[Spoilers Episode 17]
Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch
Episode 17: A Date with Death
You began in the woods of Mab, close to the workshop of Yannik. Still unsure of how to deal with Petra (the remaining tiefling under the thrall of Dolly's Suggestion
Raidion and Kelnys attempted to convince her that her companions had been killed by gnomes. They swiftly failed in this objective, but Petra (seemingly resigned to the idea that chaos would follow the deaths of the Virtuous) was willing to talk. She shared a strange conversation with Raidion as the wood elf helped her bury her tiefling companon.
Meanwhile, Quincy (savant of the workshop) headed back inside with I (tCntM) to make the necessary repairs to I's Grēnweard crossbow. As the gnome and the kobold tinkered, the first tentative bonds of trust emerged between them. With Quncy coaching I through the process.
Dolly set to reading the tome that Torian gave her, as Raidion attempted to gain more information on Iago (the leader of the gang that Petra was a member of). She revealed that he ran card games and was an expert at winning games of chance by whatever means necessary. She also explained that the gang had raided the gnomish workship hoping to find funds that would cover their costs while they waited for a substantial debt to be paid. Petra told him that they did not plan to return to the gang, instead striking out on her own, greeting Raidion's idea that she should relocate to Mouse with scorn. The burial complete, Petra headed out into the woods alone.
Meanwhile Quincy and I had completed their renovation of the crossbow and the kobold shared his plans for a high chair with the gnome, the two of them riffing on more ways the design could be optimized. Quincy agreed to try to created a formal schematic that I could take to a carpenter needing a day in her home in Yannik to finalize the design.
Having rested that night, you headed towards Yannik, deciding on some extraordinary pseudonyms, including Missy, Pebble, and Steve Chase. Now, sure to avoid detection, you reached the farms that bordered the town. You were initially concerned that there were no signs of life in the fields, though Quincy reassured you that the populace would be gathered in Oratory Square in the center of Yannik (where the people meet to vote on matters of great importance in a tradition called "The Right of Common Voice"). This proved to be the case when you reached the town center. All the folk of Yannik gathered as a single elf stood atop a fountain pontificating and philosophizing to the frustration of the assembled crowd. You learned that this elf was called Penick Winter von Ven, a member of a group called "The Learned Friends" (a glorified debating society and educational institution who often hijack the Right of Common Voice to practice their debating skills).
The reason for the gathering of the people seemed to be the attack on the workshop and the gnomish community's desire for the watch to be dispatched to rescue Quincy. When Quncy revealed herself to be alive and well, the crowd began to disperse before Elowen spotted a familiar face making her way through the crowd towards your gnomish friend. It was Aeris (mother of Isolde and 'Reeve' of Yannik).
Elowen asked Quincy to make introductions and Aeris attempted ot hid her surprise at Elowen's appearance, inviting you all to the official residence where you could talk in private.
Spotting I's newfound proximity to Quincy, Raidion and Dolly attempted to interrogate the kobold on whether any romantic feelings had begun to develop. I was genuinely baffled by the insinuation (not understanding the first thing about romance), yet he still somehow managed to get himself politely turned down by Quincy (who remained none-the wiser throughout the interaction).
In the house of the Reeve, Elowen told Aeris of Isolde's wish (that the people of Yannik relocate to Mouse). Aeris agreed that it would be wise, but the traditions of the town decreed that she cannot issue an order, only invite people to vote. She told you that the main obstacle to such a vote being cast was the Learned Friends, and chiefly Penick Winter von Ven (who choked any chance of a decision being made by monopolizing the debate). He made multiple offers to kill various members of the House of Learned Friends, all of which were politely rebuffed by Aeris.
Raidion recalled Iago being owed a debt by a highborn elf and came to the conclusion that Penick could be the elf in question. So you headed to the Black Cat Tavern (which Aeris had told you was located at the southern edge of the town). It was a run-down establishment owned by a surly dwarf called Tommen (who was reluctant to buy spoons, but quite happy to sell information). He told you that Iago might be found at the card table at the Tipsy Scholar. So that was where you headed next. Workshopping a name for your new spoon-selling company on the way.
