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( Attempting to send a message to ...

@fediverse Attempting to send a message to ...


Test (

Test @fediverse

I don't think akkoma can handle the ! that should be here so I doubt this will work.


( This works?

@fediverse This works?


( I'm sending a message over from Mastodon to see if I can post to a ( community on Wish me luck!

@fediverse I'm sending a message over from Mastodon to see if I can post to a #kbin community on Wish me luck!

How did you get introduced to fedi?
  • @CatsWhoCode I was first introduced during the twitter exodus. Fun times as everything was overloaded!

  • How did you get introduced to fedi?
  • I used to be part of Twitter a long while ago, but all the politics and negative news started getting to me, so I stopped.

    I heard about Mastadon after Twitter started to implode. I had tried to join some different instances before landing on one of @[email protected] ‘s mastadon. Now I’m a paying supporter of 🎉

  • [@fediverse]( I'm sending a message over from Mastodon to see if I can post to a [#kbin]( community on Wish me luck!
  • @stux do I have to create a new login for or can I use my mastodon one?

    Also, when I type in search “[email protected]” to follow I had to remove the “!” To get it to work.

  • How did you get introduced to fedi?
  • When mastodon got a lot of attention late last year during the twitter exodus I decided to check it out. I wasn't on twitter in any meaningful way, so for me it wasn't a replacement.

    I like the ideas behind fedi - I grew up on IRC in the 90s, and fedi feels familiar, like the old internet: distributed, messy, personal... anyways, I ran a one person mastodon instance for awhile, until I realized I wasn't into it enough to warrant the time. So now I just join other people's instances ;)

    By the way thanks for setting up the Lemmy instance. @[email protected] when you decide to make uFail stick, please let us know how to support you and the server. Cheers!