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VA-11 Hall-A developer Sukeban Games announces ‘Active Time Action’ game .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND for PC
  • N1RV Ann-A?

    No news in that front. Sorry. I know that’s the main event everyone wants to see, but .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND is significantly ahead in development, and I decided to dedicate my full attention to it for the foreseeable future.


  • Shadowbrook Restaurant Hillavator Cable Car, Capitola, CA, USA
  • Ah yeah that's right. It's an inclined elevator for sure

  • Shadowbrook Restaurant Hillavator Cable Car, Capitola, CA, USA
  • Kind of a weird way to say funicular

  • Flying cars they said
  • Where are you from that you would even phase it as "I'm not in". I get what you meant but I can see why the AI doesn't understand. Combined with severe grammar errors even a human could struggle here.

    Where I'm from it's "I'm not home" or "I'm not around", "I won't be there"

  • Years Later, Philippines Reckons With Duterte’s Brutal Drug War
  • The crazy thing is the right wing rhetoric in the Philippines was significant enough that a shocking number of people supported this. The number of boomer flips that have told me they want him to clean up the streets is appalling.

  • I made a spreadsheet for comparing the available buds against price and THC content.
  • I did this in my area for the first few years of legalization in my country because prices were confusing. I was even able to calculate it down to dosage for various delivery methods (eg. smoking is less effective than vaping is less effective than edibles) so I had dosages and effective dosages per dollar and then you can even calculate out uses per package from that. Prices in Canada plummeted 4 years after legalization so it stopped being as relevant. Like it's $29 cad for 1g of 80%+ distillate in a 510 vape cart and $100 for an oz of 25%+ thc flower. With prices that low for quality that high the choices are pretty easy.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • The best strategies are rarely single trick. Energy should be diversely sourced.

  • [email protected]: What are the best ways to minimize fingerprinting on Firefox?
  • It's really hard to not have a unique fingerprint in a casual browsing experience. Even with minimising techniques because some of that will make you stand out and so the easiest way is to look like the crowd. You only need a few pieces of low entropy information to make you stand out. Spoofing is detectable and so can be discarded when generating the fingerprint.

    Tor browser plus ubo is going to be your least fingerprintable route.

    After that I'd say Firefox with arkenfox's user.js plus ubo.

    You can get Fennec + arkenfox on Android which is Mull Browser.

    Arkenfox uses the RFP feature you enabled plus some other things like letterboxing so your monitor resolution doesn't give you away.

    If you're not using tor you need VPN or your IP is going to give you away.

    I suggest reading the arkenfox wiki for more info.

  • robots.txt is a suggestion
  • Search engine scrapers index. But that's a subset of scrapers.

    There are data scrapers and content scrapers, and these are becoming more prolific as AI takes off and ppl need to feed it data.

    This post is specifically about AI scrapers.

  • robots.txt is a suggestion
  • User agent catching is rather effective. You can serve different responses based on UA.

    So generally people will use a robots.txt to catch the bots that play nice and then use useragents to manage abusers.

  • Google dropping continuous scroll in search results
  • By forcing you to click on the next page button? Not sure that logic pans out.

    Could have been an argument two years ago when they implemented continuous scrolling.

  • First community maps coming to CS2
  • Pool day haha ok I'll bite

  • FOSS replacement for Firefox Focus?
  • Try mull.

    It's Fennec plus arkenfox.

  • Shift Up estimates that Stellar Blade sold over 1 million copies, generating $15.8 million in royalties
  • According to Ahn Jae-woo, the “main consumer base for AAA games is moving to PC,” and the studio hopes to increase the value of its new IP after bringing it to the platform.

    I feel like Sony didn't want that said out loud.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • Hey man, it's got nothing to do with them being heavier, it IS about how that weight is distributed differently. You've mispoken and now everyone is latched on to something that isn't true about something that is true.

    EV tires are made from different compounds then truck and car tires which causes them to wear ~20% faster.

    • EVs have instant torque delivery, which can put more strain on the tires during acceleration. Therefore, they need EV tires that can handle the increased force and extra weight.

    • Electric vehicles have heavy battery packs, affecting the overall weight distribution. This can impact tire wear, so EV tires are designed to carry and distribute the extra weight effectively.

    • EV tires are engineered to have lower rolling resistance. These tires reduce the energy required to move the vehicle, resulting in better range and longer battery life.

    • Most EVs use regenerative braking systems, which recover energy during braking. EV tires offer better traction and grip, enhancing the effectiveness of regenerative braking.

    • Electric vehicles are generally quieter than traditional ICE vehicles. To complement this characteristic, EV tires are built to reduce road noise and vibrations, providing a quieter and more comfortable ride

  • A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins
  • Yea, prolly already using it.

  • Such a pain in the sas
  • Layer 8!

  • Quck enable/disable WebGL on FF
  • Agreed, cheers

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