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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 15
Comments 37
I've just beat Isidora in Blasphemous
  • I find the challenge fun actually and I like the game quite a lot. The problem is that some areas without a proper gear are relatively unfair (Lady of the Charred Visage for example). But when you find the right combination of rosary beads, prayers and mea culpa hearts it gets much more easier. And to discover the right strategy is part of the fun for me.

  • I've just beat Isidora in Blasphemous

    That was a really tough fight! Harder than Sierpes for sure. My hands are shaking... In the end it helped me a lot a combo of Romance to the crimson mist and Big toe made of limestone. Plus fire defences.

    Now I'll continue with Miriam challenges. Then I will finally fight Crisanta.

    Edit: I beat the game with true ending and 100%. It was fantastic. I adore the visual style, music, bosses and the catholic mythos. Some people criticize the platforming (lamp jumping), but I didn't find it weird or anything. I highly anticipate the sequel now.

    Salt and Sanctuary
  • The difficulty depends on a build, general discoveries and how much you grind. My build was based on greatswords and heavy armour with very high endurance (I wanted a quick dodge) and most of the bosses were very easy. Only Sodden Knight was a problem for me, but that was because I didn't understand the fight machanics yet.

    Any comment on Salt and Sacrifice? I'm waiting when it'll be available on Steam.

  • Salt and Sanctuary
  • Sometimes it can be a bit tedious, but other than that It's really good - 8/10 for me (also check the Monster Boy and Cursed Kingdom I mentioned in another your thread. I would say, it's even better).

  • Salt and Sanctuary

    I've just finished it. What a tense game. Not really that hard as I expected, but the mood is superb. Dark, despondent, brutal.Enemies are very original. Highly recommended.

    8 The chance of Trump winning another term is very real | CNN Politics

    Donald Trump is facing two indictments, with the potential for more.And yet he is not only in a historically strong position for a nonincumbent to win the Republican nomination, but he is in a better position to win the general election than at any point during the 2020 cycle and almost at any point...

    The chance of Trump winning another term is very real | CNN Politics

    EDIT: I would like to ask people in the comment section to respect community info. This is not c/politics. Thank you.


    Šídlo: ANO bude vládnout s ODS. Nebo taky kdokoli jiný s kýmkoli

    Jak to vidíte s příštíma volbama? Kdo vyhraje?
  • Které? Do sněmovny? V těch vyhraje drtivě ANO (pokud beru jednotlivé strany a ne koalice). Otázka je, jestli budou mít dost na to, aby měli s nějakým koaličním partnerem víc jak 101. Osobně si myslím,, že bude vládnout menšinová vláda ANO s podporou SPD (případně s nějakým podobným uskupením). Teoreticky by mohla vzniknout vláda ANO+ODS, ale to by musel skončit Fiala a nahradit ho např. Kuba.

  • Je to budíček. Musíme zlepšit komunikaci, sypou si lidovci popel na hlavu za nízké preference Je to budíček. Musíme zlepšit komunikaci, sypou si lidovci popel na hlavu za nízké preference - Novinky

    Je to budíček, musíme zlepšit komunikaci a naše kroky lépe vysvětlovat. Těmito slovy si zástupci KDU-ČSL sypou popel na hlavu kvůli červencovému průzkumu agentury Median. Podle toho by lidovci ve sněmovních volbách v současné době získali pouze dvě procenta hlasů, tedy méně než Zelení, KSČM, Trikoló...

    Je to budíček. Musíme zlepšit komunikaci, sypou si lidovci popel na hlavu za nízké preference - Novinky

    Will the posts in Lemmy be locked after some time?

    What the title says. I'm basically curious if the posts will be locked like on Reddit or if it will be possible to add comments to old posts (a feature which I missed on Reddit).


    Jaké používáte mobilní apky pro přístup k Lemmy?

    U mě zatím vede Jerboa, ale bude se to dost vyvíjet, je to všechno v začátcích. Jsem zvědavý na rif Boost, který je ohlášen.
