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ArtZuron ArtZuron

I am a hobbyist artist, but I do like to do commissions when I can! I'll probably mostly post my art on here, but I'll probably end up engaging with a lot more.

Posts 19
Comments 36
Elden Ring Tarot Cards
  • Oh yeah, I also forgot to say thanks! I think they may be my favorite project to date.

  • Elden Ring Tarot Cards
  • I have definitely considered getting them printed for that purpose, for myself or to sell! If you are interested, you can DM me and we can see if we can work something out!

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Silent WIP
  • That is a good combo for sure.

  • Elden Ring Tarot Cards

    cross-posted from:

    > Last year, I spent several months working on these Elden Ring tarot cards! I made 22 of them, one for each of the major arcana! This is just a low res preview of cards as a whole! > > I'll probably begin posting the cards individually in the next few days! Keep an eye out for your favorite cards, or your favorite characters! > > If you'd like to see them ahead of time, you can also find them on my Deviant Art or Artstation along with my other work! > > > >

    Daily discussion #1: Demon Form
  • I do like to use it, but I usually end up stacking inflames and Jax instead most of the time. I'll pick it up if I see it though!

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Watcher WIP

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing StS again recently and have been doing some more fanart for the characters! This one is the WIP I currently have for the Watcher! > > Keep an eye out for other works in progress and finished pieces!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Watcher WIP

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing StS again recently and have been doing some more fanart for the characters! This one is the WIP I currently have for the Watcher! > > Keep an eye out for other works in progress and finished pieces!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Ironclad WIP I

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing Slay the Spire again recently and wanted to make some more fanart. > > This one is for the Ironclad. I’ve also got the Watcher and the Silent doodled out and ready to post in the next few days. > > Here is the Defect as well! > >


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Ironclad

    cross-posted from:

    > Finished version for my new Ironclad fanart from Slay the Spire! I am pretty happy with how the metals turned out in this one! > > You can find the WIP here! > >

    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect
  • Thank you! There's more to come soon!

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Silent WIP
  • My best runs with her are usually infinite shiv builds honestly!

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect
  • Hehe that's great! Well, the "more you know" is the finding out when you fuck around!

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect
  • No nukes, but It do have the divinity eyes!

  • [Discussion Prompt] What's a cliché idea that you always see yourself returning to in your worldbuilding?
  • As often as it is done, I do love reincarnation and resurrection. My personal preference is one that forces a previously powerful person to relearn how to live without that power. Or learn the lesson that they rely too much on them. Regaining their power is an option, but I like ones where they don't just have it immediately, or choose not to use them.

    For example, in one of my projects, the main character was the most powerful mortal mage probably ever and was the first person to literally rule the world. But, when they reincarnated, they almost immediately nearly killed themselves because they tried to use magic their new body couldn't handle. Instead, they had to live without the abilities that they had relied on so much in their previous life. And he turns out happier for it. He had sacrificed far too much in his past life, and, now, without his powers, he has decided to live without the same regrets.

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Silent WIP

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing Slay the Spire again recently and wanted to do some more fanart for the characters in it! Here is the WIP I have for the silent!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Silent WIP

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing Slay the Spire again recently and wanted to do some more fanart for the characters in it! Here is the WIP I have for the silent!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > The finished version of my latest Defect fanart! I'll probably be doing one for the other three as well in the days to come!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect

    cross-posted from:

    > The finished version of my latest Defect fanart! I'll probably be doing one for the other three as well in the days to come!

    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect WIP I
  • It's looking good so far, yeah! I'll probably post it tonight or tomorrow!

  • Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect WIP I

    cross-posted from:

    > I’ve been playing Slay the Spire again recently and decided I wanted to do some more fanart for it. Here’s the Defect so far! > > I’ve also got the Watcher, Silent, and Ironclad done, but I’ll post those in the coming days!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Ironclad WIP I

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing Slay the Spire again recently and wanted to make some more fanart. > > This one is for the Ironclad. I’ve also got the Watcher and the Silent doodled out and ready to post in the next few days. > > Here is the Defect as well! > >


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Defect WIP I

    cross-posted from:

    > I’ve been playing Slay the Spire again recently and decided I wanted to do some more fanart for it. Here’s the Defect so far! > > I’ve also got the Watcher, Silent, and Ironclad done, but I’ll post those in the coming days!


