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Atalocke Atalocke

Owner and proprietor.

Posts 6
Comments 18
EPP group vows to revise combustion engine ban ‘as soon as possible’
  • Nuclear is the only solution for sustainable energy production. Unless we somehow revolutionize power storage, there is no other renewable means for mass-scale energy production with as little environment impact as Nuclear.

    Solar at that scale would take up millions of acres only to be beaten by a rainy day. Wind turbines are notoriously unreliable, often don't last for very long, and can't be fully recycled. Not to mention they're ugly.

    All the rest depend on your countries natural resources, and often force countries out of energy independence.

    Nuclear is quick to develop (see parent comment source), safer than any other form of energy production, produces the least pollutants (see previous link), and takes up the smallest land area.

    It's pretty obvious that Nuclear is the future.

  • Kind of an interesting one-dimensional game concept

    1D Gaming In One Dimension
  • That's pretty interesting, but the fact the developer offers a 2d Game above this kid of made it pointless to play. Like, there is no way I'd know that the green splash hurting me was a monster unless I looked at the other game assets.

  • Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue
  • Heads up, the new Lemmy update is very aggressive with system resources. Namely, lots of IDLE PG connections left over for no apparent reason. Make sure you adjust your docker-compose.yml accordingly

  • It's interesting how the people from Meta are away of the trust deficit they're bringing to the Fediverse while still not being prepared to answer questions like, “All the openness with Threads, namely integration with the Fediverse, supporting account migration out from Threads etc, is the opposite of what Facebook/Meta has done over its history. What has fundamentally changed so that you now believe openness is the better strategy?” And: “In the past Facebook was a far more open system than it is today, you gradually locked it down. What guarantee is there that your bosses won’t follow the same playbook this time, even if you think they won’t?”

    I don't see being very influential in our forum-like slice of the Fediverse, seeing it is a Twitter-like competitor, but who's to say Reddit doesn't open up to federation in the future as a fresh and fun way to embrace and extinguish this little thorn in its side?

    Additionally, the concept of shared blacklists and some centralized moderation database for instances to subscribe too is ridiculous to consider. Though I have no negative opinion on blacklists in general, and thing sharing them between friendly instances makes sense, petitioning for some kind of global moderation is fighting for the very things so many of us made our instances to avoid.

    What're your thoughts?

    Thematic Book Series: Heating People, not Spaces | Low Tech Magazine
  • Anybody who reads Low Tech Mag is a friend of mine.

  • Documentation: Documenting All The Things
  • If you're writing, make sure you cover all the commands a user could run with your application. A good example for a command line app is explaining each command, its flags, and what they do. Similar to web apps with API endpoints, or the capabilities of any program with an UI. A good tool is VitePress. Both in documenting a tool and how to use it. Another good example for Developers is how Rust and Go offer documentation.

  • Recent downtimes
  • Oh, that's pretty cool! Thanks for reminding me how great a webmaster I am 😜

  • That was fast

    Recent downtimes
  • Ew. Cringe and <99% uptime pilled

  • Introducing user flairs (only for users)
  • To be clear, Nerd02 deserves the most credit. He’s a machine!

  • Beetle grows ‘termite’ on back to steal food

    I think this is pretty cool.

    Transparency report: potential CSAM attack
  • Those tools are targeted towards large customers and you need a special relationship to get access.

  • Transparency report: potential CSAM attack
  • I've submitted another report via the cyber tip line. Next steps are to apply for an account with the NCMEC to get access to tools like Cloudflare's CSAM scanning tools.

  • authleft monke
  • Wow, I literally came here to post exactly this. Who knew there was another insider on obscure animal violence. Based and red pilled.

  • Based Count Terms of Service and New Rules Based Count

    See your r/PoliticalCompassMemes pill count. Avoid censorship, stay based.

    Hey everyone,

    I'm Atalocke, the quiet admin and owner of and this Lemmy instance. In regards to the recent incident, I've made the executive decision to change some site rules and update our Terms of Service (TOS).

    These changes shouldn't really affect you, or how you use our services. They're more about protecting us from liability. The Based Count team is small, decentralized, and international. It's only a handful of developers all working for free in their spare time. We're no company, or even an official organization. These changes will allow us to better serve you, and expand how we can build communities together.

    Our TOS now also encompasses our former rules. We still do not allow any content that is not legal in the United States. And, we're now also requiring all communities to have rules. These can be anything, as long as they do not break site rules or the Terms of Service. This means that if you're running an anarchy community you must create rules specifying that your community follows site rules and the TOS.

    If you have any questions or concerns about rules, terms, or if you spot a violation, please feel free to message me anytime. For all other concerns, please contact Nerd02, as he is site manager, and is responsible for day-to-day operations of this instance.

    We appreciate you guys, and want to keep this community available for as long as possible. Thank you for your patience the past few days and for persisting through the coming week.

    Community creation requests
  • My man said, "I only want PCM".

  • Political Compass of the Lemmyverse
  • I'll get to it soon enough! The core part is done, but I had to make it idiot proof for you 😜.

  • How do I add storage locations to Lemmy?

    Soon, I'll need to increase the storage capacity of my Lemmy server. I use a Digital Ocean VPS running Debian 11. I don't really need to increase the RAM, CPU, or other core system resources so I planning on adding some block storage to my VPS. My question is: How can I tell Lemmy/Pict-rs to store/retrieve new data here without losing my existing data?

    Assume the volume will be positioned on /mnt/vol-1.

    Thanks in advance!

    Guns are funny
  • Very based

  • Phaedo By Plato
  • Very nice!