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Alpacario Alpacario

I drank the yummy stuff under the sink.

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BBC claims to be communicating in secret with three North Koreans living in the country.
  • The Korean children yearn for famine and bombing

  • What is something 'unmanly' that you like?
  • Sounds like heaven, you're making me jealous. I used to volunteer in my city's zoo every summer and on lunch break I got to go to the petting zoo for the alpacas.

  • What is something 'unmanly' that you like?
  • I love adorable animals, I'll squeal with delight whenever I see a video of one. Alpacas are my favorite.

  • Old Jewish trick?
  • Sorry took me a while to see this, will do.

  • Old Jewish trick?
  • Reminds me of that tweet saying literacy was an evil weapon used by communist regimes and talking about how great it was that their Soviet grandpa never learned to read.

  • Any lefty movie suggestions?
  • The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie is my favorite film. It's very surreal and uses it to it's advantage to make some of the most elaborate jabs at the ruling class I've ever seen.

    Also the director, Luis Bunuel has got to be one of the most based major filmmakers in history.