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Ancient_Might_5820 陈卫华是我的英雄

<em> “Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers’ cause needs is the unity of Marxists; not unity between Marxists and opponents and distorters of Marxism.” </em>

<strong> ― Vladimir Lenin </strong>

Posts 152
Comments 51
Everything is correct but what did he mean by last sentence?
  • Defense of Russia's tangible material existence in his mind also extends to the defense of Russia's intangible cultural superstructure, ie religion, etc

    In this way he cleverly appeals to both left and right

  • Decades happening in days nowadays...
  • Watch China secretly use this as a proxy to buff up North Korea as a counter to Japan

    Genius NATO strategy /s

  • Oh boy...this must be Biden's strategy before his election.
  • My aunt went to Finland and she says its common knowledge there that 30% of Finnish men 18-25 died in the Winter War. The USSR offered to trade land to make a buffer zone for Leningrad and Finland said no and they lost that great a percentage of their population as well as losing territory. While Soviet casualties were likely higher being on the offensive, they were proportionately nothing to the Soviets and a major generational trauma for the Finns. But flying Finnish White Death orc shooter 7 billion dead, amirite?

  • Ukraine has lost nearly a dozen Western tanks and presumably thousands of men already just to advance a few kilometers through the Russian screening zone. They have not even reached the first trenches
  • Unless I am mistaken, there are no photos or videos of destroyed Russian equipment or deceased personnel from this counteroffensive, and the Ukrainians are known to publish any footage they can get with absurd fervor. To date, Ukraine has never been able to make a video like this

  • Ukraine has lost nearly a dozen Western tanks and presumably thousands of men already just to advance a few kilometers through the Russian screening zone. They have not even reached the first trenches
  • And that was in Bakhmut and other parts of Donetsk, where Wagners and Azovs were storming each others buildings and fighting hand to hand. Here the tanks are just driving straight into ATGMs and artillery fire. I'd be surprised if its anything less than 50 to 1 at this point.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 24

  • Mohammed Salah, the Egyptian policeman who faced 3 Israeli invaders and killed them all, but was martyred in the process. Hero!
  • According to Islam people go to Jannah when their souls are resurrected during Judgment Day, but not immediately (unless you die during Judgment Day)

    However, martyrs who died for Islam do get to go straight in

  • Zionist soldiers crying after 3 of their fellow terrorists tried to attack Egypt and got fucking annihilated (picture from today)
  • They've attacked literally every country they border and have gotten into wars with the Soviet Union somehow despite the geographic distance and the fact that Stalin for some reason initially supported Zionism

  • Mohammed Salah, the Egyptian policeman who faced 3 Israeli invaders and killed them all, but was martyred in the process. Hero!
  • Israeli soldiers when they have to face off against real men instead of Palestinian 6-year-olds with rocks:

  • Russian soldier climbing the staircase of Bakhmut's "House of Culture"

    Serbian man attacking NATO soldiers with a stick
  • There are also images of sobbing NATO soldiers with rifles being lifted onto stretchers because they were "injured" by a bunch of Serbs who didn't even carry weapons lmfao

  • Serbian man attacking NATO soldiers with a stick

    no comment
  • So basically in 2000 this guy called "John Titor" started popping up on certain forums, saying that he was from the future where there was a revolution in 2036 and he was sent by the "pro-Russia" side back in time to steal some old computers (why? I don't know). Allegedly, the image above is what Titor claimed was a blueprint of the time machine he used.

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 112 Week 22
  • DeSantis was literally torturing people there in person, if that clarifies things

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 112 Week 22
  • fuck all american politicians

    but fuck desantis especially

    all bourgeois puppets are puppets but not all of them are neocon rightoids who tortured people at Guantanamo Bay

  • Is anyone having a hard time viewing Slava Z telegram page?
  • Sometimes certain telegram channels become randomly inaccessible from the web for like no reason (Intelslava is a major one and ASBmil literally disappeared last year). Intelslava actually worked for me for more than a year now but for the past week or so its become inaccessible again.

  • Wagners after planting the flag on the final building of Bakhmut, thus completely liberating the city, on this day, roughly seven hours before this post


    Chinese commandos pose with heavy machine guns. The QJZ-171 is a marvel of engineering: it fires the same bullets as HEAVY machine guns with the same force while weighing only 18kg.

    Russian airstrike in Pavlograd was so powerful it literally reversed the sunset (watch till 0:25), vengeance for AFU bombings of Donetsk, Crimea.
  • Polish general Andrzejczak admitted that “we simply do not have ammunition. The industry is not only not ready to supply equipment to Ukraine, but also cannot replenish our own reserves, which are rapidly melting.” NATO is not having a very good time and these stockpiles will take more than a decade to replace. The US is resorting to cannibalizing South Korean and Israeli stockpiles, which apparently freaked out the Knesset because they believe that they will fight soon with Iran.

  • Chinese PAP policeman salutes children, grandmother during May Day today


    Most normal day on Infrared Tw*tter be like


    @[email protected] Vladimir Putin as a Soviet KGB agent glowing in the dark synthwave


    @[email protected] Qassem Soleimani as a secret agent glowing in the dark synthwave


    @[email protected] Synthwave Soviet KGB agent glowing in the dark


    @[email protected] Xi Jinping as Superman flying above a city and shooting lasers out of his eyes as the city explodes behind him


    The cast of "The Challenge", first ever film to be shot in outer space instead of CGI. It premiers 4/20


    Russian reporter Maryana Naumova in the SMO zone


    Russians fire ATGMS at the enemy during the Battle for Artemovsk (Bakhmut)


    SMO zone


    Beautiful pictures of mosque architecture in China.


    Z boys at night


    Typical God W


    The sheer state of American "society"




    A Palestinian farmer holding a document that he inherited from his grandfather, more than half a century before Israel was "established", proving his family's ties to the land
