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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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I'm conflicted about getting surgery due to sexual preferences that conflict with my preferred genitals and I need advice.
  • I wish I had an answer for you, I'm in a somewhat similar situation though I've been on HRT longer, had an orchi, and am not a virgin. I mainly just try to ignore my genitals outside of sexual contexts. I have a high sex drive and I worry that a neo-vagina wouldn't be able to handle all the activities I'm interested in. If I could have a vulva+vagina without dilating I'd jump at the chance. Its weird though, for most of my life I had huge "bottom" energy and there was no real complication in terms of my desires. Then I kinda "rediscovered" my sexuality a couple years ago and it turns out I really enjoy topping. I don't have any specific advice other than to say life's a weird journey that will sometimes take you places you didn't expect. Good luck, hope you get to a place where you can be comfortable.

  • Fully Automated Pansexual Communism
  • Minds are already the primary movers and shakers of Culture society, they don't need to take over, the status quo has already been aligned with their interests. Minds are created by other Minds performing essentially mental eugenics, the desire to dominate others would be a dangerous trait for them to let slip into the population.

  • Fully Automated Pansexual Communism
  • No single Mind has dictatorial authority over the Culture though. I could see an argument for it being oligarchal or even a caste society. But I'm not following your reasoning on the enlightened dictatorship part. Could you elaborate?

  • Unsurety, Dysphoria, Insecurity
  • For sure transitioning will not cure your other mental health issues, you kinda need to work on those separately when you get to a place that you're able to do so. Despite advances in information and medical tech, right now is the roughest its ever been to transition due to the political situation. I transitioned back before cis people were really aware that trans folk exist outside of being made fun of in the media. Even back then, the first few years of my transition were the most dysphoria ridden. If you go for years trying to suppress dysphoria and suddenly you're confronting it daily, that's gonna hurt more than it did when you were just coping. I used to feel like an imposter in queer/women's spaces, I remember feeling really dysphoric and unsure of myself, over time that's changed. Finding a solid IRL friend-group of other trans people can be transformative. If I could give my younger self any advice it would be to seek that out. Not only is there support to be found but also safety in numbers. Its so important to find a group that will accept you 100% without judgement, having time to just chill out as yourself among other humans without fear can really help your nervous system adapt. Hopefully some of this is helpful. I've been on this road awhile (11 years HRT) and while I'm no longer dealing with dysphoria anymore I'm still figuring out life. If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer or elaborate as I find time.

  • What would you tell your younger, pre transition self?
  • Your mom doesn't know shit despite being gender non-conforming and meaning well. You're not gonna grow out of wanting a fem body. HRT is worthwhile even if you already went through puberty. Leave your home state ASAP. Fascism will have a resurgence, watch out for these folk. Never ever buy a HP product, you will regret it for the rest of your days.

  • Gotta adventure just to pay child support
  • I was in a game where a PC hooked up with an NPC and got her pregnant, resulting in a ton of problems for that character. It was quite funny when one of the other players noticed an unused sheep-skin condom listed on that character's sheet. Turns out, they'd looted a condom from a fallen baddie during a previous session but forgot about it.

  • Raspberry Rule
  • My child-self would have died from pure excitement at the mere prospect of getting their hands on a RPi filled with emulators/games. Now I'm just an old fart and cant appreciate shit anymore.

  • This may seem kind of stupid but I am kind of stupid, is there a list somewhere of phrases that are stupid or insensitive racially or gender biased?
  • It would certainly be more convenient if they/them became a generic pronoun for everyone regardless of gender. But at the moment it's not nessararily polite to use it that way in all circumstances. There are people that only use gendered pronouns to refer to themselves, to the exclusion of neutral pronouns like they/them. Generally if there's any uncertainty about someone else's preferred pronouns you can just ask. If you wanna skirt around it you can introduce yourself including your pronouns which will give others a safe opportunity to do the same. Messing up someones pronouns can be embarrassing but it's not the same as dropping a slur. (Though it can still be very hurtful to those involved.)

  • Transition party when?
  • Being trans is a better state than pretending to be cis. We can be proud and celebrate our achievements without having to consider the feelings of cis folks. Heterosexuals have several flags, if they don't like one they can make more.