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AboveYou5280 AboveYou5280

Just a guy on the internets

Posts 4
Comments 22
Do you tip for takeout? (How much?)
  • Sadly this is very true haha

  • Do you tip for takeout? (How much?)
  • As a business owner that has used several different POS systems, I can tell you that they are choosing to have you see the tip prompt. I have never seen a system that didn't have tipping as an option that can be turned on or off. However, it is usually set to on as default.

  • Anyone have experience with the Harrows Clic?
  • Oh interesting, those Fit Flights look intriguing. I'll have to buy a couple for myself and try them out.

  • Anyone have experience with the Harrows Clic?

    I run a store that sells dart supplies and I'm going to be making an order for more inventory soon. I've had a few customers recently ask about the Clic flights that Harrows has out. I don't have any experience with them, and before I make an order, I was wondering if anyone here has played them. Let me know your thoughts, thanks guys.

    Does your country celebrate Halloween?
  • Is this an error of some kind, or is this post actually that old? I'm using Liftoff so I'm not sure how to check for an actual post date.

  • Threads what the fuck are you doing
  • I don't know anything about Threads, but I'm guessing money gets you verified over there.

  • Recommending Slay the Spire
  • Bought both around the same time awhile back and absolutely love each one. Inscription feels more involved, but Slay the Spire has some really fun mods. I would also recommend both.

  • [OC] The GOAT according to ChatGPT
  • Anyone know what the input given to ChatGPT was in order to produce these scores?

  • What Could Go Wrong?
  • Just a heads up, that third link is missing the g

  • People who knew someone who died in a freak accident, what happened?
  • Had a friend in high school. His parents were very well known surgeons and doctors. We lived in one state, but he went to high school in a different state at a private school focused on the arts and creative career development. His dad had his pilots license, not sure if he had his own plane or just rented, and he would fly his son to school for the year and back during holidays, breaks, or just when he wanted to come home for a weekend. Well he was back in town for the Christmas break, and had brought his girlfriend and his dorm roommate with him. He realized that he had left some stuff back at his dorm, so his dad was gonna fly him back to pick it up and then come home. (I think the flight there was only a couple hours). Anyway, they attempted to land but it was too windy, so they circled and came back once the wind died down. Unfortunately, as they were coming in for the landing, at only a few dozen feet in the air, a massive gust came in and flipped the plane over, crashing upside down in the airfield. My friend, his dad, and his roommate were all killed on impact. His girlfriend hadn't gone with them to go back, she had stayed at his house. Super sad and sudden. We had all had lunch together at a Chinese place in town just the day or two before.

  • Just wanted to say, thanks for creating this community. Hope it grows.

    Been watching GMM every morning for nearly 10 years, never looked at any GMM subreddits. Would love to see this community grow and get to know some Mythical Beasts. Oh, and Myrtle Beasts as well, of course.

    For people that still want to use reddit, why?
  • ... I'm so stupid. I've been a Reddit user for over 12 years, constantly use "" in online searches, have been DMing a currently 2.5 year long 5e campaign, and never once thought to look for a subreddit dedicated to DnD DMs.... Welp, here's hoping someone creates a similar community here.

  • Why did the tracked Lemmy user count plummet to pre-blackout lows?
  • I don't know nearly enough about the infrastructure to have any educated input, but I'm curious if instances upgrading to new servers affects the reported numbers as well? I don't know how user data is being scraped from all instances, but I'd imagine that server changes could affect that. Again, speaking out the ass, but that's my 1 cent.

  • If we want this to work out make content do not just lurk
  • As someone who makes music people don't generally care about, I'd love to hear what you're up to. I also mix/master people's music for free, so if you want something touched up send me a message.

  • If we want this to work out make content do not just lurk
  • I've been sorting by All/New and have found quite a few good communities so far. It's not a great solution but it works pretty well.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Free? All I was sent was a coupon for a bag of chips with a sandwich purchase...

  • This is Beef, aka Sir Beef Smellington, aka Mister E Beef
  • Our other cat is named Beans so that's definitely doable lol

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I can't tell if this is a serious question or not, but it's pretty complicated to fully explain. The short of the long of it is that now that MySpace has started to use retina verification for their 2FA, people are upset that it's an invasion of privacy due to the reflective nature of human ball eyes. Since Lemmy only requires a password for mod accounts, it's an easier platform for people to use to share embedded auto play music and glittery gifs. I don't think it'll last though, word on the street is that Digg is going to be removing all authentication methods soon, so I expect a majority of the userbase will move there

  • This is Beef, aka Sir Beef Smellington, aka Mister E Beef

    A pool cue rack that i made for my brother as a birthday present! Made from Pau Ferro and Walnut
  • Very nice! I own a pool store and love seeing stuff like this. Great wood choice, I'm jealous.