    Slay the Spire Fanart - The Ironclad WIP I

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been playing Slay the Spire again recently and wanted to make some more fanart. > > This one is for the Ironclad. I’ve also got the Watcher and the Silent doodled out and ready to post in the next few days. > > Here is the Defect as well! > >

    Ron DeSantis promises authoritarian purge of FBI his first day in office if he becomes president
  • They were designed to make things better than they were, but they also make things harder to make things better than they are currently. And sometimes actively try to make it worse because, once they exist, they become subject to the interests and whims of capitalists.

  • Ron DeSantis promises authoritarian purge of FBI his first day in office if he becomes president
  • It could be said that those agencies did do those things, but those things wouldn't even have been a thing if it hadn't been for them.

    Without the FDA, rats would still probably be shitting all over our meat and dairy products, and thalidomide would still be everwhere. If it weren't for the CDC, we probably wouldn't have gotten rid of Small Pox or Pollio (edit: until anti-vaxers), and many millions more would have died of Covid than already did. The FCC... I'll get back to you on that.

    As for military bloat, for sure. I'm confident most of it is just to pad defense contractors pockets, and to grease political palms. I think we should protect Ukraine, since they were invaded by a power long hostile to the US, and to the world's stability as a whole. As for the Middle East, I agree with you there. The US has caused so much destruction, murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians, upturning entire countries, and for what? Oil and racism. Even the excuse of 9/11 is a sham since we didn't even attack the people that actually did it, and instead allied with them. Because, once again, oil.

  • Ron DeSantis promises authoritarian purge of FBI his first day in office if he becomes president
  • The best possible choice for a purging is probably the NSA and the NRA.

  • What was your first PC game ever, and how did you react to it?
  • I think my first PC game was Doom 2. I was little and only ever played it on god mode lol. I still know at least one of the cheat codes.

    IDDQD I think it was

  • It's not much, but it's honest work - by me

    A piece a did in early may that I like. I am a big fan of neutral and benevolent depictions of reapers or Death, so I made this.

    I'll be posting another piece later which I call "Destined Death" featuring a different version of Death entirely.

    Fallout: Isle map
  • It's not for a mod for one of the videogames, but I do want to eventually use it in a TTRPG. I've been working on a fallout fan system for it for a bit now.

  • Thoughts on Reddit as a whole.
  • II think Reddit was a great idea initially. It was a very nice forum aggregator essentially. It has years of niche and specific information easily searchable and easily accessible. From car parts to tech issues to fountain pens and more. It was a place for everyone and anyone.

    But, then the suits got in and kicked off the enshittification.

  • Bali considers banning mountain climbing following spate of bad tourist behavior
  • For those folks, it starts being about being there rather than experiencing there. If that makes sense.

  • Bali considers banning mountain climbing following spate of bad tourist behavior
  • It's terrible the amount of trash left up on those mountains. Like, look at recent pictures of Everest. It's basically a landfill at this point

  • Fallout: Isle map

    A WIP for a map for a Fallout game I'm working on at the moment, featuring Honolulu, one of several areas in the so-called "Isle."

    Hawaii was the major logistical center for the entire Sino-American War in the Pacific. Hundreds of thousands of encrypted messages, missives, orders, and status reports flowed through it every day. The US fleets used Hawaii as a main base as well.

    Hawaii was protected by robot and human armies, covered in turrets, automated anti-aircraft weapons, radar and other sensors, and was surrounded with an undersea minefield that blew up anything that so much as touched the water without a US transponder, which was changed every 4 hours.

    Upwards of a thousand nuclear devices were fired into Hawaii during the Great War, most of which were intercepted, but yet dozens still made their mark or nearly so. Tsunamis and explosions carved the islands up, destroying almost all of the surface infrastructure and nearly every human on them.

    However, the islands themselves, and a few survivors, persisted, even as the smoke and fallout cleared. For decades, the islands lay quiet as people attempted to rebuild meager lives. The natives of the Island formed new communities of survivors, often taking after those of the distant past.

    But, the Isle still had many secrets. Below the ground, under the waters, and hidden deep within were facilities yet untouched. Inside these facilities lay advanced technology, heavy machinery, and enough weapons to take over the world, if one could access them.

