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He/Him/His, NE England, Sysadmin ☎🧰🎵🐳🌊 #BiFlagEmoji

I enjoy music, games, TV and film. Fascinated with tech, nature and space.

🎵 God can’t save us, so let’s live like sinners 🎵

Posts 0
Comments 30
[SOLVED] I need to copy all executable files in my home folder to my documents folder, how can I do this?
  • grep -rl '#!/bin/bash' . | xargs -I {} cp {} /path/to/destination/

  • Usually connect to Walmart's WiFi but they changed their policy I guess, won't be doing that now...
  • The provisions of the EU GDPR have been incorporated directly into UK law as the UK GDPR. It's ok to not know this stuff but it only takes like 10 seconds to google before you comment about something you don't know.

  • Noticed something fun in the Sol system tonight...
  • It's been classed as a dwarf planet since the IAU defined what a planet was in 2006. Its status has not changed since.

  • NSFW only search terms?
  • uBlock Origin hates that site and MalwareBytes blocked it due to a trojan. So don't use it and refrain from recommending it in future.

    Edit: Maybe you meant

  • Google’s AI-powered notes app is now called NotebookLM
  • Signups for the wait list are US only at the minute: notebooklm

  • Ofcom to investigate GB News and TalkTV over impartiality rules
  • I'm American

    Here we go.

    so I don’t understand why the UK has a ‘Ministry of Truth’

    Ofcom aren't a ministry of truth, they're not affiliated with the government in any way. They are an independent regulatory body. Surely as an American you're familiar with your own FCC, yes? They serve the same function.

    As for the content of the article itself, I agree that Ofcom should investigate. I don't see the problem having clear lines between politicians and news anchors. I actually don't think a politician should have any additional job or career that could cause a conflict of interest.

    Edit: After perusing your comment history you're clearly a homophobic, transphobic climate change denier who just loves posting in communities you disagree with to engage in bad faith arguments. Thus I want nothing more to do with you and have blocked you.

  • How to argue reasonably
  • Thanks for correcting my poor behaviour. I've struck-through my ableist language as opposed to outright deleting it as to not try to deny any wrongdoing.

  • How to argue reasonably
  • While the infographic certainly gets its point across I don't understand why the author felt the need to use a slur in the name calling section. Feels very unnecessary when literally any insult would have worked like arsehole or even something simple like idiot or moron.

    Edit: I've struck-through my ableist language as opposed to outright deleting it as to not try to deny any wrongdoing.

  • Reddit Sync Dev Gauging Interest on Developing Sync for Lemmy
  • Fledgling community over at too although it's not official.

    Edit: [email protected] official one modded by ljdawsom himself.

  • Sync for Lemmy is happening
  • There's a community over at too but it's not official.

    Edit: Official community modded by Ljdawson himself is: [email protected]

  • Having feed set to 'Hot' in both Subscribed and All show posts that are over 7 days old and not updating.
  • I believe it's a bug in Lemmy itself that will be rectified in the next release. For now, like you say, just use 'New'.

  • PSA: New users of - if you notice slowness please bear with the instance.
  • I don't know if this is possible but it might be worthwhile removing accounts that were created during this influx after 7 days if they have no user activity (posts or comments). It then removes the possibility of your instance being used as an attack vector against other instances which would probably get it defederated quite quickly.

  • What niche phone features would appeal to you?
  • Oh boy do I have the phone for you Margot. Check out the ASUS ROG Phone 7 Ultimate. It has a USB-C port on the bottom as you'd expect but also one on the side for when you're holding the phone horizontally but still want to charge.

  • What niche phone features would appeal to you?
  • I miss the IR blaster. Being able to control my TV and other set-top boxes was amazing. Now that functionality has been replaced by each manufacturer having their own control app that needs an internet connection and all your information. Bring back the IR blaster!

  • Obsidian dev comments on state of Avowed trailer at RPGCodex
  • Ah ok, I've never been on Codex before so didn't realise they had mechanisms in place to verify such things. Thanks for pointing that out. Trusting that Codex have done their due dilligence then you're probably right that Obsidian are just one of those companies that uses pre-alpha/alpha differently.

    With what the dev has said in that thread it makes me think their 2024 release date probably means an Autumn/Holiday release window rather than early-mid 2024 then.