Seems paywalled where you are based on that 35$ WSL link.
Replay seems available on redbulltv but not worth it
When did surfing become this?
This is a world event in Abu Dhabi, in a wave pool where the whole reading of the wave is not applicable anymore and they're just cruising jet skis to get back and forth.
It just gives the feeling of having sailing competition where boats are allowed to have a motor to help upwind.
La plage de mon spot

cross-posted from:
> Last session had great conditions > > First out at sunrise, glassy shoulder high sets, got bigger towards the end of session when I took that picture. > > Beach break with several peaks, this one is the second biggest of the beach. I started there but ended my session on a smaller peak (re-shoulder high) 500m away. > > Waves we're closing a bit, they were slower the day before.
Book - The History of Surfing
Just finished this one, can strongly recommend it. (Others are Barbarian days and Wingnut's complete surfing).
From ancient Peru to tow-in, from Hawaiian finless to channeled shortboards, from Duke Kahanamoku to Lane Beachley, from army cutoffs to Quicksilver, stomp parties to world cup events, this book covers everything surf until the 2010s.
A rather easy read, provides the needed dose when too sick to surf.
Edited typos
film - J'attends la sortie avec impatience.
YouTube Video
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Bonjour à toustes.
Comme mon pseudo l'indique, je suis un male cis hétero qui fait des sports de brute viriliste.
Ceci dit, j'ai un cerveau des sentiment et énormément de respect. Donc mon premier poste est lié à la découverte. Il y a 5 minutes d'un film dont j'ai hâte qu'il sort et soit disponible, Sur la vie d'une femme ex leadeur mondiale d'un des sports les plus virilistes dans un des pays les plus toutphobes.
Surf: Torren Martyn - REFLECTION
YouTube Video
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> Movie: Torren Martyn - REFLECTION
> That's bodhi Torren Martyn
Movie: Torren Martyn - REFLECTION
YouTube Video
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That's bodhi Torren Martyn
Last session had great conditions

cross-posted from:
> First out at sunrise, glassy shoulder high sets, got bigger towards the end of session when I took that picture. > > Beach break with several peaks, this one is the second biggest of the beach. I started there but ended my session on a smaller peak (re-shoulder high) 500m away. > > Waves we're closing a bit, they were slower the day before.
Last session had great conditions

First out at sunrise, glassy shoulder high sets, got bigger towards the end of session when I took that picture.
Beach break with several peaks, this one is the second biggest of the beach. I started there but ended my session on a smaller peak (re-shoulder high) 500m away.
Waves we're closing a bit, they were slower the day before.
Getting there
Today rode down the line in shoulder high waves.
I can trim and feel at ease in hip high, working to carving. Also consistent take off & dtl surf in waist high.
Maybe one day I'll leave beginner stage. (But I'll always be a kook, just because I can).
Just thought I'd share and maybe get this community running.