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BeanGoblin BeanGoblin
Posts 19
Comments 133
Priorities of a child
  • I really hope that kid got change and bomb pops aren't 5 dollars now.

  • Cryptic Currency
  • Or crypt currency, where you pay with corpses looted from your local graveyard.

  • Planetizen: "Florida Passes Outdoor Sleeping Ban." It's illegal to sleep on public beaches in Florida... Up next, prison for being housing insecure?
  • It's all prosperity gospel shit. They see being successful as a moral good, so inversely, being poor is a moral failing that requires punishment.

  • Martin Shkreli was said to have paid $2 million to own the Wu-Tang Clan’s one-of-a-kind album, “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.” Its new buyers paid $4 million.
  • I have a small hope inside that the whole thing is just a way to fuck with rich people and the album is nothing but fart noises.

  • Chiquita found liable for financing paramilitary group
  • Name a more iconic pair than bananas and fascist death squads

  • Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • And? He says this shit like, once a week. Has been for years. He's a liar. Ignore every single fucking word out of his mouth.

  • Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • “The purpose is not solely religious,” Sen. J. Adam Bass, R-Bossier City, told the Senate. Rather, it is the Ten Commandments' "historical significance, which is simply one of many documents that display the history of our country and foundation of our legal system.”

    There is NO WAY to say this with a straight face. We all know what you're fucking doing, just admit it.

  • my rule
  • 😎👍

  • Biden, speaking on campus protests, says both free speech and rule of law 'must be upheld'
  • This logic relies on the entire Jewish population in the US siding with Israel. They dont. What Israel is doing is fucking evil and a lot of people know it, regardless of faith or culture.

  • Columbia University community 'shattered' after police raid
  • Cool. How about you listen to your fucking students then.

  • Glide failed to grab this image
  • For me it's because for whatever reason, Verizon has DNS blocked so any picture using that service to host fails to load when using phone data. Your problem might be something similar.

  • Florida Governor signs legislation bringing "anti-communist education" to public schools, beginning in kindergarten
  • You mean the Satanic Temple. Church of Satan are the actual satan worshipping nutjobs.

  • DeSantis signs bill banning local heat protections for workers
  • The sole purpose of this bill is to make your life worse. There is not a single appreciable benefit.

  • EU looking to expand sanctions on Iran following attack on Israel
  • Hamas attacks Israel, Israel retaliates. "Israel has the right to defend itself!

    Israel attack Iran, Iran retaliates. "Nope, that's sanctions"

    If that's not a double standard I don't know what is.

  • If you could experience one historical event firsthand, which would it be and why?
  • It didn't use to, the b was added back in cause the Latin word has one and making words look like Latin was all the rage at one point.