Africa has launched a case at the United Nations’ top court alleging that Israel’s military campaign in Gaza amounts to genocide.

    South Africa's genocide case against Israel sets up a high-stakes legal battle at the UN's top court

    Link to the summary of findings submitted by South Africa:

    South Africa’s 84-page filing says Israel’s actions “are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part” of the Palestinians in Gaza.

    It asks the ICJ, also known as the world court, for a series of legally binding rulings. It wants the court to declare that Israel “has breached and continues to breach its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” and to order Israel to cease hostilities in Gaza that could amount to breaches of the convention, to offer reparations, and to provide for reconstruction of what it’s destroyed in Gaza.

    78 Idaho Keeps Some Psychiatric Patients in Prison, Ignoring Decades of Warnings About the Practice

    A temporary program for “dangerously mentally ill” patients has continued for five decades, despite calls from critics to provide better care. Soon, Idaho will be the only state still using prisons to house patients who face no criminal charges.

    Idaho Keeps Some Psychiatric Patients in Prison, Ignoring Decades of Warnings About the Practice
    2 SCOTUS is making major decisions based on outright lies

    A case aiming to get rid of a wealth tax is just the latest example of justices indulging right-wing make believe.

    SCOTUS is making major decisions based on outright lies
    25 Why Turkey, Eggs and Air Travel Just Got Cheaper

    The long tail of greedflation may be subsiding, just as a federal jury cracks the longstanding egg cartel. Plus antitrust action on airlines and the turkey industry are likely delivering lower prices.

    Why Turkey, Eggs and Air Travel Just Got Cheaper
    1 North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force"

    North Carolina’s new $30 billion state budget contains a provision that gives extraordinary investigative powers to a partisan oversight committee co-chaired by Senate Leader Phil Berger (R) and House Speaker Tim Moore (R). The Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations — or Gov Ops for sh...

    North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force"
    33 In Defense of My Students

    The idea of the campus as a stronghold of leftwing extremism and authoritarian censoriousness stands in stark contrast to what’s happening inside the classroom

    In Defense of My Students

    Why the Supreme Court’s new ethics code is neither a code nor about ethics Robert Reich | Substack

    Daily newsletter exposing where power lies — and how it's used and abused. Click to read Robert Reich, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

    Robert Reich | Substack
    3 “Faith and Family” vs Democracy

    On the normalization of Mike Johnson, the media’s inclination to accommodate power, and the perpetuation of “real American” extremism

    >The result is a portrait of Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, as someone well within the bounds of the regular, the respectable. Here is a normalization machine that perpetuates itself: Once it has successfully transformed Johnson into someone who is legible as “normal,” he will get the “normal” treatment: Rising political stars can expect a certain sympathetic fascination, even deference, and they get a home story that makes them look good. Mike Johnson just got his. All about family and faith.

    2 How the GOP became the party of tax cheats

    Yesterday, House Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson gave his first press conference. The billionaires sure picked the right guy: his performance was flawless. Slick, slimy, and unctuous.For example, even though every dollar the IRS spends auditing billionaires produces between $6 and $12 in added tax revenue...

    How the GOP became the party of tax cheats
    20 The Middleman Economy: Why Realtors Just Took a Big Loss and Homebuyers Might Benefit

    A shocking $1.8 billion antitrust decision by a jury against the National Association of Realtors for price-fixing could rearrange housing markets.

    The Middleman Economy: Why Realtors Just Took a Big Loss and Homebuyers Might Benefit
    9 The Banality of Price Fixing

    Software-enabled price fixing schemes are pervasive in the economy, and are likely driving high prices. Why is it so hard to challenge these conspiracies under antitrust law?

    The Banality of Price Fixing