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44razorsedge 44razorsedge
Posts 3
Comments 104
Finally finished this sloth!
  • My gf wants to know if you can share the pattern of if it's all freestyle?

  • In Canada, bodies go unclaimed as costs put funerals out of reach
  • I get it: the ghouls who have super-charged their prices want a government subsidy. FUCK 'EM, when I die, let my corpse rot on their front lawn. Maybe then they'll figure out how to live with one less yacht.

  • Competing for Outsider Cash is the Name of the Game in US Politics
  • The best line is always in the comments! Well done.

  • Caption this.
  • Best three-way ever!!

  • Naked Golfer
  • Utterly unbelievable. She's standing on the green, gripping a sand wedge and the ball is at least a foot away from the club head AND THE TEE!!!! She does not know anything about golf.

  • Stuck
  • Switch the vacuum from "SUCK" to "BLOW". Or use the corkscrew. No, definitely use the corkscrew.

  • Charlotte shooting: Three police officers shot dead, five wounded in North Carolina home siege
  • Thoughts and prayers, lots and lots of thoughts.

    And prayers.

  • Boycott or not, Canadians are paying for Galen Weston’s castle
  • If someone was willing to bring Galen Jerky to the party I’d be there is a heart-beat. Even if it was teriyaki or honey garlic.

    Eat the rich, thinly sliced on Weston bread.

  • ‘Guerrilla policy by a populist government’: Koch Industries still wants payback for Ontario axing cap-and-trade | The Narwhal
  • Once again, the Federal gov bears the brunt of populist, provincial bullies without a clue. Politics in this country are a train wreck and now the carrion-fed Koch organization is pecking at the dead flesh. Yeah, and while we're at it, in pre-election mode, let's spend $8M and counting to remind us all how good things are under the blue oaf in Ontario.

    see, renewables contracts, Bill 124, this cap and trade, the greenbelt changes, the OEB override and legislation

  • Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse

    A Florida man... if 19-April is your birthday, you just won!!

  • Apple Removes WhatsApp, Threads, Telegram, and Signal from China App Store, says it complied with orders from the Chinese government
  • Apple said it

    I am genuinely surprised apple could speak, what with the chinese cock firmly jizzing in its mouth.

  • LAPD officer will not face criminal charges in killing of 14-year-old girl at store during police confrontation with suspect
  • "LAPD officer will not face criminal charges in killing of 14-year-old girl at store during police confrontation with suspect"

    Cop not held accountable for murdering innocent bystander. FTFY.

  • Ken Buck knocks ‘Moscow Marjorie’ Taylor Greene
  • Odd “reporting” by a “news” outlet: taking under consideration a clearly religious comment and treating it as debatable? Green can espouse what ever she likes in her beliefs, it doesn’t make it news.

    Too bad for The Hill to have shucked off their journalism degrees in favour of populist zealotry.

  • Toronto officer accused of stealing deceased person's wallet, luxury watch appears in court
  • I thought The Beaverton until I realized it was real. ACAB

  • Poll: Majority of Canadians support death penalty for murder
  • If they could get their share price above a dime it might make them somewhat more credible; as it stands, meh, another wingnut opinion masquerating as fact.


  • Judge expands Trump's gag order after ex-president's social media posts about judge's daughter
  • Bullies gonna bully. There was a lot of chirping at a recent hockey game. A visiting forward who liked to run his mouth and had a tough guy rep was checked, hard, along the boards in front of our team. He was supposed to be a tough guy but he winced. Who knows why, but he showed weakness. Fast as lighting, the Coach said (loud enough for the bench but not the refs) "Why don't you go cry home to Mommy." For the rest of the game the guy stayed away and was nothing of a factor in the game .

    The point is when Trump was facing the half billion dollar fine (and supposedly the tough guy) he went ape-shit wincing, weaseling and whinging about it and NO-ONE called him on it. He's out of control and no-one has the ability to stop his antics.

    So I guess, you get what you pay for; or vote for. And that's not leadership on the part of the court, it's appeasement.

  • Awesome, here comes more greed fuelled corporate inflation

    Here we go again. Buy your TP early, don't be left out!!

    Doctors say unfair salaries driving them away from family medicine in Canada
  • The theory you describe is an endlessly increasing resource stream? Or is there a point where taxpayers run out of resources and the doctors, no longer getting what they want, withdraw their services? Does this sound like a rational and well thought out path forward?

  • Doctors say unfair salaries driving them away from family medicine in Canada
  • What about the taxes not paid on income through deductions? If the business is paying out 25-30% in legitimate expenses against the Doctor's income, it's a push. No-one has got anything near an increase to keep up with inflation over the past time span they reference - that's why Galen Weston is the poster-boy for corporate greed: HE makes more (as do the investor-class of land-owners and stock-players) while we plebes foot the bill.

    Goddam, I'd like to get ahead, too, who wouldn't? But the implicit message here is "Pay me more or I'm gone." So CTV interviews one doctor who's uncertain she'll get sufficient ROI on her Canadian taxpayer subsidized education, who's facing making a median $250K a year and upset that after expenses and taxes, she won't have enough left to pay herself anything but "a pretty low rate".

    How low? Well... $250K minus 30% expenses is $175K - and if they are legit deductions, her tax bill will be around $38500, leaving her $136500 as take home. That's $47.40 per hour.

    Here's some free advice, buttercup, we're all in the same boat, we just don't all work in a profession that garners 6-month probationary writers to hear us whinge.

  • Boo Hoo, why can't I raise rents however I like

    Half a story, told from the 1% perspective, is a trope with the CEEB these days. A manufactured crisis to elicit a singular response. Pity the poor land owner, being held hostage by the big bad tenant. Boo fucking hoo.

    Anyone ever had their accommodations "renovicted" or been left idle for a year so the rapacious land owner could jack the rent up? I have and it fucking sucks.

    I guess when the system works in favour of the land owners, it's all OK and just a bunch of whinging peasants. Coverage of renovictions? Puh-shaw!!!

    So cry me a river, CEEB, your shilling for the land owners rings pretty hollow here.


    Can I filter X-Day old accounts as they're likely bots or trolls?

    Pretty much the title: I see multiple posts on 3-day old accounts, all promoting disinfo for the RUS, ISR, CHI or some weirdo faction thereof. CanI set a filter on my account to ignore these prolific bastards until they have attained certain age or number of responses that exceed the AI 's smarmy word count?
