They always look so majestic but with that added sense of danger 😂. My dad climbed one once in his youth, it came up often, he was very proud of it. Obviously he was thick as fuck but it's impressive nonetheless.
Didn't even know you had to deal with that shit 😂 I use the boost app and I don't have to.
Thank you very much! A couple who were smoking a bifta together after riding in on an electric scooter were about 200 metres to my left 😂
Booooo. Stop calling it art. It's a prompt that spat this out.
Y r they lit up though? They look super awesome but is it a real life thing?
That's why! I'm absolutely dog shit at games, couldn't even imagine playing StarCraft even semi competently 😂
I replied pylon cool innit because the post just said pylon and didn't show the pic but that's a great pylon pic ❤️
I'm 36, I don't know what it is. Should I be embarrassed? 😂
I always love those photos but I'd need it to be summer to get one like that I think 😂
I just thought "that change in direction is sweet" 😂 I like your way of putting it.
Does anyone else love a pylon photo as much as me?
I love the lines they offer, this one in particular because of the different direction they go in.
Tell me I'm not alone 😂
A stunning house
This is the first house I've ever been jealous of. On the side of a canal in Yorkshire.
The photo is a bit shit, the foreground was a bit too dark so I edited it more than I'd usually like to to make it visible.