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Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson
Posts 19
Comments 37
Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?
  • Excel online is pretty bad if you compare it in terms of features.

  • Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?
  • I love FOSS but LibreCalc sucks! Word is good, I did a project with it, I am pretty sure you can get the hang of it. Not sure about anything else tho

  • Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?
  • Can she use Google sheet? You can download the sheet as Excel file.

    actually the whole purpose of using excel is because of the advanced features. Doubt if you will find it on web version of Gsheets.

  • Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?

    My friend works for a company which requires her to use Microsoft specific application, she didn't really want to switch to Win 11 and choose to just use Wine Linux package and install a 2016 version of MS office on her Linux laptop. That's all well and good, but this company she is working for servers other clients at pretty high up places and she is terrified that she using the pirated version of MS would create a liability for her company as if Microsoft wants to target pirated software, they hunt for organisations rather than individuals.

    So, what should she do? Is there a way you can hide the fact that the excel sheet was created on pirated software, is it even possible to tell excel sheets apart which are using pirated software?

    PS: If there is a way to destroy all metadata related to the excel sheets, it would be very helpful.

    edit: Thanks to everyone who chipped in for an answer, gonna suggest her to either ask her employer to give her the necessary software + hardware and if denied quit. I now realize this is not the norm in any company but hers. Anyways, thanks everyone.

    How do you get access to Chegg Answers without a pro subscription?
  • I am writing exams. I am not in a university. i.e., this is not graded.

    This is not HW help tbh! I just want to understand it and understand how to solve it. I don't have enough time to ponder over each question

  • How do you get access to Chegg Answers without a pro subscription?
  • I have a bad textbook. Lots of errors. can't depend on it.

  • How can you share something so that it won't be traced back to you?
  • what you work for the government or something? It's pretty easy to get the genome of Covid right now. It's open source I think. I can see the future of terrorism from here. Vertasium or Vsauce has a nice video on this.

  • Why aren't there more pirated audiobooks considering how easy it is to rip them from Audible?
  • ok sir, you don't have the right to remain silent. lemmy see the websites you use

  • Why isn't OnionShare more popular among pirating communities?
  • ohh... I think that's fair. It might put on a lot of strain on the system. But yeah, I wonder if it is capable of taking it?

  • [GIANT NSFW] How do you deal with the problem of evil?
  • Deal with as in how? Politically?

    Militarily, politically and morally. The crime we know of and I think it's evil. What should be the punishment? edit: Yeah, your comment makes sense. I think I would agree with ya there.

  • Is there a website like libgen for audiobooks?
  • That Direct Download ad at the top brings you to that PrimeBlazer site

    I was just clicking on her nice thighs all the time, I doubt if I can resist doing it unless I get an ad blocker. Anyways! thanks lol

    Hey, the not ad part is just torrent as you said and torrent here have a low seed count.

  • Is there a website like libgen for audiobooks?
  • I clicked on download files now and it's asking me to register an account with primeblazer or something like that. I see a lot of dollar signs leaving my account when I sign up

  • Is there a website like libgen for audiobooks?
  • wait, doesn't it only list torrents?

  • Five years after killing a journalist in cold blood, Saudi Arabia is stronger than ever
  • Just wondering what you think, didn't Jamal Khashoggi write articles defending Hisbullah and other terrorist orgs that Saudis didn't like? I am not justifying the actions of SA, but just wondering here.

  • Shitty Ask Lemmy Anonymous_TorPerson

    Can you Spot the Difference between these three torrents?

    of c you can, I just want you to explain what's the best one I can download. My laptop max resolution is 1080, but I am pretty sure it can play 2160p, should I download 2160p (3) or 1080p (1) or is 1080p (2) the best?


    [SOLVED] Need help downloading spotify playlists efficiently using SpotDL
  • thank you verymuch for telling me about this. I will give it a go

  • [SOLVED] Need help downloading spotify playlists efficiently using SpotDL

    [SOLVED] Solution:


    I am doing all of this using ChatGPT, I know enough bash to understand the script partially, but not enough to write the script myself.

    I recently posted bash script(click) to download songs on spotify using Spotdl Updated Post

    This is all good, but I am not trying to download whole playlists and I want to make sure to

    1. Not download any songs multiple times by comparing the files you are trying to download with the songs you have downloaded already.
    2. Add the songs' URL to the Archieve_file so it doesn't download it again. i.e., compare and if present, exit loop, if not present in file, download and add link to the file.

    This was easier when I was dealing with only song links and not playlist links. But now, playlists complicates the equation, but if I can achieve this, I can basically add this script to crontab and make sure I always have a local copy of the songs in my playlist and these playlists would be checked regularly for new downloads and new songs would be downloaded. This is really cool!

