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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 85
  • When you satisfy the needs of your population, have cheap birth control and good sexual education (which was given in almost all socialist countries) people will naturally have fewer children. In poor countries people have the most children.

    Under capitalism, people in many rich countries are panicking because fewer and fewer working people have to feed more and more elderly, even though we have the resources to easily meet their needs. But profits have to keep rising, so the shrinking working population has to be more and more productive. The superexploited growing populations in the global south are what keeps this system alive, so overpopulation is even encouraged under capitalism.

  • I just cited myself.
  • I study mathematics at university and I remember it being in the definition, but since it follows from the sum's limit anyways it probably was just there for claritie's sake. So I guess we're both right...

  • I just cited myself.
  • Mathematics is built on axioms that have nothing to do with numbers yet. That means that things like decimal numbers need definitions. And in the definition of decimals is literally included that if you have only nines at a certain point behind the dot, it is the same as increasing the decimal in front of the first nine by one.

  • Pokemon hammer and sickle
  • Not true at all. Socialist countries were pretty much the only ones being able to feed their whole population with no one getting left behind. Sure you didn't have bananas all the time but that's beside the point. The only real famines in socialist countries occured in the very early years (after coming from different systems with famines being a regular thing) or during war.

    Meanwhile under capitalism, millions starve every year even though we produce food for 10 billion people and could feed billions more without the unbelievably wasteful animal agriculture.

  • Meet the #1 serial killer
  • Stalin's 20 million and Mao's 70 million both come from a book called 'The Black Book of Communism' where th authors tried to inflate all the numbers as much as possible to arrive at 100 million deaths under communism in the end. The really high numbers come from taking the difference between the population decades later and what the population would have been if the borth rate hadn't dropped (even though lower birth rates are an indication of better living standards).

    Also, if you leave out the USSR's purges (Soviet archives revealed around 800k), almost all of the deaths come from 'man made famines'. Completely disregarding that in both China and Russia there have been famines all the time before their revolutions. Both countries were among the poorest and most backward in the world. No government on earth could have prevented all famines immediately. After some years after Mao's and Stalin's reorganizations of agriculture, famines were eliminated (except for during WW2). Life expectancy doubled within 30 years under communist China. Very quickly in the Soviet Union as well.

    Of course you can argue about the governments having been able to do it better in hindsight, but even then the deaths certainly weren't cold blooded murder.

    Considering this, you certainly won't arrive at the tens of millions of people killed just by the US military. Many, many more if you factor in indirect deaths (by embargoes, sanctions, refusing to allow other countries to produce their vaccines, etc.).

  • What keeps capitalism together?
  • Things that benefit the working class: Labor protection, minium wages, free education, etc. Without these things greater profits would be made. And every capitalist country slowly removes these benefits until major uprisings.

  • some people on this platform
  • First, factory lights only account for a small fraction of the power consumed and second people sleep at night. And third, it doesn't matter what the electricity costs if you don't have enough coal/oil/gas.

  • some people on this platform
  • They turn most of their lights off at night to preserve power. They don't really have energy resources themselves and it is very difficult for them to get foreign currencies. They are still a poor country but considering that they are the most sanctioned country in the history of sanctions they are doing about at well as they can.

  • some people on this platform
  • Hello comrade.

    China meets all criteria of Lenin's definition of an imperialist power, Marxism Today made a good explanation of it here: Their loans might be a good alternative for third world nations to get away from the IMF but are still to further Chinese business interests.

    I read/heard somewhere that homosexuality is forbidden in the DPRK but I am sorry to tell you I don't know where. I would have to look into it freshly too. I mentioned it more to make clear that I don't simp for any country and that it is possible to have a rational discussion with me.

  • some people on this platform
  • What's wrong with the DPRK? The only source that life there is terrible are defector's testimonies, which contradict each other on a daily basis and where the worst, most emotional stories are rewarded with fame and money. Often it's the only way to make ends meats for them. If you come to the south from the north you are a nobody.

    Furthermore, the DPRK has never threatened anyone. They have a 100% literacy rate (literally on the CIA website) and every citizen is guaranteed free healthcare, free education and a place to live. They use all of their arible land for food production but because of the sanctions and their mountainous terrain sometimes they have scarcities, but no one is starving. Their constitution is full of human and political rights and social gurantees.

    And to proof that I don't shill for any country calling itself socialist, I don't like China at all (while still thinking that they are at least better for the world than the US).

    And of course there are things to criticize the DPRK for, like the lack of LGBT rights and their weapons exports and hackergroups. But considering the sanctions (that even China upholds) they are in very dier need of foreign currency.

    I would also encourage everybody to study the history of Korea.

  • Lift like China, bro 🇨🇳💪
  • Not so fast. While it is certainly questionable what they are doing and I personally don't like China either, the Uyghur situation is complicated and Bad Empanada made a detailed analysis of the situation while trying to be unbiased. Most of what we see (or rather saw since the trend kind of died) in western media is very exxagerated and there were reasons that had little to do with ethnicity.

    You can watch it here, it's very long but worth it.