    Following the Enclave's emergence back into the Wasteland, and their attempt to reconnect with their various sects across the US, they found that few could hear their calls. In Hawaii's case, the only response was from automated systems, which did in fact breath once more at their beckon. But not all of it.

    The NCR and Brotherhood of Steel both learned of Hawaii through intercepted messages and intel, but they were late to the show. By the time they began to move, the Enclave had already moved to take the Isle. The Brotherhood, with Airships, left first. The NCR had to make due with a prewar warship.

    What they found in the Isle wasn't islands blasted bare by nuclear Armageddon, however. Instead, they found the islands absolutely broiling with greenery and life. The Isle was the most verdant place any of them had ever seen, even more so than what it had been even before the War. But therein lies the issue. For all its beauty, the flora and fauna of the Isle were unwelcoming.

    Massive man-eating caterpillars, swarms of flies that could gnaw through iron, venomous snakes capable of killing a man in 10 seconds, frogs that can swallow a man whole, and plants that could do that and more.

    Thus, a scramble to control the islands began between the locals who only wanted a peaceful life, the NCR and their accompanying mercenaries, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Enclave. Another force was also on the island, something that seemed to guide the plants and animals to act in unnatural order and unity and seemed to wish to drive everyone but the locals off the Isle for good.


    D&D Map for Elysia

    This is a map I made for a D&D game I play in featuring the world setting, Elysia. If I recall the lore correctly for the setting, Elysia was something of a prototype, one that was left unfinished in the end. Like a game that never actually left Beta testing and was released as is (like most modern day AAA games amirite).

    The map is highly inspired by a map found in Dover Castle that is a recreation of an older, 12th century map. The Angels that adorn mine are based on those found in D&D, including Deva and Planetars.

    The monsters on the map are, likewise, based on those found on that same map. Though with a bit of a slant for the game.

    I plan to use this same map frame for other things as well. Maybe for the Eberron or Faerun maps.

    I previously posted this to Creative as well, but a commenter recommended I also post it here!


    D&D Map for Elysia

    This is a map I made for a D&D game I play in featuring the world setting, Elysia. If I recall the lore correctly for the setting, Elysia was something of a prototype, one that was left unfinished in the end. Like a game that never actually left Beta testing and was released as is (like most modern day AAA games amirite).

    The map is highly inspired by a map found in Dover Castle that is a recreation of an older, 12th century map. The Angels that adorn mine are based on those found in D&D, including Deva and Planetars.

    The monsters on the map are, likewise, based on those found on that same map. Though with a bit of a slant for the game.

    I plan to use this same map frame for other things as well. Maybe for the Eberron or Faerun maps.


    Fallout: Dreg Heap Map

    A fan map for fallout depicting Chicago, now known as the Dreg Heap. Though not hit with nuclear missiles by the Great War, infiltrators and 5th columnists in the city set off a nuclear bomb beneath the Chicago Loop soon after the Bombs began falling.

    The city remains a hotbed of factional disputes; between Enclave Remnants who control the USS Cradley and several covert bunkers and other facilities throughout the city; the Brotherhood of Steel which controls Midway Airport and the bombed out ruins of O'Hare as well as other settlements and checkpoints around the city; to the Faithful of Thoria (like the Children of Atom) who created their own sacred sanctuary in glow of the Crater; to various raider and settler groups.

    Other major groups include Chinatown, which was turned into a walled ghetto in the years leading up to the Great War. As a result, however, the neighborhood was quite defensible once the US soldiers fled. The town of Stickney still maintains a water treatment plant that provides water for much of the settlers of the area as well.

    Due to the city's geography, as well as climate change from the Great War, much of the city is flooded with swampy, polluted water. Boats are necessary for much of the area, and the city is known for its large populations of Bloodbugs, Bloatflies, and Radroaches, as well as Mirelurk.

    However, the city is also home to Dregs, amorphous masses of rotting plastic, meat, trash and petroleum created before the war by WestTek as a means to deal with petroleum pollution products, perhaps as a means to reclaim it for use. After the war, however, the normally harmless microbes became voracious colonies that slowly ooze around consuming anything organic in their path.

    When the weather turns just right, huge volumes of trash roll in from the Lake onto Chicago's shores, causing booms of Dreg growth. Settlers have taken to lighting pyres on the docks and beaches to keep them at bay during these times, as they hate intense heat.