    Now, the complications I am facing, I don't know how to get the URLs of the spotify songs out of spotify playlists using spotdl or any cli package. If I can do this then, I can make the script go through each link clean the link of unncessary attributes and then download it or if it's downloaded already, move on to the next song.

    Now, I don't know how to do it. It would be very helpful if you guys could share any scripts that you have which will achieve this effect or help me get the song URL's from a playlist using a cli package.

    PS: I might need some time to reply, I might sleep rn Thank you for your help!


    [SOLVED] Need help downloading spotify playlists efficiently using SpotDL

    [SOLVED] Solution:


    I am doing all of this using ChatGPT, I know enough bash to understand the script partially, but not enough to write the script myself.

    I recently posted bash script(click) to download songs on spotify using Spotdl Updated Post

    This is all good, but I am not trying to download whole playlists and I want to make sure to

    1. Not download any songs multiple times by comparing the files you are trying to download with the songs you have downloaded already.
    2. Add the songs' URL to the Archieve_file so it doesn't download it again. i.e., compare and if present, exit loop, if not present in file, download and add link to the file.

    This was easier when I was dealing with only song links and not playlist links. But now, playlists complicates the equation, but if I can achieve this, I can basically add this script to crontab and make sure I always have a local copy of the songs in my playlist and these playlists would be checked regularly for new downloads and new songs would be downloaded. This is really cool!

    Now, the complications I am facing, I don't know how to get the URLs of the spotify songs out of spotify playlists using spotdl or any cli package. If I can do this then, I can make the script go through each link clean the link of unncessary attributes and then download it or if it's downloaded already, move on to the next song.

    Now, I don't know how to do it. It would be very helpful if you guys could share any scripts that you have which will achieve this effect or help me get the song URL's from a playlist using a cli package.

    PS: I might need some time to reply, I might sleep rn Thank you for your help! ___


    Created a bash script to download Spotify songs and keep track of your download i.e., not download them again and again

    I would rather prefer that you would buy spotify premium if you can. But, till you can, there's always spotdl which can allow you to download your songs

    Installation of spotdl (github page click here): a very simple script, you don't actually need the script, but it makes it easier to download songs.

    btw, I am using file manager nemo here, if you want something else, change it to your default file manager, if you don't want to open folder, well remove last but one line.

    execute this command first and when nano text edit appears, paste the debian pastebin in there.




    To what extend are you grateful for free services?

    There are services that are actually free, those who don't sell your data and still manage to stay afloat. I use a lot of these. I like the Freemium model, I like the fact that the community is paying for my use of a great service till I can stand on my own two feet. So, I was wondering if there were any services you used for free once but once you got money, you started supporting it. It makes more financial sense to go with folks who offer only paid services, because you essentially are not bearing the cost of those who are not yet able to pay (or will never pay), but are there instances where you went with the company who was providing you free service for all those years out of gratitude?

    I use ProtonVPN and I trust the folks at ProtonVPN and hopefully someday be buying a paid plan although some say it's overpriced! What about you. What is the service you plan on paying for one day or one you are paying for now out of gratitude and a sense of community?

    Also, it doesn't have to paid, let's say you became a tor node because you wanted to help the service you believe in. Or something like this, you get the idea!

    Also, thanks to admins and devs of as I was able to get in without any fuss even after using Tor Browser. And screw reddit for blocking me : )

    Edit: It will take me sometime to reply (perhaps a day) but I want to hear you!


    I created a bash script to download videos from Youtube using yt-dlp

    This will remove all sponsors, download subtitles and view it when you are watching a video. Modify and Share this all over if you like! Edit: Give credits to this community or Lemmy in general if you are posting this or a modified form (please do share) of this elsewhere. Some popularity would do Lemmy good.

    Few requirements:

    1. You should be using Linux to run it.
    2. Create a folder named yt-dlp in Videos folder or else change the location in the script below.
    3. You should have yt-dlp not youtube-dl on your system. You can do this by sudo apt install yt-dlp or use your distro's package installer.
    4. Save this file with any name in your home folder (or whichever folder you are you most comfortable with and give it execution permissions by chmod +x name

    Debian Pastebin Thanks to folds at debian for making a tor network friendly pastebin. I have noticed that sometimes scripts get corrupted here, so best copy this from pastebin:

    edit: deleted the codeblock as it was not rendering properly

    You can get the updated code here Just paste it on to your notepad and give it execution permissions.

    #edit 1: The program can be improved, if you guys feel like an improvement is needed, copy the entire program modify the parts you think can be made better and paste it in the comments or paste the pastebin link in the comments. I realize there are applications which are gui for yt-dlp but I felt they lacked many options. You can go on the man page, and learn and add attributes to make this script better so that it better suits your needs.

    #man page aka github page: yt-dlp
