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  • Für österreichische Version einfach Moin gegen Servus und Servus gegen Moin ersetzen

  • Sorry Ubisoft
  • why did i think pic 2 would say "adobe ceos"?

  • ich🐉iel
  • Episode 3 angelsächsisch sein wie: "What the?! No balls!"

    Episode 3 germanisch sein wie: "Die Suche beginnt."

  • Ich 😱 iel
  • was wenn der Hauptstrom rassistisch vergiftet ist? :/

  • Ich 😱 iel

  • "Ohh wie süß eine Katze! Wofür man die wohl gebrauchen kann?"

  • Reward offered after litter of puppies intentionally burned to death
  • I get the point, yeah but i think it is sad and a true shame that a community like this exists in the first place. Also it used to be a much funnier, smarter more creative place than nowadays or at leasts that's how i feel about it. it all went down the drain somehow

  • Reward offered after litter of puppies intentionally burned to death
  • lol literally all you see on this cesspool of a site is animals being tortured and killed and people loving it. The 4chan you are talking about doesn't exist anymore, it is a pure fascist site full of people who are using the anonymity on there to share gore and generally be the worst version of themselves. It is NOT a mixed bag, it's a full on degenerate Nazi Network. Period.

  • ichSPRICHiel
  • Lebenszerhacken: Bobs Hamburger auf brennende Serien für frei und auf angelsächsisch sehen.

  • ichSPRICHiel
  • Die Rülpser, meine Lieblingsfamilie!

  • Donald Trump Does Not Get Post-Shooting Poll Boost
  • i lived in new york, i know what a baggel is.

  • E-e-eat the rich?
  • The Filthy Frank Shirt is god tier