You found the Tipsy Scholar to be a far salubrious establishment with its halfling landlord Broderick starved of conversation by his haughty clientele. Dolly successfully schmoozed him and secured a few spoon sales until he offered her a seat at the exclusive card table that his son Finley runs in the back of the tavern. As Dolly secured rooms for the night, the rest of you occupied a table and waited for the card game to start. The conversation drifted to relationships and romance with Kelnys becoming distant as the focus turned briefly to him.
After some time passed, the door to the tavern opened and a tiefling entered and spoke to Broderick. It was Iago himself, searching for someone. Having told Broderick to do what he could to ensure a certain acquaintance of theirs sat at the table that evening, Iago left the tavern, followed by Raidion and I. They snuck across Oratory Square, watching as Iago stared at the House of Learned Friends, only moving when a scholar emerged. He tracked the scholar down a quiet side street; Raidion and I managing to keep pace without being seen themselves. Reaching his prey, Iago forced him up against a wall where he threatened him, cutting him with a whip carried at his side and telling him to make certain that another scholar attended the card game. Deciding against attempting to steal Iago's whip, Raidion and I (tCntM) headed back to the Tavern where Broderick led you through to the card room at the rear of the Tipsy Scholar.
There you found Iago waiting, along with Finley (Broderick's son) sat at one of the tables. Dolly joined them and they played a few hands in anticipation of a third party. As the rest of you busied yourselves with books and took your seats at the remaining table, Dolly and Iago traded wins and losses with Dolly realizing that her fellow tiefling was forcing cards and cheating (though she decided not to call out this trickery). After the second hand was played, you heard the noise of someone approaching the card room. It was Penick Winter von Ven. Iago changed in an instant, insisiting that everyone leave. Broderick and Finley did so (the rest of you remaining) as Iago struck Penick with his whip before Dolly stepped in. Elowen closed the door, leaving the five of you alone with Iago and Penick, the tiefling smiling as he considered his options.
Roll Initiative
Iago has just watched you shut the door, Elowen (with Kelnys nearby). Dolly, you're directly in front of him with Penick nearby, prone on the floor. The other three of you are 15 feet away towards the far wall where the other table is located near some bookshelves.
Iago looks at you, Dolly. Takes in your friends and says,
"You made a very big mistake."
You watch as he lifts his hand, and from his palm spreads a sphere of blood-red mist.
Previous Episode: Politics and Poker Faces
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Alternate Frontend VoD
[Spoilers Episode 7]
Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch
Episode 7: The Spider and the Flies
We began as Endellion listened in on the scenes unfolding around the jail complex. Despite the cacophony and chaos, she decided to return to Casper's hideout, trusting that her companions would succeed in breaking out Medea. Having arrived back at Casper's and trying unsuccessfully to coax conversation from Goff, she warmed herself by the fire. Meanwhile the others were up to their knees in wastewater in a rancid reservoir beyond the city walls. They sought out a nearby well and some clean clothes to regain a little dignity, though I had "gone into his shell" after his struggles during the breakout. The worst of the filth removed, Kelnys, Dolly, Raidion and "I" (the character not the me) re-entered the city, bought some ill-advised mystery meat and returned to the hideout. Once there, you washed, rested and ate. Raidion took the opportunity to interrogate Dolly on her connection to the prisoner, Indy, and the truth of her past. They shared a little of their lives before resolving to try to trust one another as Kelnys secretly listened in. Casper attuned Endellion to the gem that allowed entrance to the hideout and they shared a secret conversation which I shan't spoil for players who weren't present (so if you want want to find out about that go back and listen to the previous episode). Endellion brought "I" out of his funk with an elaborate ruse to convince him he was capable of controlling the gem. As the others slept, Kelnys spied Radion placing something into Dolly's pack. When you woke the next morning, Raidion (full of apologies for his previous impulsiveness) asked the rest of the party to trust him and to follow along with his plan to speak to Grawnoth. It was now that Kelnys spoke up regarding Raidion's actions in the night, but a search of Dolly's bag revealed nothing. Raidion removed a leather pouch from his pack containing a deck of cards. I reached out to touch it and felt a jolt of pain in his head, hearing whispers coming from the deck. Raidion told the others that