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Upcoming Bug Planetary Modifier

Snippet from Community Update

>Q: That’s quite the tease! Can you tell us anything about what you’re working on right now? > >A: I'm currently working on a planetary modifier that will see new lethal variants of some of our existing bugs spawn. I'm pleased with how they are turning out and I think they will present a unique challenge for the Helldivers. Another enemy I've worked on is the Impaler, which I will not say more about at this point - though returning Helldivers will recall this name with a certain amount of trepidation.

Deadlier hunters... Damn those fascist bugs.


Helldivers 2 - This New Major Order is Setting Us Up For Future Content! | SwanyPlaysGames (11:09)


What happened this week in Helldivers 2? | Guns, Nerds, and Steel (8:01)


After calling flying bugs "propaganda" and blue lasers "not real", Helldivers 2 director crumbles as one soldier captures both in a single screenshot


Your Weekly Helldivers 2 Battlefield Report | Guns, Nerds, and Steel (6:08)


Discussion on Leaked / Unreleased Info - Guideline

Hi All,

I hope you are well and if you're not, I hope you will be soon.

Regarding leaked info, I feel the members of this community can choose to ignore posts with leaked game info. Therefore, I have no issues with discussion around leaks. With that in mind, I kindly ask all posts or comments with leaked or unreleased info to be labelled as leaks or unreleased info. Please use [Spoiler] in the title or something to clearly indicate your post/comment contains leaks or spoilers. A majority of people dislike movie spoilers so labelling it as such gives them enough of a warning.

Community rules have been updated.

Posts and discussions on how to modify the game to access unreleased features will be viewed as a form of cheating and does not belong in this community.

Thank you for your time. Now go spread managed democracy.



Helldivers 2 - CEO Responds To New Enemy Leaks, New Major Orders, and More! | SwanySplaysGames (19:43)