the cards called to him and that he feared using them, though (at Kelnys' request) he removed the deck from the leather back and you observed that patterns of mountains, thorns and black water on the cards matched patterns in the Palace of The Virtuous. With the deck carefully placed back in its leather bag, you headed to The Crest (the highest level of Baruun) still partially under construction. There, you made your way to Grawnoth's estate where Brunhilda (captain of his guard) led you to his chambers. Propped up in bed you found Grawnoth unnaturally aged since you last saw him at the peak of Mount Atria. You told him of Barabask's betrayal and Jasmee's wisdom. Horrified, he told you the truth of the world: that mortals were first bred as soldiers in The Divine War and that the gods placed some of their own power into these mortals, and as their numbers grew, they drained more and more divine power from the gods. Realizing that the collective power of mortality now outweighed that of the divine, The Virtuous, Vile, and Wild agreed a truce; creating three separate planes of existence (Reliquiae, The Fae Wild and The Shadowfell) so that mortality could never unite and destroy those that made them. Endellion told Grawnoth of the voices in the orbs and the words "The Shadow Will Flood". Showing him the mask, you you'd taken from the group in the forest, Grawnoth knew nothing of the words, nor "the child" mentioned by the voices in the orbs, though he speculated that the forest group may be affiliated with The Vile and that this child of a god could hae been the reason that the powers of The Virtuous faded suddenly a century ago. Perhaps there is a new demigod. He also revealed that the Antiqua had tied their lives to that of their deity (ie. with The Virtuous dead, the Antiqua's powers would diminish and they would die. Danily the halfling cleric of Persephone had already fallen. Grawnoth planned on telling the Council of Equals the truth in a few days once he had recovered his strength. Raidion showed him the deck of cards and though Grawnoth didn't recognize them, he could sense great magic coming from them. You then asked him where to find the other Antiqua and he told that they would have returned to their respective capitals with the exception of Parvus who would be at The Sanctum (the seat of dragonborn power). Grawnoth then told "I" that he did not think that Themself was responsible for the deaths of the other Virtuous and that they may well have sought refuge in The Old Dark (a semi-mythical place in kobold culture said to be the place where they first came into being). Though Grawnoth could not tell you where to find The Old Dark, he thought Parvus would know. Led by Raidion, you asked to be allowed to go to the Council of Equals yourselves and to warn them of the coming danger, fearing that Grawnoth's condition would not improve that that he (as Danilo had) would succumb to death. Grawnoth was (at first) reluctant to do so, fearing Raidion's impulsiveness, though eventually he agreed and sent you off with a letter than declared that you spoke with his voice and in his name. You made your way to the Council of Equals and gained access to the council building, having left your weapons at the gate (though Endellion and "I" managed to hide a dagger and thieves' tools about their persons). Endellion was keen to keep her head down throughout and spotted a red-haired, mustachioed man entering a chamber as you were led to see Trusk Moore, High Advocate of Baruun and leader of the Council of Equals. Dolly recognized this man to be Riodhir Grenweird, the Reeve of a small town called Mouse. Once inside Trusk's chambers, Dolly told her of the group in the forest and the threats made upon her life. She seemed relatively unconcerned, though revealed that she had already tightened security since the disappearance of a member of the council, the dwarf Rashiid. Then Raidion played the hits and told Trusk that the gods were dead. Blindsided and unwilling to accept this, she stormed from the the chamber to see Grawnoth herself. As you followed, Dolly went to open the door through wich she had seen Riodhr Grēnweard disappear before Endellion stopped her, insisting that 'it's not where we need to go". Skeptical, Dolly agreed, but told Endellion that a conversation would be required down the line. You reclaimed your weapons and headed back to Grawnoth's residence, where you waited until Trusk emerged after long discussions with the Antiqua. She was now accepting of the reality of the situation and returned to the council chambers to inform them. Raidion pressed Endellion on her actions outside Grēnweard's chamber, though got short shrift. You headed to the Orange Tree Tavern for a drink to touch base and take the edge off, but after Endellion said she heard a voice within, she suggested a different location. you decamped to the Wise Walker where Dolly and Endellion studied one another in silence before Casper burst in with news.
The Spider Prince wants to see you.